my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?
I highly recommend The Expanse on Amazon Prime. A number of badass female characters- Drummer, Naomi, Clarissa, Avrisarala, Bobbi. Not a single Mary Sue among them. 6 seasons, really gets into the meat of the story. Excellent character development,/Arc over the course of the series. Even the guy who is one dimensional (Amos) winds up having depths. If she likes to read, the books are even better. The same, but different. Also, the Murderbot Diaries are really good books, fast easy reads but very entertaining.
Sex scenes tho, be warned. Watched the first episode with my dad recently and it was a little awkward with the space sex. Not sure about the rest of the series.
There’s also a lot of violence, and a fair amount of gore, not kid friendly.
Hands down the absolutely best written female characters in sci-fi. Drummer is 5-foot-nothing, and she made Thomas Jane’s character literally about-face when she stepped in front of him.
I think my favorite is probably Contact. It’s an older movie, but it’s really interesting. The lead character and the general story made me really interested in science as a kid.
If you want a newer movie, Interstellar seems somewhat similar to Contact and is an excellent movie.
Also, thanks for looking for content that your kid would enjoy. You seem like a good parent.
Contact is such a good movie! I watched it when I was a kid too and I watched it more than once.
There’s also the added bonus for OP that the father/daughter storyline is the heart of both movies. This is also true for the other movie I was going to recommend, A Wrinkle in Time, but compared to the other movies OP listed it might seem too kid-oriented.
Teens love Dune because the Hero’s story is a trope that teens like. Dune will open up their taste for social-science fiction too, i.e., stories that pertain to societies and culture rather than simply pew pew lasers. Watch the 3 versions of Dune; the Lynch, TV series and the latest movie.
You had me - until you recommended that Lynch fabricated abomination …
People who are downvoting: why?
Is the David Lynch Dune that good? I doubt it. Should a kid be forced to sit through a cult classic? Probably not.
I feel like Dune fanatics leave logic at the door sometimes.
Is the David Lynch Dune that good?
It probably is in a Lynch way. I mean, Lynch usually makes outstanding stuff and I generally like his work very much. Not this one though. I´am much more a fan of Dune than I´am of Lynch and his adaption strays far away from the book, much too far! They made up lots of bs for the Lynch film that is not in the books at all (like the stupid “heart plugs” for example). My point of critique is not general quality but the obvious lack of respect for the original material.
However - I like the new Dune film by Denis Villeneuve a lot because you can tell the script was actually written by people who respect Frank Herbert´s vision. I very much recommend watching it.
I can’t believe no one has suggested “Everything Everywhere All at Once”
You’ll both be crying and hugging each other at the end of it.
Before you pull the trigger on this one, figure out whether your daughter is of an age to understand why the tax agent has butt plug trophies. Not just because it could lead to awkward conversation, but also because if your kid doesn’t have the maturity to grasp that visual pun they won’t get the rest of the movie either.
She does? I’ve never heard that, and I didn’t notice it. I understood the rest of the movie just fine.
Thanks for all the advice! I added some movies to my own to watch list, and here is the complete list of this thread (Sorted old to new).
- Forbidden Planet (1956)
- The Twilight Zone (1959)
- 2001 Space Odyssey (1968)
- Silent Running (1972)
- Solaris (1972)
- Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
- Alien (1979)
- Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
- Blade Runner (1982)
- E.T. (1982)
- Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
- The Last Starfighter (1984)
- Back to the Future (1985)
- Enemy Mine (1985)
- The Explorers (1985)
- Aliens (1986)
- Flight of the Navigator (1986)
- SpaceCamp (1986)
- Predator (1987)
- Robocop 1 (1987)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
- The Abyss (1989)
- Back to the Future part III (1990)
- Robocop 2 (1990)
- Total Recall (1990)
- Babylon 5 (1993)
- Fire in the Sky (1993)
- Star Trek: Deep space 9 (1993)
- Stargate (1994)
- Star Trek: Voyager (1995)
- 5th Element (1997)
- Contact (1997)
- Event Horizon (1997)
- Men in Black (1997)
- Stargate SG-1 (1997)
- The 5th Element (1997)
- Back to the Future part III (1998)
- Galaxy Quest (1999)
- Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
- Pitch black (2000)
- Titan AE (2000)
- Donnie Darko (2001)
- Planet of the Apes (2001)
- Firefly (2002)
- Minority Report (2002)
- Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
- Treasure Planet (2002)
- Bionicle: Mask of Light (2003)
- Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui (2004)
- Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows (2005)
- Doctor Who (2005)
- Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
- A Scanner Darkly (2006)
- Sunshine (2007)
- Cloverfield (2008)
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)
- Jumper (2008)
- The day the earth stood still (2008)
- District 9 (2009)
- Moon (2009)
- Pandorum (2009)
- Inception (2010)
- Space Battleship Yamato (2010)
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
- the adjustment bureau (2011)
- John Carter (2012)
- Looper (2012)
- The Hunger Games (2012)
- Upside down (2012)
- Coherence (2013)
- Dark Skies (2013)
- Europa Report (2013)
- Gravity (2013)
- Oblivion (2013)
- The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
- Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
- Interstellar (2014)
- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
- The Maze Runner (2014)
- Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
- The Expanse (2015)
- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015)
- The Martian (2015)
- Bionicle: The Journey to One (2016)
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
- Life (2017)
- Time Trap (2017)
- Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
- War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
- A quiet place (2018)
- A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
- Annihilation (2018)
- Extinction (2018)
- Prospect (2018)
- Ready Player One (2018)
- The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
- Ad Astra (2019)
- Inner Space (2019)
- Synchronic (2019)
- The Vast Of Night (2019)
- Love and monsters (2020)
- The Midnight Sky (2020)
- Mother/Android (2021)
- Stowaway (2021)
- Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
- Moonfall (2022)
- Prey (2022)
- Star Trek: Strange new worlds (2022)
- Vesper (2022)
Okay, that new Inner Space looks interesting, but I totally meant the 1986 one with Dennis Quaid. 😃
I’d add these two:
Space Sweepers
The Wandering Earth
As well as Netflix’s The Orbital Children animated series. This was excellent and would be great for a younger teen, I was surprised how good this one was.
