This infographic is still incomplete; I’m posting it here in the hope that I can get some feedback about it. It has three goals:
- To explain what federation is. No technobabble, just a simple analogy with houses and a neighbourhood.
- To explain why federation is good for users.
- [TODO] Specific info about the Fediverse, plus some really simple FAQ.
Criticism is welcome as long as constructive.
EDIT: OK, too much text. I’m clipping as much as I can.
TBH, instead of an infographic it feels like storytelling. It is an interesting read in the end. Loved how you dissed Franxx (but Zero Two forever). You could try to take a different approach from infographic and turn it into a comic maybe?
You know what, that’s a great idea! insufferableninja also mentioned that there’s too much text for an infographic, but if I cut it out things get poorly explained. I can just reorganise some things here and there and boom, it’s like a comic strip! (a 9001-koma?)
(I actually like DitF, as flawed as it is. That quote is some obvious troll I saw in 4chan - I like to include this sort of stuff so it doesn’t get too serious.)
i find the concept of the infograpic having the complexity of a childrens picture book, but still being too complicated to be read through by redditors very saddening.
I’m actually thinking a lot about this.
I know that I’m verbose, so I need to keep the amount of words in check. But at the same time, I’d rather restrict the target audience to clueless but smart users, who could understand the concept. I feel like trying to tailor the material to the “waah 2+ lines of text TL DR lollmao” crowds is a waste of time.