• Sun-Spider
    1 year ago

    Hey! This post is not specifically related to the lemmy.world instance. From now on, posts such as these will be removed, in order for the community to stay on topic. However, as this is a highly upvoted post, I’ll just lock it for now.

  • @[email protected]
    1661 year ago

    It’s not that you’re charging for API access; it’s that you’re charging US pharmaceutical industry pricing levels ($12,000 for something that should realistically be $200) and then only giving devs such a short time to implement changes. This was designed to kill 3PApps outright and everyone can see it. What an ass.

    • Naja Kaouthia
      491 year ago

      That part. No one is saying don’t charge but literally no one can afford to fork over that kind of money. Christian crunched the number to run Apollo for a year and it came out to approximately $20M. Twenty million freaking dollars. How is this reasonable?

    • Boozilla
      201 year ago

      I’m so tired of unchecked greed. It ruins everything. US Pharma is a great comparison.

      • Balthazar
        101 year ago

        Main reason why I’m gonna try and stick it out with Lemmy.

        Hard to corporate greed a decentralised system :D

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      This! I’m happy to pay more for my Apollo Ultra Subscribtion, but their prices aren’t based in reality, they have the only purpose of driving 3rd Party Apps out of business. And then they also wanna limit NSFW content to the official App and nothing else, that’s affecting a lot of Subs I’m in (a ton more if I count my throwaway porn account) It’s just ridiculous.

  • Aer
    1201 year ago

    Of course they aren’t going back. We saw how arrogant spez was. There was no doubt in my mind he is just going to rely on the fact that most people are rarely committed enough to do anything.

    My expectation… Some will stay with the fediverse. Others will see the blackout as a “we did everything we could” and then go back, business as usual.

    I for sure will not be back. I like RIF and it is the only way I browse. With RIF gone so too am I.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Unlike some of the 3P [third-party] apps, we are not profitable

    It’s their own fault. They didn’t have to take hundred of millions of venture capital and hire thousands of people. They didn’t have to go try to become a XX billion dollars company fighting with Facebook and Tiktok.

    They could be profitable with a hundred engineers, a hundred support staff and reasonable ads. They could make delivering ads part of their API and have 3rd party apps serve them for them. They could let those 3rd party app handle the mobile markets since those solo devs are creating better apps than the hundreds of engineers at Reddit.

    I’m really annoyed that they are changing a winning formula to build something that nobody wants

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      There’s this toxic idea in the business world, that in order to be successful you can’t just make money and be profitable, but your profits have to keep increasing year after year. This kind of runaway, cancerous growth is poison to the country and the world.

    • @[email protected]
      361 year ago

      This is like if a Grocery chain said that they need to stop selling Lemons to little girls because the lemonade stands were profitable and they aren’t. The scale of the two businesses is not the same… none of these apps have millions of dollars in VC funds or thousands of employees.

      • @[email protected]
        251 year ago

        But Reddit doesn’t need these thousands of employees, they’re already getting the brunt of the workforce for free (the mods). Like the other guy said, one hundred engineers to manage the platform, 100 customer service to help the mods/do admin and off you go, you just need a few unobtrusive ads to finance that. But that’s way too open and won’t turn you into a billion dollar business nor get you any love from advertisers or VCs, let alone going IPO, so we are where we are.

          • @[email protected]
            71 year ago

            As someone who’s 4 weeks into new job with very unclear duties, there’s definitely a point where a company loses a lot of efficiency because there’s too many people who don’t seem to do much for the company, even those who want to do more for the company.

            On the upside its a very low stress job with very good pay and benefits, plus I’m getting to do things like leading trainings that I might not otherwise get to do at this stage of my career

    • Corhen
      281 year ago

      and im willing to pay for API access. If Reddit started charging me a buck or two i would be ok with that. I recognize that servers are not free, and their profit has to come from somewhere.

      But charging app devs $20,000,000 a year is NOT the solution.

