Ok, this might be a dumb question, but is it really technically possible in any way - even a convoluted one, like manually downloading HTML pages from Facebook? - to mass import posts from one’s Facebook into Mastodon or Friendica instead of painstakingly copying them one by one? I’ve got a 10+ year archive to port and it’s a daunting task to go through them…
Into Mastodon, I don’t think it’s possible easily
In friendica, There seems to have work on it, but nothing perfect it seems…
Maybe other people will find a workaround
The last poster says: “I found a roundabout way to go at it by transfering the posts to wordpress, I’ll figure it out from there :)” I would have liked more info on that, though I’m afraid there would still be a catch - I don’t use Wordpress anymore and never was a power user, so I’m not sure it would be possible on a free tier to stash an entire Facebook archive on a Wordpress page - and then what about importing it into the fediverse? There should be a guide for this somewhere.
That sounds like a good approach. If your can get the posts into WordPress, there’s so many scripts out there that will export the WordPress database into other formats.
Manually downloading HTML posts would be more difficult, but it might be possible by parsing the data export you can download from Facebook
The FB export files have everything (your posts, comments, reactions etc) as html files and images/videos.
Getting it from those files into parts that can be uploaded somewhere else will take some work. Either with programming if OP has knowledge, or copy-paste.
I don’t have much programming knowledge, however at this point I’m grateful if I can at least download my FB data - I haven’t tried it yet and, honestly, I’m afraid they might ask for my gov ID. I never wanted to do that, as they tried to when my account, where my main name was my pen name, got busted for “fake name”. Funnily, they didn’t ask for ID anymore when I inputted my legal name! I hate them for doing that - but now I also hate Bluesky for suspending my freshly started alt account and asking for ID via email - which is just bonkers and discourages me from sticking long term to Bluesky. Which sucks cause right now there’s a lot more activity on Bluesky than on even Mastodon, as far as I can tell.
Yeah, I was going to suggest a data export, as this will often give you a handful of files, most importantly would be a CSV containing all your posts. It would probably be relatively easy to automate the process with that file.