True… but we tend to be dedicated zealots - see e.g. how no k- or mbinners have so far responded to this comment chain yet, while instead multiple people rising to join the PieFed wagon.
Viva La PieFed? 🤪
(In truth we are indeed tiny - for now, but we will rise!)
lemmy. come at me kbinners
Beware the Piefed army
What army?
There are dozens of us, dozens!!
Dozens is at best a crowd, not even a horde, hardly an army…
True… but we tend to be dedicated zealots - see e.g. how no k- or mbinners have so far responded to this comment chain yet, while instead multiple people rising to join the PieFed wagon.
Viva La PieFed? 🤪
(In truth we are indeed tiny - for now, but we will rise!)
When the app gains stability, expect your numbers to multiply.
I should download Thunder and check it out in advance:-).
I tried Pfred, was amazed by Thunder (since Pfred is forked from it), and now I use Thunder to browse Lemmy.
You mean the archive format?
kbinners probably don’t have a working instance to see our convo
Not true! There is a single server, in Poland, with 73 users on it. 😁