Been a day today…

The course I’m on started with sharing a bit about each other in pairs, so that we could then introduce our partner to the rest of the room.

Mostly the usual stuff of name, role, time in company… but also something interesting about ourselves.

Feeling rather in “girl mode” when I got here, in femme cut jeans and a pastel striped top… and doing my own lipstick for the first time in public… I felt it would be easier to handle the pronoun situation this way… so I told my pairing that I came out as she/they a few months or so back.

When called upon to introduce me it went along the lines of “he… he… he… he… he… he… he came out as she/they and found the company very supporting”

At that moment I froze, felt crushed, didn’t know what to do so I just sat with a blank smile masking the hurt.

I spoke to the trainer about it at he first break, and she was so caring.

Fortunately the rest of the day my colleagues have been careful and considerate.

This was also the first time I’d gone full “she” in a casual context… rather than a flirty one.

It’s been so comfy and affirming today overall…

It’s lonely in this hotel… I’m missing my partner she can’t wait to cuddle up and tell her all about it… feeling quite emotional to be honest.