
Donald Trump signed an executive order prioritizing U.S. resettlement of white South African Afrikaners, claiming they face “government-sponsored race-based discrimination.”

The order also halts U.S. aid to South Africa, much of which supports AIDS programs.

Trump accused the South African government of land seizures and discriminatory policies, though officials deny these claims.

The move marks a reversal of Trump’s prior refugee restrictions and is seen as aligning with right-wing narratives on South Africa.

      • @[email protected]
        551 month ago

        No, see, when white people oppress black people, that’s fine. When black people want to recoup some of what was taken, that’s DEI. Gotta stamp that shit out.

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        I get that your comment is tongue in cheek, but there is nothing Diverse, Equal or Inclusive about this policy.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Not hiring white men = racist.

          Doesn’t matter that the demographics of an office should, all else being equal, be roughly equal to the demographics of the community around it. If white men aren’t getting hired, there’s a racial bias at play.

          Now…we know all things aren’t being equal, because of generations of oppression. But that’s besides the point. To them, if other people aren’t being oppressed, then they are being oppressed.

          To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. Because white privilege is eroding. As it should.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      A whole lotta old qons in this country, if we are being honest. I remember their Outrage Industrial Complex wailing and whining about it in the 90s.

  • @[email protected]
    591 month ago

    Elon Musk, a clearly Nazi leaning former South African, is in charge of the gubmnt, and now resettlement of Afrikaners becomes a priority?

    It’s pretty clear who is running this government.

      • @[email protected]
        171 month ago

        I want to understand what you mean. Are you claiming that his native language is probably English and not Afrikaans so he is not Afrikaner? Or are you saying he isn’t a white man born in South Africa of European decent?

        • @[email protected]
          41 month ago

          If you really want to understand what he’s saying I suggest you read up on South African history. Or go the easier route and listen to the podcast “History of South Africa” by Des Latham which you can find, for example, on Spotify. Your line of questioning and the downvotes on that comment are a display of ignorance. It was simply a statement of facts, no questioning of Elon being an incarnate turd.

          • @[email protected]
            91 month ago

            Yeah that’s why I was trying to ask objective questions to ensure I understood what qualifiers exist and what doesnt fall into them. My feelings towards Musk don’t depict what I think of other South Africans. That would just be cruel.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          That’s exactly what I’m saying. His father is English South African and his mother Canadian. He also went to an English school. He’s not Afrikaans and therefore not an Afrikaner, so I doubt he cares about Afrikaners at all.

          • @[email protected]
            41 month ago

            Alright, so the primary language being English is the qualifier to depict whether or not they are classified as a Afrikaner. In the order Trump made does it specify English speaking won’t get preferential immigration status? I would probably need to read the text to be able to depict who gets preferential treatment or not. It would have to be fairly detailed to omit those born of European descent but not primary speaking a set language. The whole thing seems very segregationalist to start. How would it not be seen as racist to his supporters that say DEI is racist to give preferential treatment based on similar qualifiers?

            • @[email protected]
              41 month ago

              I don’t know what specifically Trump wants, I’m just going off of the linked article which mentions Afrikaners as well as the comment I replied to which made a strange correlation between Elon Musk and a demographic group that he is not even part of.

              The reason Afrikaners are specifically targeted in these discussions is because apartheid was led by an Afrikaner government. So a lot of the conflict between the black people and white people in South Africa specifically revolves around the Afrikaners. The English South Africas, which form a smaller group than the Afrikaner population, is kind of just stuck in the crossfire. After the fall of apartheid, the new black government adopted laws, referred to as the Black Economic Empowerment laws, which I guess acts a bit like the USA’s DEI laws that aim to provide what they refer to as “previously disadvantaged” groups with more opportunities. It is specifically these laws that Elon is referring to, but in the context of the recently passed Land ExpropriationAct, which in my opinion is not yet fully understood by everyone and what exactly it allows the government to do.

