So, Starfield was a disappointment (in my opinion). The story isn’t interesting. The lore and world-building do not make sense. The game mechanics do not mesh together. (And it doesn’t run well on the Steam Deck.)

But the promise of Starfield? The big space game? The big space RPG where you can play as Captain Reynolds type character? That’s something I can get behind. I want to traverse space, visit different planets, get lost, meet interesting characters, solve their problems, and shoot some stuff. Two games come to my mind when I think of this:

  • No Man’s Sky
  • Mass Effect

I’ve only played a few hours of No Man’s Sky, but I think it does space traversal well. To put it bluntly, flying from planet to planet without interruption is better than fast travel. But the gameplay loop did not

Mass Effect nails the space adventure side of things. You visit multiple interesting places, you meet different people with curious problems, and you solve these problems (mainly by shooting). But it’s a typical Bioware game: The places you visit are small and confined, and there are (comparatively) few of them. The space traversal is done by clicking a few buttons in a menu.

My question is: Are there any “big space games”? Are there any games that deliver on the promise of Starfield? What are your favourite sci-fi RPGs?

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    The Outer Worlds is pretty much what Starfield could and should have been and was made by Obsidian, the developers behind a ton of other great games such as (in chronological order, with the best of all games ever bolded)

    • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
    • Neverwinter Nights 2
    • Fallout New Vegas
    • Pillars of Eternity
    • Tyranny
    • Pillars of Eternity 2

    There’s even a sequel to it coming out some time this year so you don’t run as much of a risk of running out of game any time soon!

    • @[email protected]OP
      302 months ago

      In this genre of “big space games”, The Outer Worlds stands near to Mass effect, because it follows “the Bioware formula” pretty closely: The player and a group of followers visit several semi-open worlds, where they look for a MacGuffin related to the main story while solving local problems. (I’ll write a short essay about the Bioware formula someday…)

      The Outer Worlds was a good game (not great) and I look forward to the sequel. I’ve played most Obsidian games and I wish they wrote more sci-fi.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Hard disagree. They’re both equally boring as shit, but Starfield at least had decent ship flying/building mechanics. What did outer worlds have? Nothing.

          • @the_captain
            152 months ago

            world building that makes sense

            • Kaldo
              82 months ago

              It did? Outer Worlds was just an over-exaggerated parody of capitalism, Starfield at least had some somewhat-believable world building in terms of how the tech progressed, how/why did humans start to live among the stars, conflict between different religions or factions, the xenomorph threat…

              Like I’m not saying any of these were done well, but it did have decent worldbuilding and some neat ideas, it was just the execution that sucked. OW might have some better parts than SF, like companion writing (although it was pretty cliched and cheesy there too) so I’m really surprised you use world building as your example lol

              • @the_captain
                52 months ago

                im just salty about starfields world building shouldve chosen different example

                OWs world building was fine. nothing special, just fine. there were stupid things but they were either a joke or there to back up a point (“we moved this dangerous animal to this planet to make a deodorant and now its killing us” 👈 this shit is supposed to be funny and anti corporation. does it work? dunno, its stupid, might be funny to someone, its fine, little cringe )

                starfields world building just grinds my gears. when there are stupid things, they are there because someone at bethesda thinks its coool as heck or didnt think it through. fucking space cowbois. fucking colony war. why add mechs into your world and ban them? why artificially limit the number of star systems the nations can control?

                tldr - both are shit but starfields worse

              • @[email protected]
                32 months ago

                I’d agree that most of the world building in SF was better, but the unity just destroyed everything. It made it so everything you did, did not matter.

      • @[email protected]OP
        122 months ago

        I’d say it was a solid 7/10. One of the DLCs (Peril on Gorgon I think) is better than the base game, I’ve heard.

        On a good day, Starfield’s a 5/10 in my eyes.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Totally agree the dlc really made it one if those “it gets good after x hours” sorta things; All different vibes for the dlcs too. The raider one was lonely but it felt like it was supposed to be.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        Thank you! Felt like I was I playing a different game than everyone else.

