Is there some kind of rate limiting trick to mod report federation and LW? I have, but it seems like only reports generated from LW do not federate, not sure how to make the two instances like each other - comments/posts seem to federate properly.
Reports from other instances work fine btw, just LW reports. For example I created - I am able to report fine between instances (account on SJW can report from there to HN or HN to SJW just fine). But I also mod LW/c/Technology, and reports to LW/c/Technology from HN works fine but on my instance it does not show reports to that community from other instances. I do not see receiving the reports in my logs that I can tell, nor do I see them visually on my instance.
Someone I talked to who had a similar issue mentioned LW rate limiting causing the same issue for them, is that what’s going on?
Open to creating a bug report with Lemmy, but since it seems instance specific I figured I’d ask here first.
Feel free to DM me if needed, thanks
Besides the rate limiting, report resolution has been known to not always work correctly either for remote accounts.
! usually suggests new mods to use local accounts