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Elon Musk would not have been looked upon kindly by anyone from star trek. Maybe Quark… but even then I’m sure he’d be shaking his head with a “143rd rule of acquisition: never let ego interfere with profits”.
Even the antagonists would hate him for being so clumsy and amateurish in his evil.
No, there was that one episode of DS9 about selling weapons that firmly cemented that Quark would be disgusted by Elon Musk and not want to be associated with him.
Quark has no problem selling weapons. You forget Rule of Acquisition #34… or was it #35?
“No one ever went broke selling weapons.”
Musk is the rich guy in season 1 TNG who wakes up after being frozen in the 20th century. He’s like:
“I have a substantial portfolio that must have grown since then.”
Picard just laughs and says:
“We don’t use money anymore.”
I think Dukat would like him. Elon is headed into his Pah Wraith phase.
But we all know Farscape is the best show.
Dukat would like him as a useful idiot. Same as the Saudis do
Yeah, like him for his utility. I think he wouldn’t respect him at all.
‘The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.’
- Professor Charles Xavier
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” -Spock
Maybe he just identifies with the Ferengi.
I legitimately can’t help tearing up when Picard tells this to Lily in First Contact. It’s pavlovian at this point.
First Contact is definitely on the top list of Star Trek movies/episodes for hitting a lot of the basic Trek themes. And also music scores, I get chills anytime I hear that main leitmotif.
I highly doubt he has ever sat through an episode of Trek. Well maybe he watched some Discovery. At any rate he is simply saying this because there is a public perception of Trek being nerdy and intelligent which fits his brand the the public persona he tried to cultivate, and its a show that stoked his ego once before.
I’ll bet his favorite episode is DS9 S4E16 where O’Brian and the Ferengi start a union to protest against Quarks unfair business practices.
No, it’s the episode of discovery where he is mentioned. It feeds his ego directly.
Yeah that one made me barf. Wasnt it Lorca though? Which in retrospect makes sense via mirror universe
Tilly went to Musk High
He was more than a hero
He was a union man
He’d be on Quarks side.
Spoilers for Discovery Season 1 below
it is probably because of that episode in which he is compared to Zefram Cochrane or the Wright brothers. Must have been good for his ego.
What I found funny is that Lorca come from the mirror universe, it makes sense that Musk would be idolized there.
Of course, it wouldn’t explain Tilly’s junior high school. Unless it was named after a better Musk.
That’s because we’re in the mirror universe. It all makes sense now, sadly.
This feels like Quark saying “I love the Federation!”
The Muskrat probably thinks this guy is right:
Yeah he’s very Musk-like. It’s also funny that the actor’s name is Richman.
Well, that guy at least ended up being of some help, even if he was a dick
He just says that because he got name dropped.
Is there a petition to undo that?
Who the fuck cares. He also wears pants. Stop caring.
I understand. You’re saying I should stop wearing pants.
On it.
Jorts only!
Something, something, broken clock…
His behaviour more like a colony villain than anything remotely positive in the Star Trek world.
We don’t want you Elon.
All I can imagine now is Trekkies desperately talking up Star Wars around Musk to get him to haunt a different franchise.
He thought this was a serious account, and loved it.
Lol, what’s the story there?
Oh no please don’t say that he’ll bring the Muskites here; hopefully the fact it’s federated/not Twitter will keep them away
Yeah, there’s no way his fan club would jump ship to the fediverse while he’s on Twitter.
But when twitter inevitably dies, what then?
Hopefully his fans are just loud and not actually that numerous. I’ve not met anyone irl who still likes the guy.
Yeah, me neither
Are we the baddies?
Skulls are very fashionable