• @[email protected]
    145 hours ago

    TBF there is something to be said for coping with and learning to live in the world you inhabit, not the world you wish it to be.

    Doesn’t mean you should stop trying to make the better future happen, but contribute, don’t just wait for it to magically happen.

    • @[email protected]
      2 hours ago

      The issue isn’t the fact that the world is bad; it’s the fact that there are evil people out there actively trying to make it worse (Trump, Putin, etc). I feel like it would be a lot easier to cope with a bad world compared to an evil one.

  • Moineau
    33 hours ago

    I’ve tried countless prescriptions. None of them did anything helpful and a handful of them were a nightmare to come off of. Doctor’s literally just throwing random pills at me telling me to “try this one and see if it helps.”

    Nothing helps.

  • @[email protected]
    64 hours ago

    L4D was a phenomenal game. I wish I could go back in time and get a group of four of us together to play the way we used to.

  • @[email protected]
    17 hours ago

    This is what we call a practical solution. The person in the lounge could be a NAZI for all you know.

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
    310 hours ago

    “Oh no, a deadly pandemic. Best I can do is inject dead virus to trick your body to improve its immune system”

    That’s what you sound like… 🙄

    (A treatment that works is a good treatment method.)

    • @[email protected]
      35 hours ago

      Go back to your cave you fucking troll. You are the perfect example of why we should bring back public shaming.

    • The Snark Urge
      8 hours ago

      You seem not to know that there’s such a thing as “situational depression”.

      You can literally be depressed because of circumstances. Guess what the treatment is.

      • @[email protected]
        57 hours ago

        Yes because there’s no difference between challenging the profit motive of the healthcare industry and conspiracy theories, you fucking dipshit.

      • @[email protected]
        37 hours ago

        There’s a difference between conspiracy theories and having an analysis of incentives and structures.

        There doesn’t need to be a conspiracy for profit seeking corporations to decide not to invest their money into something they think won’t return as much profit.

        As for everything else staying shitty, why would corporations spend money on lobbying and campaign contributions if they didn’t expect it to make them a profit? Obviously those corporations want less taxes, less regulations that might cost them money to comply with, and the more of the economy that is privatized, the more opportunities capitalists have for making more profits.

        That’s not a conspiracy theory, that’s a basic understanding of economics and political economy plus some history.

  • @[email protected]
    2819 hours ago

    Oh no, a solution that helps me to not be a blob, laying in my bed, womdering if should i even get up. The horrors of therapy actually helping me to get shit done.

    God, i hate anti-therapy or anti-meds posting.

    • @[email protected]
      1012 hours ago

      I don’t think it’s either of those things. We all need to cope. The meme just laments that coping is necessary

    • @[email protected]
      1514 hours ago

      Nothing here is anti therapy.

      And I wouldn’t interpret it as anti meds either. It’s just pointing out the absurdity of a society that’s so miserable it forces people to seek medical attention just to exist. Any rational society would change until people are happy.

    • @[email protected]
      1918 hours ago

      Both can be true at the same time. Therapy and meds can be wonderful to help create a better world than the soul-crushing dystopia we’re currently heading for.

  • @[email protected]
    1420 hours ago

    They don’t even do that. They just take the edge off enough that I don’t actually try to throw myself off a bridge.

  • Badabinski
    371 day ago

    yeah fuck this, my soul crushing depression and ADHD are largely independent of my environment. I get that this is true for some people, but posts like these make me angry.

    • @[email protected]
      8 hours ago

      yeah fuck this, another example of someone being mad at a meme that clearly wasnt aimed at them. Comments like these make me angry.

      • Badabinski
        68 hours ago

        Like, it kinda is aimed at people like me though? I’ve talked with my therapist about how fucked up the state of the world is over the decade or so I’ve been working with them. I had a psychiatrist try to increase my antidepressant dosage when I was struggling through some really terrible EMDR therapy (dealing with childhood trauma caused by how shitty our society is) because they thought it would make my life more bearable, which is exactly the meme. I pushed back on that because I knew what was causing that specific misery and I was solving it with therapy, not psychiatry. I don’t engage with my psychiatrists like they’re therapists, but I have otherwise been in this picture. Psychiatrists treat problems with pills, and sometimes they try to fix things that aren’t best addressed with medication.

