Yugi Oh The Abridged Series
Bugs Bunny far surpassed It Happened One Night. His manner of speaking, saying “doc,” and his obsession with carrots are a direct parody of Clark Gable’s character from that movie, but modern audiences don’t realize he’s a parody at all and instead assume the carrot thing it based on rabbits’ real dietary preferences.
Weird Al’s White And Nerdy, so much better than Ridin Dirty.
Galaxy Quest!
Still the best star trek movie
Airplane parodying the airliner movies like Zero Hour
Dr Strangelove parodying atomic terror movies like Fail Safe
Dr Strangelove parodying atomic terror movies like Fail Safe
I legit didn’t know it was parodying something else. I thought it was just gallows humour.
Nobody watches the other airliner movies, but at least with Airplane! you know you’re watching a parody.
Edit: Per other people in this thread, apparently not.
r/TheDonald. If I remember right, it started as a meme sub before he actually ran, then it was overtaken by actual supporters.
It was so weird watching that live.
I’m sad I missed that, actually.
Kung pow: enter the fist
Steve Oedekerk, the writer/star of King pow: enter the fist, is amazing in every way - especially if you were consuming media in the 90s. He
- wrote and directed when nature calls
- cowrote the nutty professor
- wrote including Patch Adams
- wrote Nutty Professor II: The Klumps - wrote and directed Bruce Almighty
- created thumbnation
- executive produced Jimmy Neutron and his studio gave us two Jimmy Neutron movies
I weirdly dislike most of these things. Nature calls was fine.
Still glad people found joy in his work though. Obviously talented.
Cunk - parodying Attenborough and cosmos style docs
Starship troopers - more of an active ignorance of source material
Happy Gilmore
Pretty much everything from Weird Al.
Definitely White and Nerdy, and Like a Surgeon and Amish Paradise are on par.
Word Crimes for taking a song about dubious consent and changing it into a legitimately educational song.
Hot Fuzz is the best buddy cop movie I’ve ever seen.
Hot Fuzz is one of the better examples in this thread, because it doesn’t run solely on ribbing buddy cop films. If you’ve never seen a buddy cop film in your life, Hot Fuzz is still a perfectly good comedy with some surprisingly touching moments.
Knowing what it parodies makes it better, of course, but it doesn’t look down at them.
Just as Shaun of the Dead is the best zombie movie (come fight me)
Blazing Saddles. It killed the western genre for a long time because of how well it parodied them
Austin Powers did nearly the same with Bond/spy flicks for a while. From Wikipedia:
Daniel Craig, who portrayed James Bond on screen from 2006 to 2021, credited the Austin Powers franchise with the relatively serious tone of later Bond films. In a 2014 interview, Craig said, “We had to destroy the myth because Mike Myers fucked us”, making it “impossible” to do the gags of earlier Bond films which Austin Powers satirized.
Airplane! lapped Zero Hour! so hard most people don’t know about the existence of the latter
TIL Airplane! is a parody.
It’s such a close parody that they actually secured the rights to remake it. Much of the dialogue is exactly the same.
Shit, I’m going to have to watch the original.
it also spawned the whole genre and although Leslie Nielsen made lots of movies before this, his legacy is this as well as the other parody movies
For my wife Spaceballs is the original and Star Wars is the spoof.
But more seriously, too many people didn’t register that Scream was a parody. That way it managed to surpass older slashers.
Can confirm scream was one of the first horror movies I watched and I just figured the rest were like that.
I wouldn’t call Scream a parody. Scary Movie was the parody. Scream was just self aware that it was a scary movie in a universe where scary movies exist.
I watched the original Scream years after seeing Scary Movie, and realized Scary Movie is just Scream on cocaine. A lot of the jokes are the same or just slightly different.
What’s the line between being self aware and a parody?
What’s the line between being self aware and a parody?
I feel like this would require a Venn diagram. Not so much a “this crosses the line” but some movies are parody, some are self aware, some are both and some are neither.
Funnily enough, I looked up self awareness vs parody, and the first movie based article specifically addressed those two movies.
To summarize, parodies show why those things being parodied are dumb, while self awareness is embracing the tropes while not taking itself seriously. Which answers my question.
I saw Spaceballs before I saw Star Wars. I cannot take any Star Wars movie seriously now.
Before Spaceballs, contemporaneous with Star Wars, we had “Hardware Wars”:
You’ll laugh!.You’ll cry! You’ll kiss three bucks goodbye!
My gf used to believe that Scary Movie was the original. She didn’t had idea that there was an actual movie called Scream.