I haven’t used a clock in years that I need to manually reset. Older people don’t seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
You don’t have a car, oven, or microwave that isn’t internet connected?
This is the worst timeline
Some devices doesn’t need internet.
If they can count the days of the years, its possible the DST fuction is already built in.
Why would you want a stove that knows the year, month, or date? Like seriously, just because something can have a feature doesn’t mean it must have it! Day of week? … possibly (but weird). Anything past that is just dumb.
If the device doesn’t have Internet access I don’t want it to have DST built in. Time changes can be dependent on changes in your government. We’ve already had its start date changed years ago. Recently there’s even been some vocal officials talking about ending it entirely.
EDIT: typo
My oven doesnt have a clock. And dont rely on my car for the time. It cant even keep accurate time anyway.
Younger people always remind me that they are young. I have used many clocks over many years that I need to manually reset. Younger people don’t seem to realize that most people have appliances they don’t want to connect to the internet.
Very silly.
You don’t want to connect them to the internet? Like what, your oven? You don’t want your oven connected to the internet?! What if you have to raise or lower the cooking temperature or change the cooking time? If you’re doing that on the oven itself, you’re missing literal seconds away from your telephone screen. It can add up to minutes over the course of a week, depending on how often you cook. So now you know!
I remember a few years ago there was some super popular brand of smoker (like to cook food) that had an internet connection. On Thanksgiving Day they pushed out a software update that made the smoker unsuable to several hours. I saw tons of posts of people who were planning to cook their Thanksgiving turkey in their smoker but couldn’t use it because it was undergoing a system update.
Lol what a time to push updates. I would donate that smoker and never buy that brand again if it happened to me.
I found it. It was a pellet grill, not a smoker, from Trager Grills. They’re a pretty big and reputable company. And they’re an American company, so it’s not even like they didn’t know it was a holiday in the US.
Really! It almost feels like trolling to be an American company and push an update on a major cooking holiday. Lol
“Kids these days…”
The clocks built into appliances aren’t generally being relied upon to wake people up for work or school or whatever else is time sensitive, so it’s not particularly important that people be reminded to change them when the time change occurs. Phone clock updates automatically, and that’s the alarm for the overwhelming majority of people young enough to not be living in assisted care.
Maybe taking it a little too seriously, but thank you for putting a joke in there at the end.
A device doesn’t need an internet connection for daylight time adjustment. It would only need that to update its internal rules when the future clock shifts change
I wasn’t being technical. I was giving a light hearted ribbing to someone younger. When you counter that with “well actually” you take the fun out of it.
Sure, most of my clocks auto set, but not everything does. I had to manually set the clock on my stove, coffee pot, microwave, etc.
I just let them stay silly until they’re correct again
That’s no way to live, son
Time is just an illusion we created to fool ourselves into thinking is important.
clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
Fun fact, once my country decided to end daylight savings abruptly, and apparently propagating this info to phones isn’t exactly trivial?
So on the day they would start, some phones jumped 1 hour forward, some didn’t, seemingly randomly. That was a fun one.
I’ve stopped trusting automatic time adjustments since then.Most likely a software update should’ve arrived from your phone’s OS vendor, to update the machanism that automatically changes the hour per a specific country/region. My guess is those phones that continued to switch to DST never got the update.
Yeah, I suppose the issue lies with the fact that something like this shouldn’t be tied to OS updates, specially in Android land where most manufacturers stop offering them long before the devices become obsolete.
Indeed, but it is a bit hard to disable DST without some sort of “intervention” from the manufacturer. The code to change DST is already in the phone, at the time when you buy. And let’s assume at a later time, a country decides to abandon DST. The code in your phone needs to be altered by the manufacturer to disable this. Which happens via updates
You know what’s easier, though?
Not having DST. At all.
Completely agree!
I’ve stopped trusting automatic time adjustments since then.
AFIAK its built in. I like to turn off my automatic time setting to see how much the clock would drift (just curious lol), and the clock still jumped forward.
My cellphone changes automatically and so does the alarm clock that we never use. But the stove, microwave, decorative clock, and thermostat all need to be changed manually. And I still have a VCR and know how to set the time on it but it doesn’t update automatically.
I have a digital watch and a stove clock and microwave clock.
My “smart” microwave lets me sync time from my phone on demand, but can’t support ntp. Thanks, LG.
it will truly be a great day for humanity when our smart microwave can display accurate time derived from literally differences in things travelling the speed of light and atomic decay with redundant backups and systems designed to withstand nuclear war
a great day indeed
The best feature from my new microwave was the ability to turn off both the standby clock and the beeping. Revolutionary.
Sidenote: I hope someone manages to work out what protocol LG uses, so you can have your microwave continuously display time 13:37 or something else dumb lol
For older people it was seen as friendly and polite to remind others to change their clocks for daylight savings time. Alot of them probably dont have phones. I grew up pre-internet and the world was a much better place.