      • brianorca
        41 year ago

        And the Apollo dev said there were things they could have done, but the combination of 30 days notice, and the number of subscribers Apollo had who had prepaid for a year, (at a much lower price) the was no way to make that work. Plus Reddit had promised them no API changes just a few months ago.

    • @[email protected]
      211 year ago

      They also could have saved money by remaining a link aggregator/discussion board instead of deciding to host media as well. Any surge in costs is their own fault.

    • @[email protected]
      201 year ago

      They could make delivering ads part of their API and have 3rd party apps serve them for them.


      Here’s your API passkey. If we catch your app not displaying ads, your passkey be invalidated.

      Bobs your uncle, all the browser apps are now delivering your ads.

    • TurretCorruption
      1 year ago

      This is the big issue with growth investment or whatever the hell its called. Instead of being happy with a steady revenue, big companies have to always grow until they become completely unsustainable.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      If they were worried about money, then they should have remained a link aggregation/discussion board site instead of hosting media themselves.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        I’ve seen people saying “Lemmy can never replace reddit because the instances won’t be able to afford to host video!” …My dudes, I have never once asked my forum / social media site to host videos.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    It blows my mind that Reddit can look at 90% of its communities going dark in some way and think, “yeah, this is fine.”

    EDIT (AGAIN): Thank you all for the comments on total subs. It’s still clearly not 90%, but it still appears to be a significant portion of the active Reddit community. For the interested, check out the comments below for stats. :)

    • @[email protected]
      441 year ago

      It might be as Louis Rossmann said, it was a mistake to say "we’re going black for two days. They should’ve just says “were going black until you cange the rules again”.

      • @[email protected]
        221 year ago

        Abstaining for two days is enough to break a habbit.

        Reddit’s traffic might not recover for a while.

        • @[email protected]
          161 year ago

          Of course it’s up to the user to take action and abstain but if I open Reddit I see posts and can mostly scroll through my feed like it’s any other day. If I wouldn’t have known subreddits went private (and they didn’t sticky a message) I might have not even noticed since I’ll just see posts from subreddits who don’t participate instead. The power that makes Reddit so good is working against the community effort right now.

          The first thing I did this morning was open BaconReader from my homescreen before realizing what day it was. I replaced BaconReader with Jerboa to try and break the habit. It’s not easy and I think Reddit knows it.

          • @[email protected]
            121 year ago

            Is this for real? I wonder if different people’s r/all look different. Mine is a ghost land. I would know something is up instantly. There’s like 20 posts on my front page with 0 up votes from random ass subreddits I’ve never heard of. The content of the posts on the front page is wildly different than normal too.

            • @[email protected]
              61 year ago

              I never use r/all. But I just checked and most of the top posts I saw yesterday seemed to be there still, so maybe there’s indeed not much going on.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        Lots are just going dark indefinitely so hopefully it hurts them. I went to look on there this morning and their server response is worse than Lemmy atm so I dunno what’s going on.

    • @[email protected]
      241 year ago

      There are, apparently, 2.8 million subreddits. About 8,000 are dark, meaning that’s just over one quarter of one percent of subreddits. Even with some of the largest subs participating, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is no massive dip in traffic. There are enough subs still open with enough mass appeal that most people will just look at some other subs for a few days. And I’ll be honest, even though I’ve made an account both here and on kbin, I know I’ll still use old.reddit (with RES and an adblocker at least) most of the time, simply because I doubt any of the subs I actively look at will do any meaningful migration that would lead to a similar level of discussion.

      • @[email protected]
        201 year ago

        Hmm, 2.8 million subreddits, but how many are ghost towns? I wonder if anyone has a measurement in terms of monthly active users or something along those lines.

      • @[email protected]
        151 year ago

        Of all the subs I was subscribed to, there were I want to say only about 10 that didn’t take part in the blackout. I unsubscribed to all of them. I am now subscribed to only subs that either took part in the blackout, or in one case one that opted to remain public (due to the nature of its contents) but is blocking all submissions for the next couple days.

