context also heavily welcome.

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    My response to “capitalism is terrorism” was “Go move to Cuba then”.

    I don’t know if this exists in different cultures, but in Czechia we often respond to stupid things with something equally or more stupid to show we don’t take it seriously.

    It has 88 down votes.

  • @[email protected]
    55 hours ago

    Mine was saying that 15 is old enough to be aware of what’s going on in the world regarding some UK teen that gave up UK citizenship to move to some place in the Middle East and wasn’t allowed to come back. Or something along those lines.

    It got -20.

  • @[email protected]
    19 hours ago

    Mine was: “I will make it my life’s purpose to pay for a business class fight on a smartwatch, no scratch that, a smart ring, i will report back with further progress.”

    This was in relation to a post about how anything important or meaningful should be done on a large monitor and not a phone or otherwise.

    It got 3 downvotes

  • Ricky Rigatoni
    312 hours ago

    I said switch owners have never played real games on a greentext that is no longer available because it was hosted on kbin

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    Probably when I debated with some kids that thought capitalism is the root cause of loneliness. My point was that loneliness was a condition of being alive- not a result of a system of government. Besides… There’s loneliness in communist countries too. Safe to say capitalism cased that? Shit… Even animals get lonely. I’m pretty sure animals don’t really have a concept of the inner workings of capitalism. And even if there is an anecdotal instance or two- it’s still a dumb thing to hang on capitalism.

    There’s enough real shit you can pin on capitalism to argue its ineffectiveness. But loneliness?

    • Mubelotix
      24 hours ago

      Loneliness appeared the moment humans stopped living in tribes

      • @[email protected]
        14 hours ago

        Yep. And according to a lot of people on lemmy, that’s around when capitalism must have started.

  • @[email protected]
    15 hours ago

    My worst one was expressing doubt about all information we get regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict because it is definitely being used as a wedge to divide Americans and make us easier to manipulate. Context: the IDF found Super Evil Battle Plans on dead Hamas soldiers, instructing them to kill civilians. Because they need to be reminded that that’s their mission I guess.

    My second worst one was saying that we shouldn’t euthanize every pit bull. Context: a pit bull attacked someone, and everyone in the thread thought the right move was to euthanize the whole breed.

    My third worst one was saying that the Fahrenheit temperature scale is more useful for average people than Celsius. Context: shitpost about fahrenheit being a bad temperature scale

    • @[email protected]
      35 hours ago

      For the first one, yeah there’s a lot of missinformation going around and a very heavily politicized debate. On the one had Israel response is disproportionate and inhumane, on the other hand if you go back further enough they were attacked first (the day after being formed, so no chance of that attack being retaliation for something). At the end of the day I think both sides are at fault and supporting either is morally wrong, and claiming that you need to support one of them is a false dichotomy.

      I’ve had similar arguments, people who hate pitbulls for some reason fail to see the stupidity in their argument. Last time I had this discussion the person was using an argument that would also be applicable to eliminating blacks in the USA, i.e. statistically pitbulls are disproportionately dangerous (low population vs high number of incidents). And refused to acknowledge that correlation does not imply causation, so the only possible explanation for that disparity was pitbulls are dangerous, not that assholes who mistreat their dogs and use them to fight prefer pitbulls (despite me showing studies concluding that race is not a good predictor for violence).

      On this one I have to disagree, you think it’s more useful because it’s what you’re used to. For me that have never used it it’s a weird scale that has no bearing on anything. I’ve heard the argument of human comfort, but I’m comfortable from 59 to 77, and my wife prefers 73 to 86. I consider it cold below 50 and hot above 86. I have only gotten to 0 once in my life, but got temperatures above 100 every summer. If it was indeed a scale for human comfort 0 would be what most people consider comfortable, i.e. 21C or 70F, or the temperature where you can start to freeze to death (which I’m not sure but I think it’s around 5C or 41F), not an arbitrary low temperature that most of the world never gets to.

    • @[email protected]
      114 hours ago

      Regarding the first one, it really helps to read the case South Africa filed with the ICJ. It’s only about 80 pages, but it’s filled to the brim with evidence of “super evil battle plans” as you call them. You should really inform yourself on this conflict, it’s pretty significant.

  • @Fedegenerate
    216 hours ago

    Jokes on them lemmynsfw doesn’t federate downvotes… So probably this one.