        Everyone mocked Starfield’s Neon for being Discount Cyberpunk. But at least they played it as straight as they could. Like, I could believe people live there and had a life.

        It felt like Outer Worlds kept trying to make jokes about how cruel capitalism is versus tell a real story. Like, “Oh boy time to go increase shareholder value!” Or “I love Space nuts. I have to say that or I die.” Like wtf, where’s the subtlety?

        It’s not Borderlands 3 bad, no where near it. But it’s pretty bad.

      • JustEnoughDucks
        2 months ago

        Yeah I played it halfway and it didn’t grip me like New Vegas and KOTOR2 did. The story just seemed pretty convoluted and meandering.

        Gameplay was about as fun as NV though!

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Yeah, I really enjoyed the polish of it and how it showed us what a better fallout could be.[

        That said, it was woefully lacking on content and committed a cardinal sin of gaming: the ending felt like the game was just getting started.

        Also, not a fan at all of whoever is telling them to ignore romance options.

    • M137
      42 months ago

      Starfield was much better than Outer Worlds IMO. I enjoyed my time with Starfield, it’s not perfect of course. I’ve tried to get through Outer Worlds three times but it’s just not fun, I also strongly dislike New Vegas. Just ok writing doesn’t make up for shitty gameplay.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Try Freelancer. It’s literally free / abandonware by Microsoft. It’s a little old but perhaps it will scratch the “big space game” itch you’re looking for?

    Microsoft themselves hosted it for the longest time but they don’t anymore

    There is even a mod called “Discovery” which ads an online MMO component …buuuut there’s a huge emphasis on Role playing and PvP so that might not be for you (it isn’t for me either)

    For single player mods there is one called “Crossfire”

  • @[email protected]
    222 months ago

    Throwing Elite Dangerous in there as well. The learning curve is steep, and story is not driven by anything but you. But oh my god does it satisfy that “fuuuuck space is so big” feeling. The one thing that was fun in Starfield was the gunplay, which is the only thing missing in vanilla Elite, but they have an expansion that adds that. I haven’t played Odyssey, but supposedly it has gotten much better over the years.

    • @[email protected]OP
      102 months ago

      I have Elite Dangerous on Steam. I have 8 hours of playtime. Alas, without a story to hook me in, space trucking is not for me. :(

      • @[email protected]
        122 months ago

        You have to read the news in game. There is an evolving story line about the thargoids invading known space. There are new colonies that are being formed hundreds of light years from known space that need protection and supplies. There are communities like the fuel rats that are constantly coming to the rescue of stranded explorers. It’s a really big, open, beautiful galaxy that has a lot going on. It’s a shame it always gets overlooked because you have to search the story out instead of it being served to you on a platter by npc and cutscenes. Don’t get me wrong, I looooove a good story driven game. Elite is probably, in my little opinion, the best execution of a true open world game. You just have to really search for the story, and I can see how that could be a barrier for entry for a lot of people.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        Adding to the other comment, I feel like you can get a taste for all that by visiting the game’s subreddit. Seeing all the cool things people do and how the community moves the story forward really motivates me to play the game. I guess you could also watch a youtube video to get up to date on the story and different ways to play the game.

        It is a great game but you really do need to look stuff up to fully enjoy it, unfortunately. Also, space trucking is only one way to play it.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      The E:D devs shit in every existing player’s mouth when the first paid expansion dropped, and they’ve never fixed their abusive pricing model. You’re actively punished for being a legacy user.

      I probably would have bitten the bullet and kept playing if the game wasn’t incredibly shallow, though. Somehow it manages to still be that way after several content expansions… Everything is a novelty that gets repetitive the second time you do it, and the variance between systems is frankly embarrassing. PvP is the only facet that has any real replay value, and I’d rather dogfight in Star Citizen.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Everspace 2 (first one was a rogue like, you don’t need to play it to enjoy the sequel)

    Rebel Galaxy Outlaw (also a sequel, the first one doesn’t have a Y axys so you may not like it)


    All three are a lot of fun, neither are AAA games so they lack a bit of polish but aren’t vanilla as hell either. I enjoyed each one better than Starfield but neither as much as ME 1-3.

