Read Turn Coat, book 11 of the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.

Another bad people/creatures/whatever doing bad stuff with magic, while Dresden stops them, while getting completely beat up book. I don’t mean that as a bad thing though. That’s why I read the books!

This had some interesting world-building stuff, with some new stuff in over-arching story. Also read the short story that takes place after the book (in the anthology Side Jobs), an interesting look at the relationship between Harry and Murphy.

Currently reading Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson. Book 2 of second era of Mistborn. Just started it, so don’t have much to say about it yet.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

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    2 months ago

    I finished Exo Hunter which was my next book in the Infinite series by Jeremy Robinson. It was another pretty good book in the series, so far I have to say that the worst book for me was the series namesake, from then on it has been a good variety of stories all within this one “world”. Is nice!

    Other than that it has been still on Deathlands. I’m still a little bit torn over how I feel about it. The main character voice actor I have got used to the change but a couple of other, and very specifically one character the voice acting has not only changed dramatically but the voice acting is now of a considerably lower quality for her. It is still very jarring even 20 or more hours on.

    On the plus side however it seems after a lull or around 10 books of noticeably poorer writing the standard has jumped up again for the last three books which now seem a lot better thought out in general and have been a lot more interesting to listen to again.

    I just hope they change that one voice actor out again soon and I can be happy xD (now on book 49)