  • Wugmeister
    19 hours ago

    Ok, I have to take issue with this. I will never be an apple user, but until USB-C came out I was honestly jealous of the lightning cable. It is reversible and consistent, two things other phone chargers never were. Sure, for data transfer it’s outdated as hell now, but it is still good enough for most uses

    Edit: An actual ratio i earned (although not my most downvoted comment) was from telling someone that since the average lifespan of American men is 75, if you are over 37 that means you are middle-aged “if you like words to mean things”

  • @[email protected]
    181 day ago

    When I said that weed isn’t harmless. I didn’t say it should be criminal. I just don’t like people pretending it has no downsides.

    • IngeniousRocks
      315 hours ago

      I’m a daily, many times per day, user of cannabis to manage anxiety and RA pain and I agree 100%

      Cannabis has been by far the cheapest solution for my pain (it being recreationally legal in my state makes it cheaper than the traditional western medicine route). Cannabis has also been the source of much of my ails, often slashing my motivation or affording me a boredom enhancer just good enough to keep me from my hobbies. Cannabis is rough on the throat and lungs, and it’s smoke (due to the nature of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons) likely contains a large number of carcinogens and possible mutagens. Cannabis not having potential for addiction does not free it from having habit forming potential, especially in populations prone to substance abuse (such as neurodivergent folks), and as such it should be treated like, and respected as any other kind altering substance.

      The legality of a product does not inform it’s health risk nor benefits, and a product being “better” than another product does not inform it’s being “good”

  • @[email protected]
    421 hours ago

    It was a post about how Google had been asked to take down links to websites selling black market hormonal transition drugs and I suggested that no one should be buy them from shady sources like that in the first place as those compounds are important enough to not just buy whatever you can find as a personal attempt to fix body dysphoria.
    People just wanted to be upset.

    Though I have also been recently banned from upliftingnews for not being uplifted enough about basic stuff and had a mod tell me I don’t belong in their communities so I’m surprised anyone agrees with me ever apparently.

    • psychOdelicOP
      25 hours ago

      to be fair, the point of the community probably is to uplift people so if youre doing the opposite…

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    When I made a troll post about 09.11 and wine 9.11 release.

    Something like: “wine 9.11 has landed” + some wtc attack picture with wine logo on it.

    edit: And there was a reply to a comment about how the chinese communist army is the most peaceful and just army in the world. I just shared a picture of the Tiananmen Square ‘Tank Man.’ I got banned on and downvoted to oblivion.

    • @[email protected]
      515 hours ago

      Yeah gaining massive downvotes on ml is like cheating in this “competition”, it’s so easy over there.

  • @[email protected]
    141 day ago

    A question about if the voting age should be lowered.

    I said that it should be higher instead because teens are stupid. I was back then, and I was considered one of the smart kids in school.

    • @[email protected]
      авар мацӀ
      114 hours ago

      In general, I think making the right to vote conditional on some sort of intellectual test (which raising the voting age is, in some sense) suffers from at least three problems:

      Firstly, my preference for democracy does not just stem from efficacy, but also from a moral angle. People should have a say in how their lives are run, even if they don’t satisfy someone’s criterion for intellectual eligibility.

      Secondly, even from an efficacy angle there’s problems with it, and we have historical examples of this. Literacy tests have been used around the globe to effectively bar minorities from voting. E.g. black people in the United States, and indigenous peoples in Latin America. As a result, the needs of those populations were ignored, which I would consider a failure in efficacy.

      And finally, literacy is highly subjective. Maybe today the government comes up with a test that you agree with (age 26 and up), but maybe a future government adjusts the test to a point where you disagree (only after retirement, after you’ve lived to see most aspects of life, and are therefore most fit to intelligently cast your vote).

      Does this mean I believe in extending suffrage to five year olds? No. I believe there’s a balance to strike, and it’s not a black and white issue. But as the history of literacy tests shows, this is an area to tread incredibly carefully, and I get why people were so quick to downvote you.

    • psychOdelicOP
      41 day ago

      I agree, here in Germany they made some kind of voting available for 16 yr old, everyone was like “yeah this is good” I disagreed and got bashed on. (PS: I’m also a teen, and can’t vote yet, I agree it should be higher.)

  • @[email protected]
    41 day ago

    I was on a Ford reddit forum. OP was pissed that their timing belt (chain?) broke, and was convinced that the repair shop she had previously went to had sabotaged her motor. I commented that these things do in fact break, and that the shop might not have been the culprit. Holy Downvotes Batman.