It’s blatant extortion now.

    3 days ago

    Have you served your military? Or are you an American armchair soldier?

    If you served in Afghanistan you’d know Canadian soldiers was there. My cousin was involved with diffusing IEDs. So if we know how to diffuse IEDs you think we might know how to make them? We have knowledge of effective tactics to use against the US military because we were in the same war you were. That’s what being an ally means, but you wouldn’t understand that because you only care about money.

    Ukraine builds drones with a range up to 2000KM. You know Ukraine, the country Trump is trying to betray along with Canada? I’m sure they’ll build some for us. How far away from Canada do you live? Americans shit their pants when there’s a couple of civilian drones flying around in New Jersey LOL.

    How willing are you to get out of your armchair to fight in a war of betrayal? Here in Canada, we won’t have a choice. How long will you want to see young people being brought back from Canada in body bags? A year? Five year? Decades?

    There is no enemy like a friend betrayed. We know your strengths and we know your weaknesses. You obviously know nothing about us.

      3 days ago

      I’m not a soldier at all.

      I’m in the nation with the strongest military on the planet. You’re the one who’s trying to step up and pretend canada has a snowball’s chance in hell at contending with the US in a real armed conflict.