“Florida Man With 91 Felony Charges Worried He Might Serve Prison Time.”
“Several millions of Americans worried he won’t”
I hope it’s a few more than several…
To be fair, we’re also worried that, if he does, his followers will go violent again. Not that this is a reason to excuse him him prison. It just means that it might not be all rainbows and puppies if Trump goes to prison. Our celebrations might be interrupted by home grown right wing terrorist attacks.
They won’t go away if we pussy-foot around them.
I’m definitely not saying that we should go easy on Trump to appease them. We just need to keep in mind that Trump heading to prison won’t be the end of this. We’ll need be be ready to send those terrorists to prison as well.
We should just give them Czechoslovakia.
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I’m definitely not saying that we should go easy on Trump to appease them. We just need to keep in mind that Trump heading to prison won’t be the end of this. We’ll need be be ready to send those terrorists to prison as well.
Only 91? Shit. AZ state and NJ federal indictments need to get here soon.
Is the NJ federal case about him stealing documents as well?
The audio recording of him allegedly showing off classified docs and admitting he hadn’t declassified them took place in New Jersey.
Damn I thought that happened at mierda loco.
Many of us fret he won’t.
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The realistic conclusion to that would be Trump spilling Top Secret info to North Korea. If not willingly, then via torture. But let’s be honest: It would probably be willingly.
Honestly, I don’t think he has the awareness or attention span to be an accurate mole if he’s limited to working from memory.
Lol absolutely. Can you imagine Trump trying to recite government intel from memory?
“So the document said bigly assets were all all over the country. My uncle, college professor in the nuclear — Hillary! Can you believe that, folks? Hillary. Johnathan Trump, went to MIT did the thing, this and that. Tremendous, it was tremendous this government secrets I am telling you now.”
And as he’s saying it, his voice just keeps getting softer, like he’s telling you a bedtime story.
Real question. What information could he provide that would be of real value? Inside policy but I suspect if the policy makers knew he was spilling the beans, they would adjust as needed.
Technical information? I doubt he barely knows how to use a smart phone much less give details on a f35.
I would be curious what the intelligence community would consider high risk if a past president flipped.
He’d probably remember half the secrets incorrectly and get North Korea to blow itself up.
The best ending.
He’s such a narcissist all they would have to do is stroke his ego
This actually highlights one of the problems (as a strategy, ignoring humanitarian concerns) with torture- whether or not someone will break has nothing to do with whether they have real, useful information. Once they break, they will say whatever they think their captors want to hear.
The primary (strategic) alternative is to befriend them; convince them you’re on their side. A tactic that has been shown to be extremely effective on Trump. He’ll gladly spill whatever he thinks he knows as soon as they say something nice about him.
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Nope, he would absolutely thrive on something like that; anything less than consignment to the dustbin of obscurity is too good for him.
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Am I missing something? You suggested he and Kim should be documented 24/7 à la The Truman Show
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I think Guantanamo would be more appropriate.
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And their narcissistic pride would force them to appear in public broing it up on the golf course.
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“-4. Huh.” – North Korean caddy
Yeah, good point. I’m guessing Trump would be the sober one so he’d probably be a little more subtle about… no, this is an unsolved problem. I think we need to get them together and see what happens.
“Guys, what would really impress your long dead fathers and finally make them love you is if you both bare knuckle boxed, but in a bear pit. You can take the bear on together first or let the winner do it. That would be so cool.”
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I was solidly in that boat for a while too, but seeing how many of his co-conspirators are tripping over themselves to testify against him lately gives me hope.
That’s the problem with surrounding yourself with shady people who only have their own interests in mind. They’re not loyal to him, he only kept them around because they told him what he wanted to hear, and they only told him what he wanted to hear because it helped them advance their own personal interests.
I’ll believe it when I see it. We will never see him behind bars. Two tiered justice system.
Absolute best case is house arrest imo, and I’m sure his lawyers will make sure it includes the entirety of his resort, so basically nothing will change
I’d love to be wrong, but I don’t think I will
This is my hope as well. At least he can’t hold hitler style rallies if he’s confined to the resort though.
There’s a lot of space at that resort for guests. I’d bet he’d set up stadium seating and sell tickets to his regular “Rallies” which MAGA types would absolutely flock too like it’s the new Disneyland. Gross.
The orange gusher would spew crap daily at noon, more reliably than Old Faithful. It’s be quite the sight.