    Also I’ve had some luck with finding games.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    These are the ones I’ve played over the years. Hope I’m not missing anything:

    Elite Dangerous - Highly reccomend this, it’s basically a huge sandbox, with full size galaxy, “real” star distances and orbits, excellent flight model. It also has the most awesome community around it. Downsides are that while it has lore and ongoing background story, there’s no quest, no interesting characters, no rpg elements. Also there’s quite a learning curve, and quite a grind (albeit maneageable these days). There’s also a new colonization feature in the works that will involve a lot of comunity effort. If you do decide to play it, join a group, a squad, or just buzz me so I can add you here and there. Friends make the game sooo much better.

    Everspace 2 - This may be what you’re looking for, as it has story, good gameplay, arcadey flight model and lots of rpg elements. Overall a great game. Only problem with it is that it’s not particularly large. Its universe is far smaller than starfield’s.

    NMS - Another one with an immense galaxy. This one has a storyline, but not a lot of rpg elements. A lot of it is procedural and after a while feels very samey and shallow. It does have crossplay and a great community as well.

    X4 - Not especially large, but great single player game, with a universe that feels lived in. Also no rpg and I hear the endgame gets a bit managery.

    Spacebourne - Haven’t played it long but iy gas good potential. There’s a bunch of systems, there’s quests, reminds me a bit of freelancer. The downside is that there’s a single dev, so development is slow and there’s a fair amount of jank.


    ME - I feel it is still king of story driven spage-rpg even after all these years. Maybe give Andromeda a try? The story is meh, but it has great gameplay, and far fewer bugs.

    • Scrubbles
      72 months ago

      I always felt Andromeda got a bad rap. It’s not a great game. It’s not on par with mass effect. But it’s fine, I had fun. I never felt like it was a waste of money. Not a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it

        • Scrubbles
          32 months ago

          Definitely, instead we only got a kinda crappy book

  • @the_captain
    172 months ago

    if only elite dangerous had a campaign

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          When Squadron 42 finally comes out, it’ll just be considered commentary on contemporary issues. Basically like Job Simulator… in space

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          2026 i think they’ve announced somewhat recently, we’ll see if it actually holds though

          • @[email protected]
            102 months ago

            I’m old enough to remember the Kickstarter campaign. I lost track of how many release dates flew by since then.

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              Yeah they gave up announcing new release dates for it like half a decade ago if not longer lmao, but now they’ve started again. Hopefully it’s true this time.

        • @leftzero
          22 months ago

          Well, they recently showed over an hour of supposedly live gameplay (obviously somewhat spoilery for the start of the game), so there’s some hope at least…

          Of course, it remains to be seen how much more of the story is finished to the same extent, and at what point will it be consistently playable on contemporary hardware (I haven’t played Star Citizen in a long while, so I’m not sure what state it’s in, and I don’t know if Squadron 42, being a single player game, will be as susceptible to server issues, or if it’ll even need servers), but it gives a good idea of the state of the main game features and how it’s intended to feel.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            I bought myself into sf before you got a hangar, i only had that one person race ship and after a while they added a hangar where you could spawn and walk around it.

            After a while i noticed loads of reviews so i tried playing it, but always ran into issues making it unplayable. So i got really fed up with it for a while.

            Then a couple years later i could actually run it with some issues, ended up buying a better ship and i’m now basically waiting for it to release and computer parts to be affordable once again.

            I would love for star citizen to be my jam, but i doubt i’ll ever be able to put enough time into it. The most i ever managed to do consistently was diablo 4 season 1 to 3 before i dropped it completely.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      I mean, they kind of do. It’s just not driven by cut scenes or NPC interaction. Have to read the news and be involved in the off game communities to get into the lore that’s happened in game.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        That’s why a lot of people didn’t engage with the lore of Destiny - you had to go to a website totally separate from the game, link your account old-school Bungie style, and could only access the grimoire cards from said site after you went through the hoops. There was nothing in the game giving you more aside from the NPCs and the few cutscenes themselves. Not even a link to take you to the site from the game itself.

