That’s HIGH noon to you, Scallywag!
Too far west. You’re in the Pacific Ocean.
What even makes the noon high?
When the sun is directly over you so a local noon vs some difference caused by a large regional time zone
Or when ya done smoked the devils lettuce
Is it historically accurate or is it just a western trope?
Duels? No clue, honestly. They definitely happened, but their frequency could definitely be overstated. As for meeting at noon? I think it sounds like the most reasonable time and would’ve been common if duels were common. This is pure, complete speculation on my part, so don’t repeat it without doing your own research, but I think the existing facts support my conclusion:
- Home clocks at the time were only seen among rich folks, often as a status symbol.
- Even if you did have one of these, they often lost quite a few minutes per day.
- Towns often had a clock for the church.
- This clock would’ve been more accurate than a home clock.
- This clock often rang at noon.
- Noon is (approximately) pretty easily verifiable by the position of the Sun being the highest in the sky.
- Noon means that neither party should have an advantage based on where the Sun is facing if you line up east–west.
- Noon is around a time most people are most likely to be the most awake.
thank you, kind OP, for making me watch this masterpiece of a movie
Movie title?
The room. By all accounts is a terrible movie.
i said masterpiece
Oh right, heard about that
Broke back mountain
Except you, Arizona Ranger and Texas Red. I didn’t forget about you.
The swiftness of the Ranger is still talked about today