I see comments like this from Americans who are surprised that Ukrainians are still working and going to school. Do they think people just stop needing food and rent money because the streets are getting bombed?
Weird that it would be coming from Americans given how often US media has depicted the importance of the homefront during the various wars that America has participated in.
Militaries still need food and supplies to operate, so someone has to be making/raising/growing all of that stuff. And those workers need to be paid, accommodated, and kept happy, so every other industry like banking, education, healthcare, entertainment, etc. needs to keep running at full steam to prop up all aspects of the supply chain.
They have Rosie the Riveter on a vintage tee but have no clue what she represents.
It’s similar to how Americans can have domestic terrorism be a constant occurrence but it barely is a concept. It’s not uncommon to have small cells blow up and sabotage electric grids during the dead of winter now. It’s common enough where every winter I have some prep just in case my grid is attacked.
Or even more regularly, lone wolves mass shoot people waiting for a 4th of July Parade, or the movies, or the grocery store, or a school, or anywhere really because being shot dead for no reason is always a consideration for an American. My family always has eyes out for mass shooters. There’s a few in my city every year.
Hell we even had domestic terror cells plot to kidnap and murder a Blue State Governor.
But still Americans generally won’t connect all of these things and call it what it is: an irregular war on a domestic level.
Americans who haven’t gone to war themselves, or haven’t studied this issue, think of war mostly and only as Total War. Where everything is bombed out 100%. There is no functioning anything and there’s only apocalyptic style survival. More like a zombie apocalypse scenario.
They don’t realize that “war” for normal people…is just life and life keeps going. Which is not unlike what most Americans live under every day—living life as best they can while trying to avoid massive hits of destruction and violence. (Ukraine is obviously a much higher grade of actual war.)
This concept of, the only real war is Total War, is partly why it’s so easy to sell to American Conservstives that Ukraine should just give up because they’re already dead. I think that the Americans who believe this propaganda would be shocked to know that anything still stands in Ukraine. I assume they assume that 95% Ukraine looks like post-bomb Dresden.
Also, wars are hella expensive. Taxes going up is inevitable, the cost of living will go up, it’s just a question of “when”, not “if”.
Property tax, and subsequently rent, is already going to go up thanks to the dismantling of the Department of Education. People just haven’t realized that yet. The federal taxes previously used to supplement schools will be going toward the wealthy tax breaks. We’re not getting that back.
They think that once all the capital is destroyed, they’ll get to live like kings by taking the full value of their work.
And they won’t accept to learn their work is only that valuable because of that capital.
We think we’ll be dead ya jackass
The pandemic showed us that we are willing to throw nice words around and call people heroes and then watch them melt down because nobody wants to work anymore to make my fajita.
*work for poverty wages while inflation hits 40-year highs, brought on by 14+ years of open-purse monetary policy.
Labor is always available at higher points on the supply curve.
serious question: if you refuse to serve during a war, do they just arrest you? And wouldn’t it be better than… going to war?
Depends on how the country decides to treat its prisoners.
Getting shot is also a common response in some nations.
Where do I sign up? Getting shot doesn’t sound half bad lately
Cheaper than bringing your own gun! The government can buy in bulk.
Finally, a universal care plan for the masses!
Serve? In WW3? Will just be suicide. Motherfuckers will deploy, and immediately be hit by a fucking nuke. Imagine this, 1 million troops land on a beach, and then in one instant, 1 million troops are gone immediately. The only real survivors in that war will likely be submarine crews and suited up, souped up, CBRN troops either way too deep into enemy line or way away from the front lines. Any warfare after the nukes drop will just be indicative of whatever fucking spite or malice that’s deep in humanity’s heart. I mean shit, I’ve asked my military friends about WW3 once, and they said that if the world is suffering nuclear hellfire anyways, and they’ve somehow survived? They’d immediately turn their tanks and guns towards the very leaders who sent the world into such a Holocaust.
THIS time the workers of the world will unite and tell the bourgeoisie pig dogs to get bent
There’s a universe where the Christmas Truce of 1914 has held to this day and I wish I was in it.
After Hitler, our turn!
I’m just gonna volunteer to go on the front lines and hope I get taken out as quick and painlessly as possible
You get assigned a task in an office managing computer infrastructure.
Computer infrastructure is the front lines now
I’ve seen many war movies where you just stick your head out of the foxhole and suddenly you get hit in the head in a very gruesome way. But very quick. Better than pissing off hulk and then getting your head grabbed and used to smash your body onto the dirt in full hulk rage. One thing not to do is to casually drink coffee or chocolate. That’s when they get you in the stomach. That’s a painful death.
You can always volunteer today even.
My mom always said, that if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life.
This design of molotov is unsafe.
You want the rag (soaked in fuel) to be affixed around the neck of the bottle so that it doesn’t blow up in your hand.
Stay safe, friends.
The real life pro tip is always in the comments.
I think the assumption is that WW3 will involve nukes, and the collapse of civilization as a result.
I thought I was sad before reading this…
Technically correct if you die… with the caveat that you won’t be able to do much else.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
I won’t have to go into the office, doesn’t mean I won’t be putting in work.
Working as in ten dead?