The Republicans won democratically and they’re doing what they said they would and the American population gave Trump his first popular vote win because of it.
Did they? Trump was bragging about Musk messing with the computers, which given Trump’s penchant for lying and Musk’s penchant for being terrible with technology, seems unlikely, but it should have still merited an investigation.
Also, the Dems rolled over in 2000 when the Supreme Court gave the election to Bush, so even if they found evidence of wrongdoing, I doubt they would do anything.
Do you have a concrete source or evidence other than the mouth of this ever changing talking head. Like real evidence? If not just stop, its embarrassing. I get that you don’t want to accept that people would be this stupid and vote for Trump again. But if you just deny reality based on some conspiracy you are not really different from republicans talking about a stolen election in 2020.
Its over, the MAGAs won this time. Lets face reality and accept it and deal with it. Denial gets us nowhere.
My point is is that the MAGAs would have won regardless of whether or not Trump cheated. The Dems are spineless when challenging the legality of an election. When the SC ended the recount early and gave it to Bush, Gore should have fought. When ballots were found in dumpsters, Kerry should have fought. Hell, I remember touch screen voting machines in 2008 having their grids miss calibrated in a way that gave votes to McCain, but never Obama. Obama had at least had a voter intimidation and fraud hotline setup in advance so it wouldn’t come down to a post election issue.
What I’m saying is is that if you want progress within legal means, you have to gut the DNC and get people with spines.
There are millions of people living in the so called USA who are not eligible to vote or for whom its not accessible. Examples are young people below the voting age, felons, migrants or those in precarious living conditions.
Funny how someone with an anti electoral mindset has to point that out to someone who seems to be a supporter of electoralism.
Half the people are dumber than avarage and american avarage is very low.
It is also the job of democracy to protect the people from themselves. Coup the coup or be couped.
Democrats still hold lots of power and they should use it to resist the fascist coup. They are the most influential and privileged part of the opposition and they should fucking act like it.
Dems should certain resist and kick up a stink. fElon should not be anywhere near any government responsibility.
However this talk about launching a coup against drump is very dangerous, and could be just the justification he is looking for to enact even worse measures.
Well, I dunno if I’d have faith in the democrats to really do that well, considering they implicitly agree with a good majority of the shit trump’s doing and don’t really seem to give much of a shit either way. Especially looking at how they haven’t fought back against narratives around illegal migrants being criminal superpredators, even though that’s all completely made up. There are other examples of democrats being totally incompetent but I do pretty much fully believe at this point that they’re controlled opposition.
More broadly, no, I don’t think I hold that the democratic legitimacy of the obviously dumb as shit system is more valid than the lives of migrants, trans people, the elderly and disabled dependent on public medical care, or really anyone else under threat right now. I don’t think they should have to suffer just because like, 20% of the population of the country are kind of politically unengaged dumbasses or psychotic small business owners who’ve been radicalized by facebook. I don’t even particularly think that said 20% of the population should be made to suffer just because they’re dumbasses or because they voted wrong, since we’re all products of our circumstance, and suffering doesn’t really make you a better person, so much as it just makes you suffer.
The FAFO attitude people are taking this time around is kind of concerning to me. Strikes me as very blatantly cruel, apathetic, and maybe naive. I can’t blame people for being disengaged, but I can blame people for taking their frustrations out on people. I’ve even seen those freaks that want to report people to ICE for both being migrants and voting for the wrong guy. It’s insane.
Find credible evidence of voter fraud or you’re no better than Jan 6ers. Motivation is not evidence. I’ve heard plenty of theories on how they could have but no evidence they did. It was comical how the right could believe these grand conspiracies and here you are
You ‘people’ understand that’s the point of the cry wolf tactic fascists use, right?
Every accusation is a confession, because then people like you find it distasteful to do the right thing, because it might be for the wrong reasons like when the fascists did it.
I hope you enjoy the next month. And I hope you enjoy the camps your president built that this one will use.
Because your self righteous circlejerk disgusts me. Your ‘side’ uses and expands on the decisions of the other ‘side,’ all to the detriment of everyday people. You’re not better than them, you don’t have better intentions, you’re not good people. At best id hope you people start building bridges, work together with your neighbors, organize.
But that’s not who you are. You’re the lesser evil, not the good guys. You’ll circlejerk each other with whatever scraps of ‘at least we’re not magats or commies hurr durr’ you manage to spit out right until you’re liquidated in camps; instead of doing anything good.
And honestly that’d be fine, but you’re so loud about it.
What do you want the Democrats to do?
Stage a coup of their own?
The Republicans won democratically and they’re doing what they said they would and the American population gave Trump his first popular vote win because of it.
Did they? Trump was bragging about Musk messing with the computers, which given Trump’s penchant for lying and Musk’s penchant for being terrible with technology, seems unlikely, but it should have still merited an investigation.
Also, the Dems rolled over in 2000 when the Supreme Court gave the election to Bush, so even if they found evidence of wrongdoing, I doubt they would do anything.
Do you have a concrete source or evidence other than the mouth of this ever changing talking head. Like real evidence? If not just stop, its embarrassing. I get that you don’t want to accept that people would be this stupid and vote for Trump again. But if you just deny reality based on some conspiracy you are not really different from republicans talking about a stolen election in 2020.