        Almost every other game has an in-game lore/info screen talking about the world and characters of the game.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Pretty sure the in-universe news can be read in game.

          I have a faint memory of them introducing a feature of text to speech for them as well, not sure I might be imagining this. Long time since I played.

  • @[email protected]
    172 months ago

    Star Citizen will get a story mode called Squadron 42 witch should be feature complete and it has a star studded Hollywood cast. It looks worthwile but it won’t be here for at least a year.

    • @[email protected]
      312 months ago

      A year or twenty. Given how long they are taking, I wouldn’t be surprised if the game was never released.

        • @[email protected]
          72 months ago

          Given the history of these guys, I am not gonna believe it until I see the game released and in the stores. Until then, as everything around star citizen, this is vaporware aimed at milking the whales that keep giving them money.

          • @[email protected]
            72 months ago

            I love how it gets called “vaporware” when it’s a playable product with more gameplay than many MMOs. I’m also very grateful to the whales for providing the funds to develop the game.

      • @leftzero
        42 months ago

        Well, Star Citizen is playable right now (and has been for years), and they recently showed over an hour of supposedly live Squadron 42 gameplay (obviously somewhat spoilery for the start of the game), so there’s some hope at least…

        Of course, it remains to be seen how much more of the story is finished to the same extent, and at what point will it be consistently playable on contemporary hardware (I haven’t played Star Citizen in a long while, so I’m not sure what state it’s in, and I don’t know if Squadron 42, being a single player game, will be as susceptible to server issues, or if it’ll even need servers), but it gives a good idea of the state of the main game features and how it’s intended to feel.

    • @[email protected]OP
      142 months ago

      I enjoy your optimism. I hope we see Squadron 42 soon and I hope it’s good. (The shitstorm if it isn’t would be huge!)

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      Now, many years after the game’s original 2015 release target, developer Roberts Space Industries (RSI) says that, with just a year or two of additional “polish,” the game will finally launch sometime in 2026.


    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Star citizen right now is great if you have a group of friends to play with. You can divide up work, do your space cowboy stuff. You and your friends just need a high tolerance for jinky systems

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        I’ll just assume you didn’t mean to respond to me. In any event, Squadron 42 is completely separate from the main game so I’ll wonder how jinky it might be.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Yeah the prologue level they showed looked incredible. I really hope they can give the game all the polish it needs, after so long in development they absolutely need to release something with quality to match.

    • Agent Karyo
      2 months ago

      I wouldn’t be so sure that SQ42 will be a guaranteed slam dunk as many SC fans seem to be speculating. That’s if it ever does get released or course.

      The gameplay in the recent demo is subpar. FPS combat in particular was trash, far worse than HL1; a game released more than a quarter of a century ago. Turret gunning and the platforming parts looked decent but they are not going to carry the game. No example of player controlled space flight was shown.

      The space battles looked nice in a b-movie kind of way, but I have my doubts how this will translate to fun space flight gameplay.

      From SC, we know that they have a very history of even basic conceptual balance and they are horrible at iterative play testing.

      Regarding the Hollywood cast, Gary Oldman sounded like he wanted to get his money and get out of there ASAP. Anderson wasn’t much better. Writing was some high school-level drivel “we must win because we must!” and lots of shouty one liners. There is a very real possibility that the whole thing will be a Wing Commander: The Movie - 30 hours of tedious custscenes. And you just know it’s going to take itself extremely seriously (think the space bulldozer scene in Wing Commander).

      Looking at the UI/UX of SC, it’s not unreasonable to assume SQ42 will suffer the same sorry fate. Very flashy ironman-style UI visuals that are nigh unusable in a video game.

      Let’s see what happens.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      As much as I’m a fan of the project, I don’t think SC/SQ42 would scratch the same itch that somebody who just got done playing Starfield or Mass Effect would feel. Star Citizen is way more on the simulation side and light on RPG elements.

  • Kaldo
    162 months ago

    I too wish for a game like this but apparently it’s impossible to do it, either due to lack of vision, budget or expertise (or all of the above). Starfield sounded perfect on paper and it was a good studio to attempt it but in the end it was just a bland, soulless, boring mess of a game.