              Also just a side note, while language is a key identifier, the Afrikaner demographic is more than just the language. It’s a whole group of people who originally started in the Cape from mostly Dutch settlers, who then later moved throughout the rest of South Africa. There were also wars between the Afrikaners and English, such as the Second Boer War, so there’s been a long history of conflict. That’s why I wanted to emphasize that you cannot necessarily put Elon Musk on the side of the Afrikaners, despite him being white and born in South Africa.

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                Thanks for the response, I remember reading about the second Boer War but it has been a long time. I appreciate you being willing to discuss the topic levely even though people were casting downvotes without fully hearing what you were trying to point out. It may be because the first message was brief and didn’t contain the further extrapolation you have now provided. I look forward to learning more as this plays out.

  • @[email protected]
    541 month ago

    I’m guessing white South Africans are very good at producing eggs on the cheap, as President Trump is obviously laser-focused on lowering the price of eggs.

    • @[email protected]
      121 month ago

      Well Ya they have a couple hundred years experience forcing people with darker skin do all their labor. So they’ll fit right in

      • @[email protected]
        81 month ago

        couple hundred years experience forcing people with darker skin do all their labor

        Almost 400 years actually.

    • xapr [he/him]
      71 month ago

      “Trump” and “laser-focused”… most clashing words ever used in one sentence.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        Are you sure? For example:

        “A single seasoned engineer laser-focused on an arduous problem would trump a team of sloppy inexperienced technicians any day.”

        or more topically:

        “Trump’s trump Elon Musk is laser-focused on fucking up the United States on his behalf.”

        both seem like valid and plausible sentences.

        • xapr [he/him]
          11 month ago

          Well, I was just jesting about Trump, not directing it at you.

          But if you want me to break down what I meant, it was in a general sense of “Trump” as in the current president as the subject and “laser-focused” as an adjective for him, similar to how you used it in the post I was replying to. My point being that the man is completely incapable of being laser-focused. Neither of your follow-up examples fit that.

          I hope that clarifies. : )

  • @[email protected]
    291 month ago

    Trump raged in his order that South Africa’s government is seizing “ethnic minority Afrikaners’ agricultural property without compensation” and enacting “countless government policies designed to dismantle equal opportunity” in employment, education and business.”

    TLDR: The POS US president bitches about a lack of “DEI” in South Africa, without proof, and wants to bring more white SAs to the US

    • @[email protected]
      61 month ago

      Truly the most oppressed people in the world. One day, maybe we will see rich white men in charge of things.

  • Zerlyna
    1 month ago

    What happened to America first? /s

  • @[email protected]
    101 month ago

    Ah, the white refugee grift never fails to amuse. Trump’s clown decree isn’t about “saving” anyone—it’s apartheid cosplay for fascist optics. Let’s resettle the platinum-tier colonizers who still think land theft is a flex. Meanwhile, actual refugees drown in red tape while these chucklefucks get VIP passes.

    But hey, hypocrisy is the point. It’s a loyalty test: how blatantly can we rewrite oppression as victimhood before the bootlickers cheer? Spoiler: they’ll always cheer.

    Elon’s drafting eviction notices for Black South Africans right now. History’s a flat circle, and the fascist playbook’s on loop.

  • @[email protected]
    51 month ago

    LOL, it’s like donvict is stuck in the 90s. This was a huge issue on the Outrage Industrial Complex way back when.

  • @[email protected]
    51 month ago

    When I first read the headline, I thought this might be donvict wanting to move fElon to South Africa.

  • @[email protected]
    31 month ago

    From over here in Europe, I’m just hoping that the US government disintegrates entirely from internal strife, before they consolidate into a unified force that decides colonization was a great idea, but let’s UNO reverse it.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      Unfortunately, fascists don’t tend to do that. If there is a benefit to embracing the concept of might makes right it’s that the bootlickers don’t really mind when the Night of Long Knives stuff happens, they simply view it as the strong proving their strength and thus rightness.

      This descent into fascism won’t be stopped without a civil war, and quite frankly I don’t think the circumstances exist for it yet.