The title sums it up.
I always have to copy the message, reload and hope it was posted because the spinner never stops so I have no idea if the action was completed successfully.
I get this to EXCEPT early in the morning. 6AM EST. Then it’s instant.
I’ve been having this issue when posting a comment to a particular post. Tried multiple times over three days but still get the spinner. Opened a ticket for it yesterday.
I’ve noticed some of this in non-reddit forums, where we’ve discussed the situation at some length. I agree; it’s quite disconcerting.
Some people have even made it clear that they’re incensed at Christian Selig, like the situation is somehow his fault, and they consider him to be a gold digger who is just profiting off of the platform that Reddit generously provided, and they even go so far as to suggest that Selig needs to “pay his dues!!!11!!1” Even a well-reasoned argument (including a full explanation of the actual math) was ineffective at convincing them that maybe they don’t quite grok the situation… one person actually stated bluntly that he doesn’t even care; he basically just wants his subreddits back.
The mindset behind these kinds of comments just utterly baffles me. (shrug)
Wrong reply I think.
Man, that poor Christian Selig, he’s getting blamed for everything.
Same happened to me. Then when posting I chose “unknown” or whatever language (not English) and it worked.
Same thing for me.