    As for my suggestions, I just got smaller games, not larger ,and in that vein honestly: FTL. It’s a 2d sprite roguelike and yet it’s the best game at giving me the feeling of being a scrappy starship captain on the run, trying to scrounge together resources in order to complete my trip despite overwhelming odds.

    The second closest game is Starbound but your mileage will vary, it feels unfinished and there is no real story to speak off, although the ship you continually improve and build in over time as you explore the universe does start to feel cozy and homely. It is also basically a worse Terraria in space so if you don’t like gameplay like that, skip.

    If you like Mass Effect you ought to try KOTOR1 and 2, oldies but goldies, but they do have the same weaknesses you already outlined for ME, it’s very much a set story.

    • @[email protected]OP
      112 months ago

      Faster Than Light’s my jam! For me, it was dethroned from the throne of roguelite games by Slay the Spire.

      Starbound was the first and last game I pre-ordered. I wish they would have stuck to the original vision with the survival mechanics. Thinking about it, Starbound is basically a proto-Starfield. The both promised an experience based on a different game (Terraria in space vs. Skyrim in space) that was undercut by the overuse of procedural generation. (Someone please create an 8 hour video essay about this.)

      • Kaldo
        92 months ago

        Yep, there are definitely many comparisons between Starbound and Starfield, it is why I was excited about SF in the first place - it looked like a big budget SB made by an experienced veteran team! The joke’s on me I guess lol

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Go check out the multiverse mod for FTL. It added a ton of variety and content and put FTL straight back into the top spot for me.

    • Psaldorn
      42 months ago

      In a similar vein, if you want to try something new check out starsector. You have to get it from their website currently but it’s a great game, lots of potential, lots of mods.

      You can try to revive the sector, build your own mega corp, become a pirate, be a slaver, be an anti-slaver, gun running.

      No FPS parts though

      • Kaldo
        32 months ago

        I’ve heard of it and tried to get into it a few times but I think I just lack the time/patience of my youth to get into something like that anymore, its a steep learning curve and you have to make most of the fun yourself / RP.

  • @[email protected]
    152 months ago

    There’s the game that inspired them from the early 90s, Star Control 2.

    It’s free on Steam as Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters, but the best way to play it today is Ur-Quan Masters Mega Mod. So many QoL features!

    The game also had some sequels, including Star Control Origins, which is a more modern game, but the story isn’t quite as good.

    Star Control 3 exists, but sucks.

    And then there’s the series from the 80s that inspired this one, Starflight. That one was too dated for me to get into, though.

      • @[email protected]
        72 months ago

        I forgot to mention that part – yeah, the series is still alive, and fans have been waiting for that sequel from the original creators for what, 30 years now?

        A game that meaningful should always be given a look, even if it can feel a bit “dated” in some ways.

        Thanks for bringing that up!

    • @[email protected]OP
      62 months ago

      I often see Star Control 2 mentioned as an inspiration for Mass Effect. How does Star Control compare to Mass Effect? Is there a set story or is it more of an emergent narrative?

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        There’s a set story, but it’s discovered. The world is wide open, and the player can go anywhere right at the start of the game. There’s minimal railroading at any point.

        Unless I misunderstood what you meant by emergent narrative. The progression through the game requires the player to learn what to do by interacting with aliens and also exploring a bit. There is an in-game hint system (an alien dialogue tree with prices), but there are often multiple solutions to each “problem”. The player can even get through the game being good or evil – whatever they choose!

        The game plays very differently than ME, but you’ll probably find the dialogue trees very familiar. And I think SC2 actually does them better than ME.

  • @[email protected]
    152 months ago

    There’s always Star Citizen… :)

    Okay but really I agree that Starfield is a mess. The thing is, nobody else has really delivered on the whole package yet. Ground and space combat, trading, and a narrative.

    Mass effect and Freelancer gave two different sides of the coin and I think they’re the next closest.

