For the civilised counties that’s 1.75 meters.
Whaaaaat? That’s my height!!! That tank is what? 2 meters? And you tell me that’s a civil car? Like everyone can drive it? Don’t need to go to the army? 😳😳😳
Wow that girl is 3 meter tall what a beast
No it is the distance from the car lmao. Well tank.
That’s a weird looking tank
How else are the owners supposed to compensate for their 2cm dicks?
The insidious thing about the small dick energy is that it isn’t about the efficacy of the unit. They don’t care that they “can’t” provide pleasure (which, let’s just not dig into that for arguments sake, but I would contend the existence of lesbian sex sort of contradicts the whole correlation of dick mass to pleasure output, let alone the whole can of worms that is all the other miriad of genital and gender configurations). They view sex as transactional, performative, superficial, and perhaps even competative. It’s all about them. Even if they had a supreme dick, they couldn’t weild it. They’re stunted, and frightened. They don’t understand even basic communication, which I would argue that sex is at it’s core, just a type of communication. That kid in class that mocks the topic because they don’t understand it and that frightens them? So they try to tear it down and belittle the topic? Those are the kids that grow up to drive these trucks, and evidently run nations.
They view sex as transactional, performative, superficial, and perhaps even competative
I’m proud to be a filthy casual sex enjoyer
I might print this comment on sticker paper for reasons.
Use their fingers?
Who ever wrote that meme text has definitively been huffing too much exhaust.
i swear it used to be 5’10”….
but, i have been feeling taller lately…I’m 190cm and was never tall but I’m a giant among my little brother’s friends (adults)
I feel you, I’m 235cm and was always the short one
There’s diagrams that show the visual impairments such trucks have. They are worse than semi trucks and even an Abrams tank.
I don’t get how these people even feel comfortable driving something where you can’t see the road that’s in front of you for 10+ meters out. I just wouldn’t feel safe, there could be any kind of obstruction you can’t see on the road from 10m away but will still fuck up your day and/or life.
They don’t look or care. Their car is big enough that they’ll plough right through a bunch of kids before they even notice they’re on the sidewalk.
If they thought about things and came to good conclusions afterwards, they probably wouldn’t be driving this kind of car to begin with. The people who are driving it are probably not good thinkers.
I have one of these out of necessity. I don’t understand getting one as a daily driver for someone to go to their office job and pick up groceries.
As a truck driver I get it. It’s nice to see more. The tradeoff isn’t worth it and not why they do it. I would bet my paycheck they never take it off road either. Which would be the only good reason to raise something that much. Truckers have a good reason to. They have giant engine and transmissions that need to last for the industrial work involved.
but you don’t actually see more, that’s kinda the whole point here?
maybe you see over other cars but you lose sight closer to you
You see more further down the road. Which you need when it takes 4 to 8 times longer to stop depending on conditions.
Can you elaborate? I don’t quite follow.
4-8x longer to stop because of cold snowy or icy weather? Or because of increased weight of such large vehicles?
And why does seeing farther matter for stopping distance, when the rule of thumb is to maintain X car lengths or Y seconds between your car and the car in front of you? Not even a fully loaded semi needs the entire length of what their higher viewing angle grants them
4 if it’s good weather. 8 times in bad. Your reaction time in a bigger vehicle is different because of the weight. So both your guesses apply.
Maintaining distance does help, however it’s not a perfect matrix. People cut in front of big vehicles constantly expecting the same distance and it just doesn’t help. The added view helps. An entire industry is based on it and backed by all sorts of reasons.
What they haul plays a role as well. Liquids and gases slosh funny and higher speeds.
I’d be interested to see some studies that support the idea that increased ride height in a vehicle results in fewer accidents (or fatalities or injuries, however you’d measure it) specifically because of the change in viewing angle
I’m extremely skeptical, especially since taller vehicles are becoming more common, wouldn’t that alone diminish this effect?