Its over, the MAGAs won this time. Lets face reality and accept it and deal with it. Denial gets us nowhere.
My point is is that the MAGAs would have won regardless of whether or not Trump cheated. The Dems are spineless when challenging the legality of an election. When the SC ended the recount early and gave it to Bush, Gore should have fought. When ballots were found in dumpsters, Kerry should have fought. Hell, I remember touch screen voting machines in 2008 having their grids miss calibrated in a way that gave votes to McCain, but never Obama. Obama had at least had a voter intimidation and fraud hotline setup in advance so it wouldn’t come down to a post election issue.
What I’m saying is is that if you want progress within legal means, you have to gut the DNC and get people with spines.
Yes?! Why shouldnt they?
Because they’d be staging a coup against the democratically elected government.
Most americans want this.
I doubt this, since less than 25% of the total population actually voted for Trump.
And yes staging an actual coup might be a bad idea, but doing nothing or things that have no effect is an even worse idea imo
He got over 50% of the vote.
Which is less than 25% of the population. A little more than 2 out of 10 voted for him
Everyone who chose not to vote agreed with this as well so that significantly raises that number.
There are millions of people living in the so called USA who are not eligible to vote or for whom its not accessible. Examples are young people below the voting age, felons, migrants or those in precarious living conditions.
Funny how someone with an anti electoral mindset has to point that out to someone who seems to be a supporter of electoralism.
I’m simply pointing out the Trump won the election with a majority of the electoral college and won the popular vote.
He won the contest by the rules and some people can’t seem to wrap their minds around it.
How about a counter-coup to halt Elon Musk’s brazen seizure of power and the administration’s illegal firings and shuttering of government agencies?
Half the people are dumber than avarage and american avarage is very low. It is also the job of democracy to protect the people from themselves. Coup the coup or be couped.
Yeah I mean, I love how people keep piling on the Dems for it. It’s the voters and Republicans to blame really…
Democrats still hold lots of power and they should use it to resist the fascist coup. They are the most influential and privileged part of the opposition and they should fucking act like it.
Dems should certain resist and kick up a stink. fElon should not be anywhere near any government responsibility.
However this talk about launching a coup against drump is very dangerous, and could be just the justification he is looking for to enact even worse measures.
Unironically, yes.
Well, I dunno if I’d have faith in the democrats to really do that well, considering they implicitly agree with a good majority of the shit trump’s doing and don’t really seem to give much of a shit either way. Especially looking at how they haven’t fought back against narratives around illegal migrants being criminal superpredators, even though that’s all completely made up. There are other examples of democrats being totally incompetent but I do pretty much fully believe at this point that they’re controlled opposition.
More broadly, no, I don’t think I hold that the democratic legitimacy of the obviously dumb as shit system is more valid than the lives of migrants, trans people, the elderly and disabled dependent on public medical care, or really anyone else under threat right now. I don’t think they should have to suffer just because like, 20% of the population of the country are kind of politically unengaged dumbasses or psychotic small business owners who’ve been radicalized by facebook. I don’t even particularly think that said 20% of the population should be made to suffer just because they’re dumbasses or because they voted wrong, since we’re all products of our circumstance, and suffering doesn’t really make you a better person, so much as it just makes you suffer.
The FAFO attitude people are taking this time around is kind of concerning to me. Strikes me as very blatantly cruel, apathetic, and maybe naive. I can’t blame people for being disengaged, but I can blame people for taking their frustrations out on people. I’ve even seen those freaks that want to report people to ICE for both being migrants and voting for the wrong guy. It’s insane.
Yes, that’s what I want them to do. And I’m still convinced that the Republicans didn’t win democratically.
They spent 4 years screaming about election fraud, and every accusation is a confession.
Find credible evidence of voter fraud or you’re no better than Jan 6ers. Motivation is not evidence. I’ve heard plenty of theories on how they could have but no evidence they did. It was comical how the right could believe these grand conspiracies and here you are
There wasn’t voter fraud and you’re asking the democrats to stage a coup against a democratically elected president because you don’t like them.
Basically its the same thing the GOP was wanting to do to Biden.
You ‘people’ understand that’s the point of the cry wolf tactic fascists use, right?
Every accusation is a confession, because then people like you find it distasteful to do the right thing, because it might be for the wrong reasons like when the fascists did it.
I hope you enjoy the next month. And I hope you enjoy the camps your president built that this one will use.
They’re both our presidents.
Why do you come in so aggressive?
Because your self righteous circlejerk disgusts me. Your ‘side’ uses and expands on the decisions of the other ‘side,’ all to the detriment of everyday people. You’re not better than them, you don’t have better intentions, you’re not good people. At best id hope you people start building bridges, work together with your neighbors, organize.
But that’s not who you are. You’re the lesser evil, not the good guys. You’ll circlejerk each other with whatever scraps of ‘at least we’re not magats or commies hurr durr’ you manage to spit out right until you’re liquidated in camps; instead of doing anything good.
And honestly that’d be fine, but you’re so loud about it.
Wow you’ve really got me pegged.
I’m impressed.
Being elected didn’t give blanket permission to destroy the state itself.
Yeah it did. That was a clear mandate and most of the American left stood aside and let it happen
I’d settle for secession tbh
How about not vote for Trumps appointments ? How hard could that be?