Hiiii lemmy! I’m TransfemGhostface. Hope y’all are having a good night. I was one of the people outside the courthouse during the trial, who corporate media referred to as ‘sick’ and ‘twisted’ for exercising our first amendment right to protest. Feel free to ask me anything!
"…an act of terrorism,” which is legally defined as an intent to
intimidate or coerceinspire and embolden the civilian population…not a question I’m just praying they don’t put our boy to death because it’s really looking like that’s the plan. Worst comes to worst I hope it would be a wakeup call to more people as to where we stand as 99%ers but I’m really hoping it doesn’t come to that at all.
That’s terrible! I agree though, sometimes that’s the best we can hope for…
Isn’t it a NY court? I don’t think there’s a death penalty there.
That’s why they’re trying it as terrorism despite that being at least a little bit of a stretch. Makes it federal.
That really seems like it would make enough people so pissed and despondent that they would have somewhere between 50-500 Luigis of their own making.
As opposed to one Luigi of their own making.