        I’ve also spent my life being told that I was stupid, weak, incompetent, or lazy because no matter what else is going on with my life, I have baseline physiological issues that prevent my brain from functioning. I am far from alone in this. I would have had a better life if my condition had been treated as soon as it was noticed. The stigma surrounding psychiatric medicine meant that I wasn’t and I suffered as a result. This post perpetuates the stigma that caused my suffering so I do not like it and will say something about it.

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      As someone who also has depression and ADHD. There is nothing wrong with us. It’s OK to take medication to survive in an environment that’s actively hostile to people like us, but it’s also OK to acknowledge that if our society actually valued people we could live the way we need with the community support we need and likely wouldn’t need to be medicated any more.

      It’s like covid, catching covid doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It means our society isn’t structured in a way to prevent people from getting sick (masks, vaccines, etc) and values profits more than people’s wellbeing.

      • Badabinski
        413 hours ago

        Right or wrong doesn’t factor for me. I do not make value judgements about my neurochemistry, I just care about how well I am able to exist. I do not believe I’d live a happy life if I was unmedicated, regardless of our society. You are free to believe that about yourself, but I know what my untreated depression feels like—an absolutely crushing nothingness where I starve myself because I’m too apathetic to eat. I know what my untreated ADHD feels like—a bottomless pit of unmotivation and a maddening lack of emotional mindfulness. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong or shameful with having a medical condition that requires medication to treat. People with physical conditions shouldn’t be told that they’d be fine if society just accepted them when the consequences of not treating their condition is misery or death. I have a physical condition that affects my neurochemistry to a degree that prevents me from being happy and living. Some people have depression and can deal with it by making concessions or exercising or meditating and I’m happy for them. Therapy helped me a lot with my depression, but the baseline miserable nothingness is still there. Some people have ADHD but have found coping strategies and don’t need meds, and I’m happy for them. The D in ADHD is too strong for me to deal with on my own in any conceivable circumstance, and that is fine. There’s nothing wrong or shameful about that, it is what it is, like how someone with a congenital issue might need a wheelchair. I am entitled to my own understanding of myself, the shit I’ve suffered through, and how I deal with it.

        I absolutely agree that our society treats neurodiverse people like shit. I agree that we’re generally lonely and don’t support each other well. Nothing wrong at all with that premise. I categorically disagree with your statement that we “likely wouldn’t need to be medicated anymore” if things were to change. I am either not a part of your “we,” or you are attempting to invalidate the decades I’ve spent coming to grips with what I need to survive.

        EDIT: I don’t like being this hostile, but as I said, I am very fucking touchy about this topic. I’ve had enough of people assuming they know how my head works.

    • @[email protected]
      320 hours ago

      How does that work? Environment is everything

      I don’t think your sick, I don’t think I am either… I think we’re hunters in a society of farmers

      • Badabinski
        1114 hours ago


        Do not assume you understand my mental state. You can be a “hunter in a society of farmers.” I’ll just continue being a person with an imbalanced neurochemistry that I use medication to balance. I just want be able to get out of bed on a Saturday and do things I love.

        My life has been filled with enough invalidation and unsolicited “advice” about my mental health, so I’m a little fucking touchy about this shit sometimes.

        • @[email protected]
          13 hours ago

          ADHD is only considered an illness because it makes it more difficult to be forced into compliance. There is nothing inherently wrong with being neurodivergent, if society was structured better it wouldn’t be considered strange.

          Think about it this way, if society was structured exclusively for ND people, then being NT would be considered an illness. But we happen to live in the exact opposite scenario.

          • @[email protected]
            513 hours ago

            Okay yes I agree we can debate the social concept of “illness” and how it implies something “negative” while things like ADHD and deafness might be better seen as diversity of the human condition.

            But that doesn’t remove that there are biomedical factors underlying these states. So it is not purely psychosocial ie. there are physical reasons for the difference.

      • @Worx
        718 hours ago

        Blatantly false. If someone has a broken leg, do you say “environment is everything, I don’t think your sick, you don’t need medical help”?

        • @[email protected]
          314 hours ago

          I agree, but if the shitty staircase you fell down and broke your leg on isn’t repaired, you’re gonna fall down and break your leg again.

  • @[email protected]
    301 day ago

    Some of my meds, sure, but others are no doubt helping regardless of the late-stage capitalist hellscape.

    • @[email protected]
      813 hours ago

      Yes. SSRI isn’t a “make you happy pill” it’s legitimately something countering a physical problem with serotonin production in the brain.