I would train my staff that unless I say otherwise, when I give you an order I mean get the fuck on with it, not do everything and then sit there waiting for a second order.
Yea seriously. Efficiency, folks!
But… Protocols! 🥺
I’d like quote one of Morn’s more inspirational sayings, but that might be a bit too longwinded. “Punch it” would do, I suppose.
I think I’d just go with “punch it”.
I always liked this one from Kelvinverse Pike. “Let’s rock and roll” from Cochrane would also be a contender.
Do the thing
Will Zhu Li be your pilot?
That series was so good!
“Let’s move.” Simple but effective IMHO.
Maybe “Send it” but I’d probably just say engage.
not sure I could stick to just one thing, I would be the captain that sometimes says something cool and the rest of the time embarrasses/annoys the bridge crew with the worst dad jokes
“bark! bark! bark!”
“Proceed.” is quite good.
We could also take a leaf from the French(?) translation of Captain Picard’s catchphrase and use “energise”. It’s a perfectly fine option.
I already quote Mario’s “Let’s a go!” whenever I’m trying to get my family into the car. It’d be a hoot to break that out each time and watch my bridge crew try to contain the groans and eye rolls.
oh, now we need a scene with T’Ana forced to captain the Cerritos
Excuse me, are you saying meow?
Hiss <Displays claws>
I’m more just “Let’s go.”
The real question is what do airplane pilots say today when they take off? Do they just sit there and push a lever in silence?
When Adam Savage was doing flight training for the mythbusters U2 episode, the Blue Angels pilot would say, “aaaand HIT IT” when he pulled the high G maneuvers.
Pretty much silence, yeah lol.
They request permission to take off form the tower and then yeah silence.
Maybe in their heads they are like BRRRRR🚀
“Let’s boogie”
Although perhaps I’d change it if my bridge crew stood up and started funking on down, rather than taking the ship to warp.
Leeeeeroooooyyy Jeeeeennnnkins
Ensign, warp factor 4 on my mark… Mark.
Not everyone needs to have a “thing”. Though I do like Riker’s “give me warp in the factor of 5,6,7,8 snap”.