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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/PenaltyIntelligent17 on 2023-07-08 06:23:32+00:00.

So me (14M) and my online friend (14M) of one year were playing some games together and out of the blue he asks me for my address. I didn’t really feel comfortable and I feel like he meant it out of good faith but after I said no he kept pushing and pushing. He even tried to guilt trip me by saying all his other friends were giving their addresses to him and he felt like I was invalidating him.

  • We have never face timed

  • He refused to show me his face all the times I’ve asked

I am still just a teen and I’ve been raised to never give a stranger my address or any personal information for that matter, I don’t know if he was raised the same but I feel like I have the right to set boundaries and if he doesn’t respect them that’s on him.

I’m just super torn and I don’t know if I did something really mean and cruel or something smart that could’ve saved my life. I would love some insight and feedback.

    2 years ago

    In my opinion, he’s the asshole for pushing. That said, if you’ve been talking for a year, I think he’s just trying to learn more about you and doing it wrong, not that he’s got some scam behind the scenes. But whether he’s real or not, a friend should respect your boundaries for something like this, it’s literally a safety issue, and he’s being a bad friend.

    If you value this friendship and think this can be a one-time thing, I’d unblock him and give him another chance to leave the address thing alone. If you don’t think he’s real or don’t think he’ll leave it alone, leave him blocked, and either way, he’s the asshole, not you.