It’s simple uneducated hubris. Nothing bad could ever happen to them because they are a Good American.
I have a Chevy 2500 to tow my RV (needed for the weight and it’s my home) and I hate not being able to see shit. I would gladly replace it with a cab over if they brought them to the states. The truck only gets used to move the RV from site to site and I have small single cylinder motorcycles to get around because fuck parking that thing anywhere.
Agreed, but some people drive that way. It’s their road, get out of the way. I had a 1996 Dodge dually long ago for pulling a trailer, and its visibility wasn’t very bad, except for around the damn side columns. I got into the habit of leaning forward and back as I would turn so that I had some idea of what was being blocked. At one point we had considered upgrading to the big trucks like the F-450/F550, and I got into one to see what it was like. I could see EVERYTHING. I was like, holy shit, this is luxury.
Side columns like that should be illegal. I was driving my stepdad’s '21 Silverado 1500 crew cab a few weeks ago and was totally blown away when I almost pulled out in front of someone coming from the right in a big ass truck.
This attitude is really prevalent here. As in you don’t really need to see the road, just the car in front.
People scream blue bloody murder about bikes on the road.
Looking at those dumbfucks driving their emotional support vehicle in the city, they don’t seem to be comfortable
They are driving slow and can’t stay in their lane, as they can’t judge the distances correctly
Emotional support vehicle? Don’t you mean Gender Affirmation Vehicle?
They don’t care, as long as they get to drive their behemoth and feel powerful.
That would require rational thought
If that’s supposed to be understood by Americans, they probably should have put the units in football field-school busses.
Length is measured in hotdogs, width is measured in hamburgers
Above a certain height, trucks should be mandated to have the engine behind, like eurotrucks.
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Yank tanks are multiplying on this side of the Pacific now too. I’m 6’3” and feel like a little toddler next to one. Just as easy to run over, no doubt.
I got ran over by a car while on my bike at a roundabout bike & pedestrian crossing: I’m so glad it was a normal sized Opel instead of a tank. Only got a bruise on my butt and even my bike just needed the front wheel realigned. If it was a F-whatever monstrosity I would’ve been hurt much, much worse.
Personal vehicles in cities should be limited anyways and public transportation/pedestrian & biking paths encouraged. I hate the dust rising from stud tires grinding asphalt.
@gurnu @FrostyCaveman
I think the majority of streets don’t need to be thoroughfares for cars. We could block and barricade most streets so that bicycles and pedestrians can pass through but cars can only get in and out by a single route. Anyone who isn’t visiting a home or business in that neighborhood just wouldn’t turn off of the main road. Rat running, the use of parallel side streets to avoid traffic and police speed enforcement also causes a lot of problems. #FuckCars #UrbanismYou don’t have to mention people when replying to them, they’ll get a notification automatically.
It happens when people come from mastodon.
How annoying.
I didn’t mention anyone, I just hit reply.The thing you’re using might be doing it automatically then. Perhaps you could configure it not to do it?
It’d probably be easier for you to just ignore the additional @format, especially now that you know why it happens (even though it annoys you). Mastodon to Lemmy communication isn’t seamless, but it’s cool that it can happen at all
And nobody’s gonna dig through settings to find a (probably non-existent) configuration that removes the blue links, when it’s something they don’t even see. Did you check your own config to see if it could remove the @'s from Mastadon replies?
Wayyyy easier to ignore your peeve and enjoy the upside of it all, imo
Or block? Idk, that would be a personal choice and feels counterproductive to me
Complete side note: I wonder if when a Mastodon user replies to a Lemmy comment that’s nested (like 10+ replies deep), does it @everyone in the comment thread? Is there a limit? I need answers, but am too ambivalent to try
You sound like a person that does not know how to restrict themselves and in turn restricts other people from annoying them, contemplate inner peace, and then take them more active management role in controlling what affects your mood via the block button
I will look into it.Thank you! Very kind.
