
Tesla is struggling to sell its Cybertruck, even after applying discounts of up to $6,000. Inventories are piling up in the U.S. and Canada, with demand falling short of expectations.

The 2025 model qualifies for a $7,500 tax credit, but the 2024 model—still in stock—does not. There are also concerns that the tax credit may soon be eliminated.

Tesla’s goal of producing 250,000 Cybertrucks annually seems unrealistic, and analysts suggest a cheaper single-motor version may be needed to stimulate demand.

The Cybertruck’s hype appears to be fading.

  • @[email protected]
    3310 hours ago

    It’s ugly, it’s heavy, it’s completely impractical, it’s associated with a petty tyrant.

    Nobody wants it.

    • @[email protected]
      10 hours ago

      It also has terrible build quality, is almost double the price they said it would be, & does zero things better than any of its competitors. Crazy to think that anyone would prefer to purchase something (or you know, literally anything) other than a cybertruck

      • @[email protected]
        410 hours ago

        Yep. Tons of recalls and it doesn’t help people get locked in them and die thanks to fires or other causes.

        • @[email protected]
          10 hours ago

          I like your positive outlook on life. It is a solid silver lining that fewer people will die needlessly, specifically BECAUSE Elon is one of the worst people alive AND a moron causing less people to own one.

  • _cryptagion [he/him]
    2111 hours ago

    The cybertruck didn’t have hype, it was a meme car. And Elon was always too stupid to understand that memes remain popular for a very short amount of time before attention moves on.

    • @[email protected]
      19 hours ago

      A lot of people were fool enough to put money down for it. Preorders were massive, something like a million, and they were projecting a waiting list of years. But when it showed up for double the price, half the range, badly reviewed, widely ridiculed and a raft of extremely serious issues those preorders just evaporated. It went from a waiting list of years, to no list at all.

      Since the article mentions Canada I can only assume issues trying to sell this wankpanzer have only gotten worse since Musk went full Nazi. Imagine being a Canadian and buying any Tesla let alone this one. Countries where this thing is legal should be seriously looking at their vehicle safety laws.

      • _cryptagion [he/him]
        610 hours ago

        NFTs have entered the chat…

        I think you mean smart people don’t dump a bunch of money on a meme.

  • @[email protected]
    4013 hours ago

    The right doesn’t want an ev and the left doesn’t want a car sold by a nazi. The cybertruck doesn’t have mass market appeal as a result. Sure the technofascists love them but you shouldn’t mass produce something when your target customer is Caroline Ellison of all people

    • @[email protected]
      1112 hours ago

      Their core demographic is people who only survived childhood due to the vigilance of others. It’s not really a growth market.

      • @[email protected]
        1012 hours ago

        They’re ugly and apparently the build quality is shite. Even without the inescapable nazi association I can’t imagine they would have sold lots.

    • @[email protected]
      412 hours ago

      Not to mention it’s the very epitome of ugly. Having more in common with a dumpster than a vehicle.

      • @[email protected]
        310 hours ago

        The worst part is its the most offensive kind of ugly: the kind where it could’ve not been, but also very ugly.

    • @[email protected]
      312 hours ago

      Yeah, exactly. Musk has totally burned his market. Maybe he doesn’t care now he’s got power. I do feel sorry for the people who bought a Tesla a few years ago because they wanted to reduce their environmental impact and who are now stuck with a car that has a powerful nazi association. I wonder if there’s a spike in people trying to sell them.

      • @[email protected]
        210 hours ago

        I think the adults in the room at Tesla saw it coming which is why they came with a contract that forbids the sale of the swasticars for a period of time after the initial purchase.

  • @[email protected]
    69 hours ago

    In the case it wasn’t even a Tesla car, they range from $80-100k USD, with discount and tax credit it goes for $67-87k USD.

    When you have so many other around that price range from BMW IX, Rivian R1s, Cadillac Lyriq, etc. I genuinely think you’re an idiot going for something that looks like that.

    I refuse to believe anyone who has bought a cyber truck is a normal person. I think they all must be people who would suck on Elons feet.

  • @[email protected]
    510 hours ago

    Good. It’s an ugly, expensive, unsafe vehicle that has no business existing. Oh and the CEO is a nazi cunt.

