I like that idea. The sauce seems to be a bit out on its own, but a longer dish or maybe a drizzle over top instead of the pool beside would help make it feel more included.
I like that idea. The sauce seems to be a bit out on its own, but a longer dish or maybe a drizzle over top instead of the pool beside would help make it feel more included.
Thank you! I think this one can be improved but for my first tuille I was happy!
It did not last long, that’s for sure. :)
I added one. :)
No saffron, just a bit of chili oil from the nduja. I lightly sauced the orzo so they didn’t congeal into a ball of pasta.
Thank you for the compliments and critique! I never realized how unlevel my floor and/or table were until I poured this jus haha. It all rushed down to one side and saturated the puree, allowing it to break the dam before I could correct.
Thank you for always giving such detailed and useful feedback! It’s thanks to you and others pushing me to be better that makes these dishes a reality. :)
Meh, it’s whatever. The important bit to me is that you are helping me improve. I will be more meticulous the next time around thanks to your input. :)
Thank you for the compliments! I think my plating is getting better because I try to take as much thinking out of my daily cooking as I can, which leaves me with time to visualize dishes when it comes time to actually cook them.
I set my menu for the work week on the weekend so I already have a rough outline of the dish components, then gather all of the fresh produce and meat I need so I’m not playing iron chef every meal. I don’t deviate too far from the cooking techniques I know or try out more than one new thing at a time to ensure I stay in a semi-comfortable zone and can complete whatever I’m making. And since I didn’t have to think about what to make or how to prepare it, I can dedicate more time to visualizing the end product.
I also have a ton of inspiration from people like Jules Cooking and Chef Majk from YouTube that guide me towards more modern plating techniques.
Appreciate it! And thank you for always being so helpful and giving feedback. Despite the down votes you’re getting what you said is 100% accurate.
Appreciate the feedback. I noticed it after I had finished eating and was reviewing pictures. Nothing could be done at that point.
That wikipedia article details at least a half dozen different food items using the same name, some of which aren’t even pasta. And the German page for the term uses this pasta shape as one of their three default pictures.
Everyone’s idea of strozzapreti is right apparently!
Not yet, but considering the cost of the imported stuff, I think I will be making it at home haha.
I appreciate this comment quite a bit. I make meals for myself and try to have fun with things and see what options exist for me at my current skillset.
Do I want to eat like an elf every day? Absolutely not, I’d starve or be chained to my stove all day. But is it fun to know how to do the fancy plating for special occasions? Definitely.
Haha thanks; I wish I had a setup that nice but I’m just a home cook.
These sorts of dishes come together in about an hour with some preplanning. Once the ballotine is in the oven you’ve got enough time to do nearly everything else, then while it’s resting you get the plating worked out. If you can roll a cigar and have a mayo lid handy you can make this no problem.
It’s absolutely ispired by his dish, but simplified. This was only one thigh and breast of the chicken and didn’t include using the skin. I need to cook single servings since I just make these for myself.
Appreciate the plating compliments too! That’s my biggest focus lately. The jus was on the side but should be visible in the second picture I included.
It’s just a fancy word for salting the meat and leaving it to air-dry in the fridge. I put mine on a wire rack so the excess moisture drips away.
It’s 2 chilis in adobo, 1 clove garlic, and grapeseed oil blended together until emulsified