With locatelli pecorino romano.
why does that look so good
And Pasta
Amen to that
Spaghetti are aesthetically pleasing.
Looks great!
My perhaps overly critical feedback: it looks like your pasta is very short, did you break it before cooking? Also, photos (the quality of which is a major contributor in a foodporn context) look better when the pasta is sitting neatly on the plate, learning to nest it could help make the pics look even better.
Well done, I’m sure it tasted amazing.
Thank you so much for the feedback and resource! Plating pasta is something I’m slowly working on improving as I get better tools for the job.
There was no broken pasta, but it was just barely al dente. The strands still had enough body that the ends were able to resist gravity, but I do think that proper plating will help me soften the overall shape and help me avoid that spiky profile that makes it look like I committed the ultimate pasta sin. :)
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It’s a solid recipe.
Just want to put this out there in case anybody is struggling with the sauce breaking, use an immersion blender if you have one! You can google it, there are a few variations on how to do it, but it works like a charm!
It’s soo simple, but soooo good.
At my house i call that spaghetti El Kabong