  • @[email protected]
    510 hours ago

    I drove one at an ev drive event, and I actually thought it drove interestingly. It was different from other vehicles and I didn’t mind driving it.

    On the other hand, the panels that make it up look like something I made in my garage with some stainless plate and a plasma cutter. It looked very “kit car” when you got up close to it. I can appreciate a hobbyist welding plate together to make things but one would assume Tesla should have at least a waterjet cutter to produce clean edges.

    Also, it is irresponsible to fund Elon musk.

  • Phoenixz
    2314 hours ago

    The Cybertruck’s hype appears to be fading.

    What hype? The only things it was known for since day one was being horrendously ugly, bad design, bad build, stupidly unsafe… Need to go on?

    The thing is more flammable than a Ford Pinto which is the only impressive fact about it.

    What hype?

    • @[email protected]
      110 hours ago

      TBH, it’s gotten a lot of press, much more than most cars, ev’s or not. Much of it negative though, so not calling it hype is valid.

  • @[email protected]
    2515 hours ago

    I would seriously consider buying one for $6,000

    Not $6k OFF, just 6k total because that would make it the cheapest new vehicle available and it’s worth that shitbox status

      • @[email protected]
        712 hours ago

        If they paid me 6k to take it, I would. I’d park it and use it as a whole house backup battery. I have no interest in driving around a piece of shit swasticar.

      • @[email protected]
        212 hours ago

        I would. I imagine the battery could be sold for a decent sum, and scrap prices for stainless steel usually aren’t bad.

    • @[email protected]
      413 hours ago

      Foreal dude! 6k is chump change, they really think anyone’s gonna waste cash on a death trap just cuz it’s dropped by 6k? Theyr twacked!!

      • @[email protected]
        414 hours ago

        lol there is that.

        6k though, haha I’m getting it at that point and I’ll just paint “fuck Elon” all around so folks know I only got it because it was cheap.

        I do think the truck will have a cult like following one day by collectors who were 17 when it came out but 75 at that point.

        If Elon didn’t have his nose in every piece of business around the planet and go out of his way to be famous/infamous, someone could have used it as a movie prop like the DeLorean.

        • @[email protected]
          211 hours ago

          In about 20 years I expect the Cybertruck will be on par with the DeLorean with the complicated history to boot.

        • @[email protected]
          213 hours ago

          Idk i think it might, but the problem is the Honda 0 series looks like it’s about to do what the cyber truck clearly was going for aesthetically, but like, good looking.

          If it winds up an early, ugly, and politically controversial interpretation on a style that winds up being picked up its not likely to hold the DeLorean position.

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    I mean Musk has done a wonderful job of BEING the brand and then tanking the brand. It’s a publicly traded company and his actions do not appear to be beneficial to the company. I wonder how much stock holder value gets eroded before share holders revolt.

    Edit: They’re starting to complain it seems

  • @[email protected]
    18 hours ago

    They are promoting that Nazi car in Taiwan. Where the roads don’t fit. The parking lots where all the chargers are don’t fit.

    Stupid marketing.

  • @[email protected]
    1615 hours ago

    Hate to be mean, but good. What worries me about these guys is if they can’t get the money (semi) honestly, they seem to find ways of taking/stealing it.

  • barnaclebutt
    5721 hours ago

    What an amazing time to be a BMW driver. No longer are you short penis’d douchebags the biggest assholes on the road. Congrats you shitheads, and relish in running red lights while people are trying to turn left.

    • @[email protected]
      1019 hours ago

      I had a BMW for a long time, and i was really quite the anti BMW driver, at least if you care what redditors say. I never rewlly understood the whole car cliché thing, BUT, fuck me i hate tesla drivers. Somehow they are always on their phones. Like phone on their head, not with the fancy bordcomputer. And because they are always on their phone, they can’t use turn signals. And even that aside, most tesla drivers seem to have a lot of trouble driving.

      • @[email protected]
        718 hours ago

        heir phones. Like phone on their head, not with the fancy bordcomputer. And because they are always on their phone, they can’t use turn signals. And even that aside, most tesla drivers seem to have a lot of trouble driving.

        the tesl driver demographic really changed since musky started coming out as racist