This just made me think of a Trump animatronic in the hall of presidents 🤣
I totally agree.
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Nah, if you think, say, AOC or Bernie Sanders wouldn’t love to see the door slam behind 45, I think you’re mistaken.
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My hope is that he lives for another 5 or 10 years in solitary confinement.
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Solitary confinement isn’t really solitary most of the time. It’s far less pitch black rooms with a slat you slide a tray of slop into, and more of a lights always on, talking to your neighbor through the vents/shouting chess moves at each other.
Not that it isn’t inhumane in its own way, but many people seem to think that you’re basically sensory deprived and that’s just not the case.
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I would love for Trump to live to 120 with a totally sound mind and experience total irrelevance. That would be wonderful punishment. In a cell would be great, but I’d settle for him to be alone in a cheap motel room with cable TV.
I’ve been saying just that for years. It’s the only thing that fits, total destruction of his towering self image.
but only ‘woke’ news, not the cooker shit he consumes
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And that’s just the thing. The more the news moves on from Trump and talks about other people, the more Trump would label it as woke/liberal/socialist. FOX News could, five years post-Trump-imprisonment, spend all their time on the important right wing subjects of the day and Trump would think they’ve gone lefty because they weren’t talking about him.
We can still hope
“When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over?” Trump said, miming the physical motion of an officer shielding a suspect’s head to keep it from bumping against the squad car. “Like, don’t hit their head, and they just killed somebody — don’t hit their head,” Trump continued. “I said, you can take the hand away, okay?”
I hope the prison guards remember this, it’s only fair.
I don’t understand the implication O:
Yes, I’m sure Rolling Stone has excellent insights into Trump’s private fretting.
because media stalwarts like Meet The Press are doing so great at holding Trump to account huh?
jfc man, dunno if you noticed the hellscape that is modern media but RS is doing pretty good these days.
It’s not like a Rolling Stone journalist went and asked. Journalists have these things called “sources”:
While Trump publicly professes confidence, privately, three sources familiar with his comments say, he’s been asking lawyers and other people close to him what a prison sentence would look like for a former American president.
three sources familiar with his comments
That would never have gotten past any decent editor 20 years ago.
See, if you say one unnamed source, it’s not quite as believable to people who lack critical thinking skills and reading comprehension. Better make it three. Five would be too many.
The yellow journalists also like to used “experts” (unnamed of course) to pedal their garbage talking points.
“Three sources familiar with some Rolling Stones writer’s thinking say they like to smell their own farts”
See, I can make shit up too.
Actual journalism isn’t quite completely dead, but it’s on life support.
I like that you’re so confident about something you couldn’t possibly know fuck-all about
I believe the term is known as “shitting bricks”
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I get this reference.
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I predicted he would die in prison when he clinched the GOP nomination in 2016- there was no way, I decided, he wouldn’t abuse his office and break a shitload of laws. The last 6 years has been a rude reminder that I seem to have wildly overestimated the capacity and will of America’s political and law enforcement establishments to hold anyone like him accountable for even the kinds of crimes he’s confessed to on the record.
See, I very naively thought that it would end with his impeachment. Like, I wasn’t surprised by the law breaking, but I figured that he’d be ousted by a simpler thing like emoluments or something. Oh to be young again…
And the thing was the GOP establishment could have just let him hang himself. They hate that they’ve become a personality cult, but it’s their own fucking fault for propping this guy up.
That’s what I don’t understand. They have had so many opportunities to get rid of him. They surely know he’s going to lose the next election, I have no clue why they don’t turn on him.
They’ve allowed him to build a personality cult. If they don’t bend the knee they lose their seat in the primary.
I figure he knew where he was heading the moment he learned Hilary had conceded.
His (starving) brain worms have made an impact since then but I swear, from the look on his face, that he knew where he would end up.
The Trump team was definitely not expecting to win in 2016. Trump himself looked borderline despondent.
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Wtf. I can’t tell if this is a direct quote or you’re just making shit up for lolz.
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Yeah we’ve really hit the point where it’s impossible to tell if that’s an actual Trump quote or made up.
You can tell if there’s a big word that’s used correctly that it’s fake, beyond that it’s anyone’s guess
I think it’s important to cover his trials but I wish we’d ignore these articles which are rooted in gossip and nothing more. It’s just clickbait.
