There’s no ads when you use uBlock Origin.
No tracking cookies, either lol
This pop-up finally caused me to learn how the element zapper feature works
There’s a filter list for cookie popups.
This finally made me learn about optional filter lists
Its a big moment for most people.
Pretty sure this is illegal but I guess whatever fine they get is just the cost of business
i get they need to make money but i don’t think threatening to sell people’s data is going to foster goodwill
Get someone in CA or CO to sue. Laws are very straight forward there
This is Guardian UK I don’t know if Guardian US is doing this or not
Funnily enough, the UK has just had a report commissioned about it (and I’m focussing on the UK here since the Guardian is based there and OP alson said they were accessing the UK site). It notes that “In principle, data protection law does not prohibit business models that involve consent or pay.” Direct pdf link:
Gotta love how the legal system here outright ignores the laws that they’re ruling on, GDPR states that the accept and reject buttons need to be equally accessable.
Of the 2 million most used sites in the EU not even 10% pass the lowest bar of the GDPR. Thing is, that when the problem is this wide spread, the courts don’t want to open the floodgates when they start to percecute all those websites.
Persecute? They’re ignoring privacy laws.
Have a staff member verify a complaint is accurate. Send cease and desist to the domain admin, advising which law they’re breaking and remediations necessary. Wait 4 weeks. Send auto-fine to domain admin. Wait 4 weeks. Open formal audit of the companies GDPR compliance.
This won’t happen because we live in corporate dictatorships masquerading as democracy.
I choose option 3, violence. PopUpOFF, AdNauseam, CanvasBlocker, and Bypass Paywalls Clean. Fuck you, fuck your ads, and fuck your tracking. Please eat shit and die. 🙃
Presses back button
Exactly what I did. I’m more petty than interested in the Spanish neanderthal bones
tangential but I’ve given up on managing cookie preferences on most sites
I installed cookie autodelete and allow sites I care about, then let the rest get purged when I close their tab
it’s probably not perfect – they could still build a profile based on IP address, browser fingerprint, etc. – but I figure it at least makes it harder for a lot of em
plus I’m not on Facebook or Google or the other big advertising platforms so that helps
Probably the most reasonable strategy tbh. And fencing. And using multiple browsers for different purposes.
Only the rich can afford privacy
Not worth reading anyway
How did it come to be expected that information should be free?
Had a long day and I don’t understand how that applies to my comment. Please elaborate.