Maybe I’ve just been out of the loop, not celebrating Jan 26 for a few years, but since when are we selling national holidays to mining companies? A mining company whose founder in 1984 advocated for the sterilisation of Indigenous Australians. A mining company whose chairwoman in 2022 refused to denounce the comments made by her father in 1984, then revoked sponsorship from Netball Australia after a player commented on that fact.

Why is the city of Perth advocating for this event? They have closed roads in the city for an event funded by a company that has no regard for land rights or ecology. Every piece of advertising for the day has ‘Hancock Prospecting’ welded to the front of it, even those that come directly from the CoP. I get being sponsored by companies to pay for events, but rebranding the whole event seems absurd.

It’s disgusting.

Can’t wait for the Durex x Coca-Cola Kings Birthday celebrations though!