I understand your complaint, but I do relish the idea of Trump being worried shitless about this. And while the article’s sources are obviously questionable and it is merely hearsay, I personally do think Trump is terrified of going to prison. This is a man who has known nothing but wealth and privilege his entire life; spending his remaining years in a jail cell means not just a loss of his favored lifestyle, but public humiliation as well, which—for a malignant narcissist like Trump—is probably the worst part of it.
That’s a weird way of saying “support bad journalism that tells you what you want to hear, it’s ok to keep watering journalism down”
Not what I was saying at all, but you obviously just see what you want to see in other people’s words, rather than trying to actually understand them.
Fuck off.
“I do understand your complaint, but - [let me write you a paragraph explaining why the article tickles my jollies, oh boy!]”
It’s not hard to see why that sounds like a counterpoint being made. Especially since if it wasn’t, then it’s really just a pointless comment.
You may now fuck off.
So how does secret service work here
I assume he’d go to the lowest security safest place ever
More likely he’d go to an insanely high security place, he can’t be trusted around other people.
ADX Florence is built for exactly that kind of prisoner: spies, terrorists, etc.
I think the chances are that he’ll be on house arrest in Mar-a-lago. He deserves supermax, but when has what people deserve been relevant in the criminal “justice” system?
I feel like this might be the best case given the security requirements. Obviously, Mar-A-Lago wouldn’t be allowed to operate as a club anymore. The Federal government could take it over and turn it into Trump Prison. Nobody would be allowed in unless they were working to support Trump Prison.
Strip one bedroom down to the bare walls and put a prison cot in there. Keep the door locked from the outside with guards posted 24/7. Trump stays in there all the time except for meals and an hour of “outside time.” The room has no TV and he’s not allowed any electronics so there wouldn’t be any tweeting/“truthing”/etc from his home-turned-prison.
When he goes to eat, he’ll walk past the bare walls that used to signify that he was the King Of The Complex. Now, they’ll only signify glory days long gone. A bruise to the ego with every step. When he sits to eat, he’ll be in the same dining hall where he used to get served fabulous meals. (Or, at least, what passed for “fabulous” at Mar-A-Lago.) Instead, he’ll get standard prison food.
Even his “outside time” would be bittersweet to Trump. Instead of time outside talking with bigwigs on the way to go golfing, he’ll be shuffling around with armed guards nearby and no bigwigs to lavish praise on him.
Trump would be an empty shell of a man living in an empty shell of a club.
Grounded for life. If that were the case, I’d be okay with it for sure, fits for a big sloppy baby like him.
They’re not going to treat it like real prison for him - I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t have the run of the resort… Likely including daily golf.
I used to think that but it’s a golf resort… Maybe house arrest somewhere else?
I’ll be pleasantly surprised if he doesn’t have the run of the resort.
We need our own version of the Tower of London
I’d personally like to see him mummified in gympie gympie… Embrace his Australian roots and whatnot.
I was really hoping for the presidential desk crammed in a cell. Him all dressed up like he’s still going to work every day… reduced to rubbing Cheetos on his face because he can’t get bronzer.
This is what I’ve always expected. He’ll live the rest of his life like an arrested drug kingpin.
A boy can dream!
Good point.
Apparently he just “ordered” congressional GOP members to shut down the government so they can’t fund the DOJ lmaooo someone is getting desperate.
It’s beautiful. Republican leadership knows they’ll get the blame if there’s a shutdown and they’re trying to avoid it, and Trump tries to muck that up.
A large portion of the Republican Reps don’t like Trump any more than the Democrats. I’m sure they are following his “orders”
Sure but they’ll still suck his dick in hopes that he ejaculates a nomination.
But for 6 years they’ve propped him up, and now they’re stuck with him. They could have let him hang himself and gotten President Pence (who the GOP would have loved) in the first year of Trump’s term, but they didn’t.
Source? I’d love to share that one in the group chat
If someone tells you they cannot let something enter their mind, that means they are thinking about it constantly.
Thoughts and prayers, 45.
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For that to happen he’d have to be capable of worshiping something other than himself.
Shit, even if he tried to fake it; I doubt he’d be able to get up off the floor from prayer.
Nation of Islam is like “WE DO NOT ALLOW PORK TO WORSHIP”
I could see it happening tho, “I am no longer Donald Trump, I am Quarter-Pounder-with-Cheese Shabaz Mo Frommage”
but whenever anyone attempts to address him that way he looks confused.