        For me, once RIF stops working, reddit will be dead to me. I will never install their official app, and 99% of the time I’m on reddit is on mobile. I have no doubt that old reddits days are numbered as well and that was the remaining 1%.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          IDK, he said in the AMA that old reddit isn’t going anywhere, and even if he’s lying I don’t think he would immediately do a 180 and kill it. The way I see it, it will probably be around for the foreseeable future.

          • VinceUnderReview
            31 year ago

            He was just bullshitting about API changes in April, he’s absolutely lying about old.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        Reading comment above yours i dont think the 2.8million is correct and it also states that there are only 100,000 subreddits with over 125 subscribers and only 34,000 with more tham 1000 subs. Of the roughly 8000 subreddits that went dark there are someof the biggests subscriber counts woth some having millions of subscribers. I think based on that that its actually quite a hefty number.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          It’s also worth noting that many of those massive subs, especially the default subs, have lots of overlap in subscribers. r/funny with 50 million and r/aww with 30 million does not necessarily equal 80 million people because there are millions, probably even tens of millions, of people who are subbed to both.

        • @[email protected]
          91 year ago

          Yeah, it’s kinda crazy. I support the blackout but deep down I know nothing of substance will come of it. Their dip in traffic is probably not much worse than when a major city loses power.

      • @[email protected]
        -111 year ago

        Why would anyone even want the job as a moderator on a dying site that’s going to be filled with trolls and spam? Heck, you’d be better-off just getting a job at McDonalds. At least that pays.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          Indeed - I think they’ll manage to find mods but the quality is certainly going to leave something to be desired.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          I agree that coming on as a mod would be undesirable in this climate, but I do think a lot of us as part of the protest have a bit of a blind spot. Reddit may be hurt from this, and they may slowly start losing users, especially if Lemmy or another good alternative start taking off, but let’s be a little realistic here. Lemmy has a total user base of around 112,000 people as of yesterday, though I’m sure a fair few of these accounts are the same person (I have 3 Lemmy accounts on three instances). Reddit has over 50 million daily users. (Lemmy’s active monthly user count is around 15,000 right now). Reddit’s monthly user count is 1.6 BILLION. If Reddit is ‘dying’, Lemmy has been dead and buried. (Yes, I know one is growing and one is shrinking this week, but it’s a little naive to think that will definitely stay that way.)

          Could Reddit eventually die and an alternative rise in its place? Certainly, but it’s going to be a couple years off.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          In every situation in real life where there is a corrupt person on the brink of losing their position of power, there are dozens of people silently ready to give up their morals to be the next anointed person of power in that position.

          The next moderators will be the ones who innately want the new Reddit to succeed. I imagine the newly chosen moderators of the largest communities are those power users/top posters who have been wanting to be a mod for a long time. Here is their chance. They will be given free Premium Reddit and have no problem with ads because they won’t see them.

          This streamlining of the mods is great for business – you don’t have competing narratives and you still have people doing cheap or almost free labor. It’s a thinning of the herd.

          Reddit replacing the rebellious mods with complicit mods is going to happen, and it will be good for investors. They want to drive out the unmarketable moderators and users. They want a unified, top-down Reddit to feed information to consumers. No discord, no discussion, no possibility to have a controversial thread or topic accidentally associated with your brand. Total consumption.

          The ads currently target people who eat at Taco Bell and worship Jesus (yes, one ad was really trying to get me to subscribe to a service that teaches me the “real” type of love that Jesus preached). This is the 100 billion dollar valuation Reddit that will exist in five years, and it will be successful.

          And honestly, fuck /u/spez, but we would all let our personal Reddits die if it meant billionaire status and guaranteed generational wealth for our progeny for the next quarter of a millennium.

