U.S. officials familiar with the planning said options for “reclaiming” the vital waterway include close cooperation with Panama’s military and, absent that, possible war.
Can our military just step up already and take these fuckers out? They are duty-bound to refuse unlawful orders.
And these people are fucking traitors.
25th Amendment also applies here. Orange hitler is obviously deranged and dangerous.
Never going to happen. They have given everything to MAGA, if Trump is out of the picture then it’s game over. No one cares about Vance, the population would be so enraged he would be impeached and removed faster then you can imagine.
If Trump is out of the picture the r’s will push Trump adjacent/instill another Russian puppet. And then will manipulate the votes, he’ll win 105% of the population.
Even if his orders are lawful, they’ve sworn an oath to defend the constitution from all threats foreign and domestic: they’re duty bound to engage him in the exact same way they do with a combatant from Isis or something. Donald Trump is an enemy to the US.
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Hear me out. If they take out president, vice present… An so on until ask the rot is removed, then the next sane president can issue pardons.
I’m not condoning violence, this is in fact just mercy
Yeah, military coups always work out real well
Well, we are between a rock and a fascist state.
They have, in similar cases, acted as a transition between untenable authoritarianism, and democracy. I would trust our top officers over anyone in Trump’s cabinet (or even the Republican Congress at this point).
I’m well aware of the dangers of a military coup. I just don’t know how else this could ever be stopped.
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Can it be any worse than the Trump regime?
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Dunno in what world lemmy users live.
Please remember that all this is noise to hide the great billionaire sacking of america. Smoke screen.
Threats to other countries isn’t noise… It doesn’t seem appropriate to hand wave away threats to other people.
Feels like they’re trying to overwhelm us with a barrage of shit.
The Drake v Kendrick rap battle taught us that refuting your opponent point by point leads to failure. You need to hammer your opponent on his weakest point over and over.
If we focus our efforts on his collapsing of the economy, will we be able to force him to drop the dumb imperialism stuff and focus on defense? I don’t know.
Yeah I’m getting really sick of that. Invading another country isn’t just “a distraction”
People of the US military: look up “illegal orders” and “Nürnberg” as long as you can find those terms.
'Illegal orders”? Why do you think was the reason for Hegseth to fired JAGs?
“illegal orders” and “Nürnberg”
American and British courts, as a general rule, refused to accept as a defense the plea of obedience to a superior’s illegal orders under any circumstances.
It’s a matter of time before Trump gets us into a war on our own hemisphere, and when he does, he will impose a draft. I wish some “journalist” (there aren’t really any left any more) would ask him about his opinions on forcing a draft.
I have a 25 year old son, and there is no way I’ll allow him to be dragged off by the government to die in a Trump War whose main objective is to destroy America for Putin, so Trump, Musk and their friends can loot America. There is no way my son will be joining a Trump military for any reason.
Same, putting my kids on the first flight out of the country if I even catch a whiff of Mango Mussolini thinking about imposing a draft.
Wait. What did I miss? Why mango? He’s orange.
Mango Mussolini gives that beautiful alliteration
I have to ask. Isn’t this just leaving the hard part to the poor and unfortunate? Why not have them stay and help stop this thing instead? Would you rather they come back once the dirty part is over? I’m legitimately curious, I do not understand, thank you
A draft is political suicide, nothing would get him off the white house faster. There’s a reason the wars against China and Russia have people from other countries slated to die.
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Assuming there’s an election
Panama Canal seize, Greenland, Canada as 51 state… I guess the 750 US foreign military bases are not enough for them anymore. Viva Colonialism.
In which case now is a pretty good time for all other nations to start shutting down their US bases and deporting all personnel back to America. We don’t need a forward operating base in our country if there’s the potential it could be used in such a manner.
i think at this point we can say for sure that puerto rico is a joke for them
Just wait until ICE arrest and deport AOC
Or he is just a blowhard
He doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt on this and should not be allowed to say such stupid shit as if he’s just some guest on a right wing podcast. He actually controls the world’s most powerful military and can make an invasion happen tomorrow.
His threats against allies and sovereign nations should be grounds for impeachment and removal from office before he does more damage do world stability and the reputation of the US.