    • I Cast Fist
      72 months ago


      +1 for that. One of the best space sims, despite its age, and my first contact with actual zero-g dogfighting (boost, turn off engine, rotate ship to try and hit the enemy)

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        I can’t believe (actually I can) that Microsoft didn’t base starfield’s space mechanics (and overall everything else) from Freelancer. The template to improve upon was right there.

        • I Cast Fist
          22 months ago

          Considering all the problems Bethesda had with simply making space work at all, I’m not surprised they didn’t even try to look into better games to copy from

  • Shadowedcross
    122 months ago

    Perhaps Starsector? It’s a top-down sandbox rpg. I personally find the lore and world-building interesting. Has great mechanics, and you can really get into the nitty-gritty when it comes to ship and fleet builds, you can basically do anything you want, whether you want to do solo stuff or form an empire. It also has a fantastic modding community.

    • @[email protected]
      92 months ago

      Came here to suggest it and here it is, the newest comment! The modding scene is insane, too, for such a relatively small and unknown game.

      I love Starsector. I just wish it was written in something more performant than fuckin’ Java. But, if it were, there probably wouldn’t be the mods for it there are today.

      One of these days, I’m going to get around to writing a quest line of my own. Honest.

      • Shadowedcross
        52 months ago

        Yeah, Starsector is probably my favourite lesser known game. There’s a mod/tool called “Mikohime Java 24” that’s supposed to help a lot with the performance, but I haven’t had a chance to test it myself. Would be great to see another quest line, if I had the skills I’d love to make a mod myself lol.

    • @[email protected]
      92 months ago

      Prey is so good! It’s one of my favorite games. It is not really like Starfield, though

      • @[email protected]OP
        82 months ago

        Yeah, I’ve heard that it’s a great immersive sim. I wouldn’t call it a big space game™.

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          No, there’s nothing Skyrim about it in terms of game style. No open world, but it’s a very cool rpg space game.

  • @[email protected]
    112 months ago

    Escape Velocity: Nova is hands-down one of the best space rpgs ever made, and it’s a real shame that almost nobody talks about it.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Wow you aren’t kidding! I was expecting some 3D modern graphics thing but it’s literally a new Escape Velocity game without the EV name!

        Thanks for this. Wishlisted!

        Edit: oh it’s actually free!

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          It’s a great game, and reeeeeally scratches that itch. There is a solid port for android as well.

  • @[email protected]
    102 months ago

    I vote for Elite Dangerous…

    It’s 10,000 miles wide and an inch deep, but that’s still a lot of water.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      Glad you acknowledge the major problem. I found that once you realize how little there actually is to do in every system, and how similar it all feels, the illusion is destroyed and there’s very little besides PvP that’s still interesting. If they could somehow roll in some of the bigger systems from EVE Online that would be sick, but the expansions have shown that mostly what they care about is having an easily maintainable product, not an exciting one.

  • @[email protected]
    92 months ago

    Lots, but only a few that are worth a damn. I’ve come to call them “Han Solo Simulators”.

    Its a genre that seems to attract a lot of half baked game designers. Make a big universe sandbox where you fly a spaceship to space stations and planets and moons and trade stuff and do pirate shit or anti-pirate shit. Lots of people have this idea, only a few make anything good out of it. Doesn’t seem like it can go wrong, and yet . . .

    Battlecruiser 3000 AD is a particularly infamous case of 90s Internet lore. By all accounts, it did eventually patch the game up enough to be decent, but it took years to get there. At release, the game’s installer would crash for most people. However good it might have ended up, the Internet drama was better than the game ever could be. Look up “Derek Smart” if you’re interested.

    The X series is one I want to like, but it’s been really buggy for me. Like rage quit when it destroys my progress kind of buggy. I haven’t played X4, though.

    No Man’s Sky was an infamous mess at launch. Unlike Battlecruiser 3000 AD, it did eventually change its reputation, but it was a long, hard road. I played it a few years ago and found it uninteresting, but basically playable.

    And then there’s Star Citizen. I’ll just leave it at that.

    Anyway, the Elite series is probably the most successful for single player or smaller multiplayer, and Eve: Online for massively multiplayer.