So much going on in the world and yet so many rubbish news sources find non-news stories like this.
Just for the record, I pronounce it ‘Spanish Risotto’ and if I want to sound really Spanish, I will call it ‘España Risotto’
So much going on in the world and yet so many rubbish news sources find non-news stories like this.
Just for the record, I pronounce it ‘Spanish Risotto’ and if I want to sound really Spanish, I will call it ‘España Risotto’
choritho instead of chorizo
Depends on which version of Spanish - Latin America (and the Canaries) don’t pronounce the “z” as a “th”.
You do get some people in Britain pronouncing “chorizo” as “choritzo” which is wrong by all measures!
Only in European Spanish, where they like to lisp every word
Depends on the region as well. Catalan is very different to Basque
Considering Basque is not even in the same language family as Catalan, that makes sense.
and yet, if I was to call you a cunt in english, youd get my drift in any language
You joke, but here in Scotland, or even moreso over in Australia, “cunt” is a very great and versatile word that can have any number of meanings depending on context, intonation and adjacent words. That meaning tends to get lost on others
Would you consider the words: thinking, thoughtful, three, thin, thread, or thieves to be a lisp?
Spanish has specific letters that call for the “th” sound /θ/. In a Madrileño accent, The graphemes “ce”, “ci”, and “z” all make the sound /θ/.
Regional dialects may have some variation on those rules, but this is the standard pronunciation.
I was just making a joke about the predominant Spanish pronunciation in Europe, with the “th”, as you say, vs the predominant pronunciation in South America, where those those graphemes have distinct non-“th” phonemes. So it sounds like here in Europe they have a lisp, that’s the joke