I used to use Neo Launcher as an open source replacement for Nova Launcher. Unfortunately it’s haunted by a terrible bug that regularly resets my home screen. Now I’m looking for a replacement. All I need is the ability to change the home screens grid size, the app icons (ideally also the names) and hide apps from the drawer. Any suggestions? EDIT: It should also be open source, obviously.
Lawnchair is my personnal choice
Wait what’s up with nova?
A data mining community bought it in 2022.
It made a lot of users upset and they moved on. I still us it. I paid for it, it did everything I want, and it’s sent a whole 25kb of data so far this year. I haven’t seen any actually evidence they’re doing anything nefarious with it.
Usually I recommend KISS or Kvaesitso, but with the customisation you ask for, maybe Lawnchair?
I’m open to suggestions too. I stuck with Nova Launcher and disabled its network permission. I can’t seem to find anything open source that runs as quickly and enables anywhere close to the customization. I don’t see a privacy issue related to Nova selling out (now that it can’t touch the Internet).
Oh, it’s not only me. I’ve been back to my stock launcher and not happy.
Maybe have a look at Smart Launcher.
Doesn’t seem to be open source.
Which wasn’t a point in your original post, though.
Yeah, then I have no idea. I can tolerate Smart Launcher not being open source, because of how good it is.