I will give him credit he turned computers and phones into fashion accessories. He is closer to Coco Chanel than any tech visionary. If you think about it his methods were closer to QAnon or flat earth people. You can sell some people anything if you can convince them they are better than other people if they follow you. I am still salty about him overshadowed Dennis Richie’s passing who was a real tech visionary.
Apple’s shitty software isn’t the problem. Literally everything online is collected. Why wouldn’t they? How much do you think this comment costs outside the fediverse? And fuck Apple, too you’re right
Steve Jobs, Edison, Elon are all similar to me as they used smart people and took most of the credit. Westinghouse at least for the time treated his employees above average.
I will give him credit he turned computers and phones into fashion accessories. He is closer to Coco Chanel than any tech visionary. If you think about it his methods were closer to QAnon or flat earth people. You can sell some people anything if you can convince them they are better than other people if they follow you. I am still salty about him overshadowed Dennis Richie’s passing who was a real tech visionary.
Steve Jobs a fascist? Like Vichy collaborator and Nazi spy Coco Chanel?
Edit not defending Steve jobs over here
Considering how much control Apple tries to exert over how you use your devices that does seem pretty close to the truth.
Apple’s shitty software isn’t the problem. Literally everything online is collected. Why wouldn’t they? How much do you think this comment costs outside the fediverse? And fuck Apple, too you’re right
Steve Jobs, Edison, Elon are all similar to me as they used smart people and took most of the credit. Westinghouse at least for the time treated his employees above average.