I don’t think people on the global political scale should be given this kind of pass.
then-President Jimmy Carter transferred sovereignty to Panama in the late 1970s.
We’re literally just invading another country to take their property. Which to be fair IS a long rich American tradition, but gawdamnit it has to stop.
No no no, they’re invading another country to checks notes stop the flow of fentanyl where 901955% of it flows through.
Will this make eggs cheaper?
No, but it will severely disrupt golabl trade and make everything more expensive so you don’t think about eggs anymore.
Will that make the stock market cheaper? I have some recipes that use stock.
You’re not supposed to eat the stock.
Fine, eat the stockholders.
They’re eating THE STOCKS
… then Profit?
There goes the element of surprise.
Scream loudly if you carry a little orange dick.
- Roosevelt
Can we please just invade the White House and depose Donald? Seems better for America.
Exactly. He is the root cause of all of our issues. But going this route will cause a civil war - he still has many die hard supporters who are now unemployed and have too much time on their hands, not to mention the propaganda on social media… who will defend trump until everyone is dead. I can see some of his supporters stepping away if there is a draft. The upside, if there is a civil war Russia won’t be able to help Trump since they’ve been losing at their war for a few years.
Imagine sacrificing your youth and life to serve your country… And you are given commands by this orange turd…
There is no way my son will be serving in a Trump army, fighting in a Trump war. You know that it will be incompetently managed, with more of an emphasis on making sure lots of government war contracts go to those who have properly kissed his ass and paid bribes/kickbacks, rather than the safe and effective deployment of our troops.
So many things these days scream, “I want action, screw results!” It’s almost like as society we don’t understand mid/long term thinking anymore and are just constantly chasing instant gratification while digging deeper and deeper into the hole we’re trying to get out of.
The market demands results, all hail capitalism. It’s only burned the house down twice.
Fuck Trump. I can’t believe the shit this useless rapist is putting the world through. He needs to eat dirt.
…Are we the baddies?
Have been for a very long time. (love wkuk)
If this happens the government MUST be overthrown. If your tax dollars are being used to fund the unjustifiable murder of innocent people, you’re just as guilty as the ones doing the shooting. It would be better that we lose millions in a nuclear civil war than become the new Nazis.
If your tax dollars are being used to fund the unjustifiable murder of innocent people
“You’re gambling with World War 3.”
“You don’t have the cards.” 🃏
The title is wildly over hyping this news. He said to plan multiple strategies, not to gear up for an invasion. Of course the military is gonna plan a war scenario. This is not the frightening headline its made out to be, shock the military plans stupid ways to put boots on the ground, the military LOVES to plan wars. Click baity for sure!
I have no idea what you’re saying…
What is not frightening about planning to start a war? Are you saying that you could take the canal without starting a war? What other way of acquiring it are you thinking of? What other strategies do you think exist? When you ask the military to come up with multiple strategies to accomplish something, you’re really asking them “would we have to put troops on the ground, or could we do this with a bombing campaign? What about the threat of violence and an illegal embargo?”. But if you employ the military in any strategy they come up with, you’re starting a war.
I mean, I guess we could offer to buy it, but it’s a cornerstone of their economy, we wouldn’t like the price. And Trump doesn’t go in for “bad deals” (paying for things).
So I think it is have that unprovoked invasion is even on the list and that is enough to warrant the headline. Even ordering that to be considered is unambiguously bent a bad guy.
However, another strategy involving the military could conceivably include providing engineering support in exchange for being favored by Panama. Violence isn’t the only thing in scope of the military. So you say they have more than one potential military plan is technically conceivable.
Well, while it is possible that the military does provide a nonviolent strategy along with their other ideas, do know that Trump will reject that out of hand. As I mentioned earlier, he’s not interested in “bad deals”, and any deal like this would have to at least be not terrible for Panama, and anything that doesn’t cripple Panama will be “a bad deal”.
That leaves Trump with only military force, I’m afraid he has no choice, his hands are tied… 🙄
While they do report multiple strategies and I’m sure that’s true, the fact that explicitly unprovoked military invasion is even on the table at all deserves every bit of outrage.
Click bait, yes, but leave it up to trump to say the quiet part out loud over and over.
People should be afraid of what’s coming