    • Max
      151 year ago

      There are absolutely not 2.8 million active subreddits. I just spent like an hour trying to find data on this. Nobody cites their sources. I used a dump of subreddit statistics from 2018, when there were just over a million subreddits. (Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ListOfSubreddits/comments/8gzmmv/i_created_a_better_csv_textspreadsheet_list_of/)

      There were ~34,000 subreddits with more than a 1000 subscribers. And 100,000 subreddits with more than 125 subscribers.

      Looking at https://subredditstats.com/ the top 5000 subreddits make up about 30% (based on an estimated 840,000 posts a day by some reddit user on a subreddit that’s currently dark so I can’t give a good link) of the daily posts and surely far more than 30% of the daily traffic.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        This makes sense to me. I was wondering how many were active, engaged communities and how many were shells or ghost towns.

  • Ɀeus
    791 year ago

    somebody else pointed this out, but it’s honestly bizarre he’s going in on the “we aren’t making any money” ploy in preparation for the ipo

    what’s the pitch to the investors? “please by shares in this unprofitable company, in the hope that we can become profitable by pissing off our userbase”?

  • @[email protected]
    721 year ago

    That’s what Huffman was saying BEFORE the blackout. Now that 8476/8838 subreddits are currently dark, I wonder what he would say now? I don’t really see how Reddit recovers from this. It’s sad because I loved it and there’s nothing else like it (yet), but there would need to be some major changes taking place before a lot of people consider venturing back.

  • Andreas
    591 year ago

    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

    — Napoleon Bonaparte

  • @[email protected]
    551 year ago

    RIP Reddit! This was all I needed to see to delete my reddit shortcuts from my phone and computer. let’s gooooo lemmy!

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Same. Dude is acting like a spoiled brat digging his heels in when everyone is telling him he’s making a huge mistake. It would be like the captain of the Titanic seeing the iceberg and thinking “It’ll move”.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      I think for me it was just the one last thing that pushed me over the edge. The content was starting to get meh and the bots were 👎

      Like I said a few other places, even if Lemmy only grows to be 1% of the size, I honestly like the small community vibe of it more than Reddit. More direct interactions.

    • Balthazar
      71 year ago

      I’m hesitant to remove my Reddit bookmark. Too many good memories.

      Might just burry it deep in my bookmarks

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      same here, the only reason I haven’t completely deleted my reddit account is because I still wanna sell some stuff there. Other than that, I’m not planning on using it anymore

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    521 year ago

    I won’t argue against the need for reddit to be profitable, they’re a business after all, BUT, all respectable software that is paid has different tiers of pricing, usually ranging from single-user to corporate-deployment.

    spez is complaining everywhere that they can’t allow corporate-level scraping of data to train AI for free, and that’s fair, but why don’t they differentiate “small” devs developing apps for users from “corporations” training AI?

    I find it really hard to believe it’s too difficult for them, other paid software/platforms do it all the time.

    The only logical explanation to me is they don’t want to, they just want to kill apps no matter what, that’s why the unreasonable prices for everyone, they’re just using the “no profitable” excuse to do that without a worse backslash than they’re getting already, tho they’re being quite stupid about it.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      The reality is they can scrape the content for “free” into another database without using API’s index it and then train off it. A high price tag is not a road block for AI development. The just need real user interactions and it’s the moderated forums that make it valuable as most toxicity is removed.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        So our next goal should be to embed “fuck spez” as a valid response into the AI.

        If we all run a script that changes all our comments to 'fuck spez" I believe we can do it

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        AI training has nothing whatsoever to do with API charges.

        AIs can be trained on stale data, or data slowly downloaded over days and weeks through slow & cheap bulk API calls. That’s not the situation with (e.g.) a third-party mobile app, which needs to make fast API calls to service user requests.

  • @[email protected]
    511 year ago

    Well Steve, it’s not profitable for me to be a moderator for free either. Feel free to let me know how profitable you think you’ll be after hiring enough staff to replace all the mods that’ll be leaving.

  • @[email protected]
    501 year ago

    There is literally no new information in this article and the title implies that it is in response to the acutal blackout, and not the threat of one. Bad article.