Just about to finish TNG Season 2, I only watched the odd episode on television in the 90’s and ST: Enterprise is the only complete series I have binged.
So I saw Measure of a Man which was great, in addition to that one, what episodes should I look forward to?
The Inner Light.
That is the definitive answer.
Followed by Yesterday’s Enterprise, Darmok and so many more.
That is my favorite episode hands down. Darmok is probably my second. ;)
A person of culture, I see. 🫖🍵
I relate with the The Inner Light episode so much it hurts. I had a phase where I had dreams where I lived an entire life from childhood, getting married, having kids, to playing with my grandkids and eventually facing my death of old age. And then I’d wake up completely drenched in sweat from exhaustion. Knowing that none of these people I deeply cared about and loved are real; that they’re mere figment of my imagination completely devastated me. Though I didn’t suddenly learn to play a flute, I can’t help but feel that each of these dreams permanently changed me in some way. Even decades after having these dreams, I still feel and it still affects me. I salute to the writer of this episode who probably has had a similar experience as I did.
I concur!
The Inner Light is by far my favorite episode. Jean-Luc is visibly changed after his experience.
TIL it is Patrick Stewart’s favorite episode of the series.
The name instantly conjures the flute melody.
A wonderful piece of science fiction.
I’d say The Inner Light is almost universally considered the greatest TNG episode, although there are other great ones.
I in particular enjoyed The Measure of a Man, The Drumhead, The Chase, Who Watches The Watchers, Yesterday’s Enterprise, The Offspring, The Best of Both Worlds, Darmok, Chain of Command, The Pegasus, Lower Decks, and All Good Things.
Almost certainly the worst episode is Masks (or maybe Shades of Grey)
The Chase is one of my go-to feel good episodes!
Also mine!
TNG probably has the largest proportion of gold standard episodes of any Trek series, IMO. There’s so many great episodes.
In no particular order, several that come to mind for me are:
- The Best of Both Worlds
- Inner Light
- Tapestry
- Measure of a Man
- Darmok
Darmok is probably my favorite but this list is perfect
If you subbed Darmok for Yesterday’s Enterprise then this would probably be my top 5.
Darmok would probably then be in my honourable mentions list, along with Redemption, Unification, Chain of Command, I Borg and All Good Things. The TNG two-parters were almost always gold.
One of the things I really like about TNG is that the longer seasons allowed the writers to take more risks outside of the standard “planet of the week” episodes. Some of my favorite episodes are those that dive deep into some of the lesser seen characters and really flesh them out in a way we don’t usually get to see in more modern television. It depends if you’re more into this vs the more traditional plots, but if so I hope you’ll really like the late season episode “Sub Rosa”.
Yes! Sub Rosa is so ridiculous and so amazing at the same time. I love it.
Starship mine. Just Picard, his ship, some thieves and the uncaring death machine known as the remmler array.
Also bonus points for Tim Russ, data having small talk with hutch, and “ Anyone who is an experienced rider naturally has his own saddle”
Or as I call it, Star Trek: Die Hard
Maybe that’s why I like it so much
Or Trek Hard
Measure of a Man is great. Buckle up for Season 3 - it is the best season of TNG. Yesterday’s Enterprise and Sarek are my personal favorites.
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Absolutely going to back up Who Watches the Watchers, brilliant episode
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There are so many great episodes to chose from. Since most of the ones I’d pick have already been listed by others, here are my favorites that haven’t been mentioned yet:
- Time’s Arrow
- Cause and Effect
- Relics
- Data’s Day
Time’s Arrow is such a great two-parter, I’m surprised no one has mentioned it yet!
Cause and Effect is also my favorite! I remember watching it as a kid when it first aired and being blown away by the mystery and the twist.
Also the source of a great meme!
All these are great TNG episodes but no one has mentioned one of my all time favorites…
Also, the one where O’Brien convinces his former captain to turn himself in because he’s gone rogue and is attacking Cardassian ships during peacetime.
The Wounded!
Season 3 is where it starts getting good. Who watches the watchers, booby trap, Ensigns of command, yesterday’s enterprise, captains holiday, the most toys, sarek, I mean seriously season three is fantastic. Your gonna love it.
Season 3 is your reward for having to sit through Shades of Gray.
Yeah, we don’t talk about that episode… Lol
I’d watch Shades of Grey a dozen times over on repeat before wanting to watch Code of Honor.
I’ll be honest, it’s not tng but ds:9… I love “move along home” and I know it’s one of “those episodes”.
“Move Along Home” is objectively pretty not great, but I have to admit I really like it too. I appreciate what they were trying to do with it and they just never really got there. It’s a plot that I’ve cribbed for running D&D games in the past when player are unable to make a session. The party gets trapped in the game and the missing player/s is/are the one who’s on the outside trying to get them free.
Your one of the only others that have agreed with me. You nailed the plot. I’m a dm, and I never thought of that!!! I don’t know why I like it so much. It’s like you said, not a good episode. Lol. I would like to see more of the wadi though.
Booby trap and Yesterday’s enterprise are truly where 3 graduates, plus BoBW obviously.
But I actually liked Sins of the Father, it completely rewrote the concept of Klingons, this is the episode that took them from “evil alien stand-in antagonists” to “race with actual character traits and motivations beyond ‘KILL!’”.
Tin Man too, and the Defector, they both added the Romulans in with more flavor, S3 was actually Romulan heavy even if they weren’t onscreen for most of their action (The Enemy had one on screen but not… doing anything).
Don’t think anyone has mentioned this one yet … "All good things … ". It’ll take you a while to get there as it’s the finale of the whole show in S7.
It may not be the best episode or even my favourite, but I adore it as a finale for the show and basically think of it as my favourite finale of any show (anyone care to provide a better one?).
Otherwise I’ll plug “Cause and Effect” (5th season). A great little piece of science fiction in a stand alone episode.
It may not be the best episode or even my favourite, but I adore it as a finale for the show and basically think of it as my favourite finale of any show
I get misty just thinking about the last scene.
“Five card stud, nothing wild… and the sky’s the limit.”
Yesterday’s Enterprise is one of the show’s finest episodes.
Oh boy you are in for a ride. I also started watching TNG like 7-6 years ago from Netflix. Took me at least a year to finish (after which I move to DS9 which is also great).
The beginning of TNG has not aged that well (although it has it’s 80s charm) but once the series gets going, it becomes evident why it is considered a classic. Great stuff 90% of the episodes.
Lucky you! 😁
The Drumhead is one of my favorites
Tapestry followed by Yesterday’s Enterprise