There’s also a suicide mission available for whoever wants to inform the Finns.
There is some truth in this. Many of us have slavic ancestry, especially those in the southeast regions. Myself included, due to my Karelian heritage. In western Finland it’s much more rare.
Nevertheless, call us Slavs and there will be blood.
“There is some truth in this. […] Nevertheless, call us Slavs and there will be blood.”
I can respect this kind of energy
And the Romanians.
The Balkans are quite Greek in their dislike for each other.
I didn’t know that they went on 10 year warlord campaigns on the other edge of their region for the hand of a woman
To be fair to them, they probably forgot to write it down due to the excitement. Why use a quill to scribble on something when you can stab an eye with it instead? Much more satisfying
Macedonians are just bulgarians
Just slap a “first millennium CE” label on it and the Turks will have no legs to stand on.
How about we call that quadrant Ottomans instead?
I see we have a volunteer for the suicide mission of telling the Greeks that
I think that’s less risky, honestly.
until your water table is considered international waters
The Finns won’t be keen on belonging to the “Slavs” as well.
Poland is split into halfes between Germanics and Slavs – checks out. France is split in the middle, so now paris is Germanic – bro, what?
It might surprise you to learn where the word France comes from
EDIT: Also, interestingly, Paris is named after a Celtic tribe. Celtic isn’t Germanic, but normally gets lumped together. Celtic tribes actually predate Germanic ones in what’s now France.
Celtic tribes predate Germanic settlement in southern Germany and Austria as well. The Celtic culture also originates in the Hallstatt culture named after a town in Austria where salt mining has been going on since that time. The Helvetii were also a Celtic tribe in what is now Switzerland.
Celtic isn’t Germanic, but normally gets lumped together.
Yeah ireland would like to have a word
The Franks were germans and one day we’ll free ourselves from “France” and re-establish Gaul
Who volunteers to tell the Serbians that they’re Hellenic?
With Bulgarians it’s enough telling them that those ignorant Westerners can’t distinguish between Greeks and Thracians. Something similar could work with Romanian about Dacians. With Serbs I don’t see this working - it would mean they are Macedonian, and I don’t see how they could swallow that.
North Macedonia, on the other hand, will be thrilled. Greece will probably be upset about that.
Bulgarians are just macedonians aren’t they?
Yes, and that’s why this organisation was called internal
Serbia and Greece are brotherly nations, both Christian Orthodox suffering under the Ottoman Empire, allied during most wars, etc. The serbians wont like being called greeks but they will hate it less than others.
And we can always change it to “romioi”, ie “romans”(of the greek variety, Eastern Roman Empire aka Byzantine Empire). The serbians and others in the region would be more cool with that.
Romioi is even used in modern greek(mostly in literature) as equivalent of “greek”. Romaioi is the term for the Latin romans.
It got the grikoi right.
Suebi: lol