Talk about burying the lede
Another explanation for why the JWST may have seen an overrepresentation of galaxies rotating in one direction is that the Milky Way’s own rotation could have caused it.
Previously, scientists had considered the speed of our galaxy’s rotation to be too slow to have a non-negligible impact on observations made by the JWST.
“If that is indeed the case, we will need to re-calibrate our distance measurements for the deep universe," Shamir concluded. “The re-calibration of distance measurements can also explain several other unsolved questions in cosmology such as the differences in the expansion rates of the universe and the large galaxies that according to the existing distance measurements are expected to be older than the universe itself.”
Ah, but Pimento, mon frère (ou peut-être ma sœur), that would be so boring, and inspire no science fiction whatsoever! It would mean that humanity made things far more complicated than they needed to be because we just can’t wait for more evidence to start hollering that we’ve got it all figured out and my idea is the END OF THE DISCUSSION!
Man, what if our whole world is actually looking out through an eternal bubble in God’s great bong though?
But it WON’T blow my mind because all these articles ever say is “eh, maybe”.
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Interesting reading, most of which went right over my head. 🤯
Hawking proposed in 2010 that BH can’t collapse beyond the event horizon, that there isn’t one.
In 2014 Vaz said the boundary is outside the Schwarzschild radius.
If they’re right, then there’s no inside to be trapped in.