My redneck ranch family has run over so. Many. Of their own dogs
The Onion having to change their repetitious article title from “Nation” to “Family”…
How else are they going to advertise their tiny cocks without public indecency charges?
Yeah, if they took a picture of them the police would arrest them for CP.
Should require a CDL to drive something that big. It’s a bus sized front end.
And transit busses have a flat front end and a large wind shield.
most of the buses in the next town over from me are f-350 and e-350s, so quite literally yes
Busses that size often don’t require CDLs, definitely don’t require a CDL B. A true bus is much, much bigger than a 350 (source, I drive a bus). An E350 has a GVWR of around 4-5 tons. I drive busses with GVWRs of 16-27 tons. (Their visibility is much, much better than this because the engine is in the back like basically all full busses)
neat! also fwiw where i’m at anything that seats 9 or more requires a cdl
Ah, where I am it’s “designed to seat” more than 16 for it to require a CDL. More than 9 seems more reasonable honestly, we have lots of non-CDL school “busses” here.
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Waow (basedbasedbasedbased)
Neat? Idk, I’m newish
Yeah I’m just here to fuck cars idk
I agree but I think that car hoods should be higher. If you’re hit by one of these you’ll die slowly of organ pulverization. It’d be better to be hit in the head and die quickly of head pulverization. It’s just that the poor truck cannot reach that high so it needs to be BIGGER. Maybe stick some spikes on there too, and have an optional extended package for saw blades!
(/s in case it wasn’t apparent)
@hedge_lord @Track_Shovel
Electric cars are even more fucked. The reason cars have the front sitting so far forward of the driver is so a combustion engine can get cooled by a radiator. Electric cars don’t need that. The driver should be at the front where they can see everything and the rest of the car should be behind them. Combustion engines shouldn’t be in cars. They should be allowed in emergency generators and emergency vehicles only. #FuckCarsWhat on earth are you saying? Electric motors and batteries absolutely need active cooling. And their interiors.
@noxypaws Electric motors get warm, yes. They don’t have a fire inside of them. There is a big difference in how much of a cooling system they need.
So, you agree, they need cooling.
Crumple zone?
@match I think having a big battering ram in front of you probably makes you worry less about your own safety. If the driver were in a glass bubble in front, they may suddenly feel like taking fewer risks while driving. The safety of others is an externalized afterthought with the current design.
I have a new idea for a car design, the front is a glass dome that’s shaped like a human head. You accelerate by pushing your face into the dome and slow by pulling your head backwards. Steering is done by moving your neck and shoulders. If you crash, the first point of impact is your face.
I can’t reconcile the exterior with interior pictures. From the outside it looks like the inside of that truck should be the size of a large sitting room with a Chesterfield and some end tables.
Gotta cram the plastic shit and uselss tech in there somewhere.
Cupholders! Gotta have more cupholders.
How much fuel does it burn in comparison to normal European car?
And then some
The headlights are at exactly the height to blind everyone who isn’t also in a truck as well. I’m convinced that auto manufacturers do this on purpose to force everyone into a size arms race.
Big vehicles lile trucks in America have lower emissions requirements, which makes them cheaper to make and they can sell them for a higher profit to these insecure dumb fucks, so it’s in their interest to make and sell large trucks
I lived on the ground floor, and the idea of smashing headlights of some vehicles came to me many times.
This was an aftermarket raise, so not really the responsibility of the manufacturer in this specific case
Yeah it should be on the state for letting this thing pass basic safety inspection.
Shit like this shouldn’t be street legal.
Perfect case in point…this truck is parked on the street. If that spot is the last spot before a parking lot entrance, there is no way for people turning out of that parking lot to see if it’s clear or not. It’s a hail-mary every fucking time. There was one of these parked in such a spot outside my kids daycare every single day last year.
And if they were to file a police report because they were mysteriously smashed, they’d get in trouble for illegal modification, yes?