Elon Musk would not have been looked upon kindly by anyone from star trek. Maybe Quark… but even then I’m sure he’d be shaking his head with a “143rd rule of acquisition: never let ego interfere with profits”.
Even the antagonists would hate him for being so clumsy and amateurish in his evil.
No, there was that one episode of DS9 about selling weapons that firmly cemented that Quark would be disgusted by Elon Musk and not want to be associated with him.
Elon Musk would not have been looked upon kindly by anyone from star trek. Maybe Quark… but even then I’m sure he’d be shaking his head with a “143rd rule of acquisition: never let ego interfere with profits”.
Even the antagonists would hate him for being so clumsy and amateurish in his evil.
No, there was that one episode of DS9 about selling weapons that firmly cemented that Quark would be disgusted by Elon Musk and not want to be associated with him.
Quark has no problem selling weapons. You forget Rule of Acquisition #34… or was it #35?
“No one ever went broke selling weapons.”
Musk is the rich guy in season 1 TNG who wakes up after being frozen in the 20th century. He’s like:
“I have a substantial portfolio that must have grown since then.”
Picard just laughs and says:
“We don’t use money anymore.”
I think Dukat would like him. Elon is headed into his Pah Wraith phase.
But we all know Farscape is the best show.
Dukat would like him as a useful idiot. Same as the Saudis do
Yeah, like him for his utility. I think he wouldn’t respect him at all.