That feeling is nostalgia for a time when Reagan condemned many to die for loving the wrong people, DND was satanism, peter thiel’s and musk’s parents were busy apartheiding black workers to death.
The feeling will pass.
You know you are not responsible for everything that happens the moment you are born. It is a ridiculous stance honestly.
You are not, and nobody said you were…but woof, way to tell us where your insecurities lie lol.
However when you say you grew up in the pre internet world and it was a much better place, that is unfortunately called “wrong” and I was correcting you.
Me believing times were better then is my opinion. Just my opinion. People went outside, interacted with each other in real life, and formed real relationships. In my opinion those were better times. Now you have the crisis of loneliness, millions who have never even had a friend, and 90% of young people suffer from some phobia, mental illness, or personality defect. Now is a better time in your opinion and that is fine too.
Ah going the it’s just an opinion man, route.
deleted by creator
This type of all or nothing rhetoric is bs. It’s ok to be nostalgic for a time that was better in some ways while rejecting the ways that it wasn’t. The fact is, the rise of the internet has made life a lot more complicated and brought new problems even as some have been solved.
Yes, I agree, saying pre-internet times were somehow absolutely better is indeed bs.
You seem nice.
Yes, thank you for noticing
Yay! Cherry-picking to shit on the past is fun!
Why do you find apartheid fun?
See I can make a bad faith response just like you.
They also spend five minutes explaining driving directions.
You don’t have any clocks in your house or your car? Not even on your microwave?
I guess I don’t have any self control. I’m horrible for scrolling on my phone all day. If I needed it to know what time it is, or had to keep it in the bedroom to use as an alarm clock, I’d be toast.
No house clocks and I don’t drive
And you think old people are the outlier when you don’t have an oven or a microwave? No thermostat with a timer?
My phone may change the time automatically, but my brain doesn’t 😐
There was a period of time when some devices did the change automatically, while others needed you to manually do it. Given that you could be late for something important, it makes sense to check whether your devices are up to date. For example, my phone will change it on its own, but my fitness tracker needs to sync with my phone to do it, so it would be easy to forget and find myself running to a late appointment.
I’m actually glad I didn’t notice to change my mechanical watch, it helped me understand which way the time shifted - even after a day of post-incident investigation and report writing where I had to convert PST to UTC and back…
Insurance defense?
nah tech infra shit
My car’s clock needs manual resetting, so does my old radio alarm that turns on NPR in the morning. Coffeemaker, microwave, and oven all have clocks, and the wall clock of course. Most of these, I never use as a precise time reference, because they run slow or fast. They’re more for timing food or laundry, or counting the seconds while I grind coffee… Except one day I will glance and think I have a lot more time than I really do, so best to make sure they are at least close to correct.
Always remember: those run fast or slow because the company that made it was super cheap. Devices hooked to 120vac have a stable time reference.
I can’t afford a more expensive minivan just to keep the clock from gaining time. It already cost way too much because it’s wheelchair modified. Same for the appliance clocks, which are only there so the timer will function.
I should say the items that plug into a wall outlet. Your car time won’t be stable unless it has its own gps or cell antenna.
Had to reset the clock on my stove, microwave, coffee maker, and cars.
It’s no where near obsolete as you seem to imply.
My stove did need setting, but my 84 yo father in law’s car did set itself.
Stove, microwave, and two battery-operated dial clocks here. I didn’t go anywhere today, so I’ll find out in the morning if the car needs it. I honestly don’t remember. The Rice cooker just cycled back to correct. :-)
Here in germany i think there’s a radio signal being transmitted on a dedicated frequency that does nothing but distribute the current time information to digital devices. It’s really useful!
Canada had that up to last year.
It’s everywhere, but not all devices have the radio
That’s existed since at least the 60’s, maybe even earlier.
And electric clocks used to get their timing from the frequency of the electrical system, and power companies would compensate for any daily variations by changing the frequency over night so any timing systems would be back in sync.
Commercial buildings often used these kinds of clocks.
Are you sure you’re talking about the same thing as me? Sounds like devices use the 50/60 Hz grid frequency instead of an internal resonator/frequency generator to count forward the seconds. But it doesn’t tell the device “what time is it now” when you first switch it on.
Huh. That does sound pretty damn useful.
Id never even heard of it in Canada.
don’t worry. i got chu.
Wow! So much nerdy information! I love it! See y’all next year✌️
Most of us don’t bother with that. The only clock I manually change is the one on my car. The other appliances are always blinking 00:00 from whenever the last power outage was.
I will say that it’s useful having an always visible clock in the kitchen when cooking. For me that’s the microwave.
Technically it doesn’t need to be accurate, though, because it’s for time differences (boil for 10 minutes, etc)
Mostly all of those too, except my cars. My cars grab their time info from GPS and update automatically. Have for the past few cars I’ve had, but they’ve all been German.