honestly, ferrari is a clever bloke but he (or I) can’t honestly believe the crap he a) says or b) callers he fails spectacularly to challenge. Alot of them seem open goal.
JOB mystery hour at 11 is still the finest hour on radio, perhaps of all time, but at the same time each week.
Just pop on Radio 4 and listen to something enlightening like More or Less or In Our Time.
In our time is my favourite!
I’m getting flashbacks to listening to Jeremy Vine.
“Today we’re having a debate on whether to kill all the puppies. Cheryl from Barnstable, you’re on the line”
‘Well I think it’s just horrible, why should those puppies have to die? Nobody has given a good reason’
“And Keith from Birmingham, you’re next:”
‘I don’t think we should stop there, we should exterminate all life that I don’t like, it’s the right thing to do’
“Some people might disagree with those opinions, why not text us on 88291, here is whatever song we’re promoting this week”
Oh yeah I know Keith. Not racist, just don’t like em
I can only ever hear the jeremy vine parody from radio 4’s Dead Ringers now
You just need some Planet Rock in your life
I imagine Ferrari being an ongoing version of Brass Eye. Pure satire. He MUST be a parody.
If you want to hear a (incredibly funny) horror show, listen to Talk Radio. They seem to have given up accepting calls from their listeners as they’re too demented to be broadcast. Whenever I listen to Talk Radio they are abusing trans people or environmentalists. Almost as if they’ve been given scripts by their culture wars-fostering right-wing masters.
Oh i love being on a UK instance.
JoB is a national treasure. Im with you on ferrari though, I keep feeling like he’s paid to sell an agenda, and doesnt actually believe his angles
I feel like it’s a performance. I suppose being a public broadcaster it’s all a show but that suspicion is always there. I passed an Insulate Britain roadblock a while back just as he was yelling at someone trying to point out it’s a very good idea to fix our housing stock after decades of neglecting basic repair work. Literally yelling, shouting.
The big problem are landlords. It’s the tenants who pay the heating bills, so why would they want to fork out money for insulation? It doesn’t save them any money at all.
I’m sure a lot of this is coming from them. I’m sure they all get together at monthly meetings to discuss how they’re going to oppress democracy in thir never ending pursuit of small profits.
He reminds me of the newspaper vendor in watchmen. His opinion flim flaming depending on what is on the front page that morning. I’m not convinced he’s not basically playing a character at this point.
I always miss the start of JoB because I’d rather miss a minute of him than hear a minute of that twat
The opening diatribes are great though!
I’ve been listening to LBC on the drive to/from work for over a decade probably. I feel like they always get the right mix of something interesting to listen to and just enough crackpot callers to provide entertainment value.