Welcome aboard! We’re a small community here, but active. Please feel free to pepper us with questions.
It, uh, helps with community visibility.
The green-trimmed ‘x Core’ books are replacements for the red/tan-trimmed books. They’re fundamentally the same, with some language changes, class touch-ups, and minor rule updates. The mapping from old books to replacement books is:
Core Rulebook -> Player Core
Advanced Players Guide -> Player Core 2
Gamemastry Guide -> GM Core
Monster Core -> Bestiary
It’s worth keeping in mind that the contents of all of the rule books is available for free in multiple places online, most famously on the Archives of Nethys website, but also piecewise on pf2easy.com.
I was looking at the Archives last night. I also got pdf copies of both the Player Core and the Core Rulebook. I thought the Player Core was the newer version, but the Core Rulebook kept popping up in my searches.
Are there any good apps (iOS preferably) for character building and saving? I love building characters to get a feel for a system, and they come in handy as NPCs while GM’ing.
Welcome aboard! We’re a small community here, but active. Please feel free to pepper us with questions.
It, uh, helps with community visibility.
The green-trimmed ‘x Core’ books are replacements for the red/tan-trimmed books. They’re fundamentally the same, with some language changes, class touch-ups, and minor rule updates. The mapping from old books to replacement books is:
It’s worth keeping in mind that the contents of all of the rule books is available for free in multiple places online, most famously on the Archives of Nethys website, but also piecewise on pf2easy.com.
I was looking at the Archives last night. I also got pdf copies of both the Player Core and the Core Rulebook. I thought the Player Core was the newer version, but the Core Rulebook kept popping up in my searches.
Are there any good apps (iOS preferably) for character building and saving? I love building characters to get a feel for a system, and they come in handy as NPCs while GM’ing.