What have you got going on? What are you looking forward to?
Is my birthday today so I’m gonna have a gram of mushrooms and watch a silly dumb comedy movie with my wife.
That sounds awesome. I’m not in to mushrooms, but that sounds relaxing.
HBD, my dude
Thank you! Shrooms are definitely an acquired taste haha. Have an awesome day
Happy birthday! Hope you have fun!
happy bday. enjoy your time and space.
Happy birthday!
The best silly dumb comedy I’ve seen that not enough people are aware of is “The Mouse that Roared”.
Saturday I’ll be running session 3 of a D&D campaign with some friends, Sunday my parents come over for some father’s day grilling, and Monday I have off work so I’ll probably just chill and play TotK for 10 hours.
My summer might be peaking here lol.
Aw man im jealous! My friends schedules fell out of whack so we had to stop our dnd games:(
Yeah, it’s hard. This is session 3 but session 1 was in March. We can’t really figure out a regular schedule so just decide when we can play next as we go along.
Thank you for running D&D sessions.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to so please fireball, slime or long drop the player character that needs it most, once, for me.
Not going to lie, that’s a tall order to beat.
It’s my step-dad’s birthday/father’s day this weekend, and we’re going to do something for that. My MIL and FIL are likely coming over as well at some point to see my kids. Low key is the order of the weekend.
Our computer museum has our monthly open house on saturday. We’re going to be working on our PDP-12:
Wow! that thing is cool!
Where’s the museum? Maybe someone on here is in the area and would like something to do.
Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
It’s pride weekend in my city.
So copious amounts of flag waving and alcohol
Have fun!
Planning to go out to the local state park and look for good boulders to climb. My goal for this summer is to transition from indoor to outdoor bouldering.
I’m manifesting tickets to a local festival right now which means I’m basically waiting for them to fall out of the sky and hit me in the face. I miss having money for these things! It’s meant to be rainy anyway so maybe I won’t miss much!
Apart from that I’m meeting a friend for some food and then visiting some family. I’m starting a new job next week so I might do some prep for that. Or I might not, I might just wing it on the day haha!
What line of work/industry is your new job in (if I’m allowed to ask)? Best of luck with the new gig, you’ll kill it.
Teaching! I’ve been in the wrong industry for years but I think this is where my skills really lie. I’ve terrible attention to detail and can’t plan to save my life so office work has been a terrible drag. Teaching is something that really comes naturally to me, I love being at the top of a classroom. I know you’re meant to plan loads for it but I’ve found even my best plans often get derailed and I’m good at improvising so I’m not going to get too hung up on the planning part!
Thanks for the well wishes, it means a lot :)
That’s awesome. The world needs more enthusiastic teachers.
Wishing you nothing but the complete realization of your goal and the personal fulfillment that goes with it.
Cleaning out the fridge is priority one, it’s out of control in there!!! Zoinks!
My daughter has a new best friend and I haven’t met her mum yet, so the girls have organised a get together for us at a local cafe so we can meet and get to know each other. It’s kind of a blind playdate for the mums, lol. The cafe they’ve chosen is between where we both live and the food and coffee are excellent there. Apart from that I’ll be making my weekly assault on Mount Washmore in the laundry, and continuing with my only occasionally successful attempts to declutter the house.
Mount Washmore
I’m adopting that.
Hubby’s out of town so the house is gonna GET clean and STAY clean. lol. Also, will be working on my Mitsubishi Delica that’s been converted to an RV. Cold beer, hard work. Check.
Working on a converted Delica sounds like a great weekend!
First 5k running race tommorow
good luck! what kind of training did you do??
At this point, I’m not really sure! I was supposed to spend this weekend with family for fathers’ day, but my dad’s sick with a cold. Prob spending it with my fiancee’s family for her sister’s birthday
My friends have been getting into Worms WMD! Im awful at it and its very unintuitive, but its still fun to just get drunk together and fuck up the plans of my friends who know how to play it, lol
It’s fun being the agent of chaos in a game with people who take it seriously. Makes things interesting, and sometimes you catch them with their pants down.
Right? Thats my role in any smash bros game too, lol
Moved into a new place, need to get some stuff for my home. Like towels, lamps, mat, utensil tray, bin, plastic containers… I’m headed to a factory outlet and I’ll try not to get carried away.
Might get a sound system if I’m not careful
Playing Delta Green with some mates on Sunday 👽
I did a 10,000 mph review of delta green. What do you play it on? a computer?
Up until a week ago, it was in person. Now I’m looking at virtual tabletops.
might go see a silly yacht club band tonight. attending a birthday party tomorrow. riding ~40 miles out on sunday morning, then taking the train back home that evening.
Going to have lunch with a friend on Sunday, so he can draw me a custom token for my commander deck! Then gonna cook house dinner for my co-op that evening, since it’s so dang hot I’m thinking something cooling like a quinoa salad