(Edit: Someone remade The Giver recently too, that’s a classic YA sci-fi staple and worth a watch.)
If she likes animation the original Ghost in the Shell movie is great, so are Psycho Pass seasons 1 & 2.
Altered Carbon season 1 on Netflix is really good too, but probably not appropriate for a younger teen, I’d save that for the 16-17 age bracket. For older teens Akira is a great watch too, there’s some graphic violence in parts and one scene depicting suggested sexual violence.
yes, thanks everyone. This should keep us busy for a good long while.
Not sure how old she is, but if she’s 14+ I would recommend The Expanse
I’m glad that other posters have given you a broad sample of content, and nice to see a young person chime in. I’ve never used the parental info on IMDB, but relied on Common Sense Media for some guidance. It’s tough to make recommendations based solely on age, not knowing you limits as a parent, etc. But with that said, I’ll offer a little parental input on some (my daughter is 11, but she’s also the third kid, sooo…).
Previously mentioned things:
Doctor Who - man, I wish Jodie Whittaker had gotten better writing. Rosa was a cool episode to share with my daughter. Matt Smith’s run would be my pick for younger folks. Some scary elements, but tame.
The Hunger Games - yes! As long as you don’t mind all the killing. Highly recommend the books at that age too.
The Martian - I loved it and I think it’s a good suggestion. I just wonder about the appeal to that age.
Ready Player One - fun, easy, excellent popcorn flick. My son watched it over and over.
Ones I haven’t seen in the thread:
Firefly - Reavers are a bit scary for kids, and you’ll probably need to explain Inara’s job as a “Companion,” but so good.
Jumper - Teleportation, man! Another good read at that age, too.
The Maze Runner - First movie was good, family said subsequent ones were not. Can’t speak to the books, but they were certainly popular.
Men in Black - all fluff, but still a fun movie.
And finally, I’ll close with several 80s picks that tend to skew a bit younger :
- E.T. - duh.
- The Explorers - kids building their own space ship. Goes off the rails in the 3rd act.
- Space Camp - kids accidentally get shot into space and have to be real astronauts.
- Flight of the Navigator - the kids liked this more than I expected.
- The Last Starfighter - play game, be hero.
- Inner Space - honestly haven’t seen this in 30 years, but loved it when I was young.
- Enemy Mine - human and alien stuck in a cave have to overcome their hatred.
Hey mom or dad,
Just wanted to let you, I use the Parental Guide on Imdb before I watch content with my dad. Helps to get a feel for what I’m about to see.
Just above the “Did you know” section, you’ll see the parent’s guide.
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This. SNW is truly amazing.
I would say also ST-TNG, but the age of the show might make it difficult to get into.
How scifi? What time period? How mature is too mature? Without that, here is what I can recommend as good scifi, but you may need to sift through the content of each to determine if your daughter is mature enough for some. I have marked ones I think may need special attention by you with a ¤ icon. This is because it may be too scary, violent, or have nudity. Ones particularly egregious I marked with §.
A recommendation with ¤ beside it may contain brief scenes of nudity or some violence, or may make sexual references/jokes/innuendo, while a recommendation with § may contain scenes that are disturbingly violent or with scenes depicting graphic nudity.
- Forbidden Planet (
the original black and white is best but the color version is okay too) - Star Wars (Episodes 1-6, in release order of 4,5,6,1,2,3)
- Alien and Aliens §
- Predator (the first one) §
- 2001 Space Odyssey
- Star Trek The Next Generation (original series and Deep Space 9 were also pretty good)
- Doctor Who (take your pick of any season except the most recent one was not very good)
- The Last Starfighter
- Robocop 1 and 2 (the original ones not the remake) §
- Galaxy Quest ¤
- Abyss ¤
- Space Battleship Yamato (2010 release, its english dub is okay, I dont know how accurate it is to the anime but I thought it was entertaining)
- Bionicle 1-3
- Stargate ¤
- Neon Genesis Evangelion and the End of Evangelion movie (the 4 Rebuild movies are good as well!) §
- Super Dimension Fortress Macross (Robotech is okay as well, the first part is effectivly unchanged from the original)
- Titan A.E.
- Treasure Planet
- Bubblegum Crisis ¤
- Bubblegum Crash!
- Full Metal Panic! (all seasons)
- Space Dandy ¤
- Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs
- Cowboy Bebop ¤
- Dirty Pair ¤
- Trigun (the original release, not the recent reboot) ¤
Forbidden Planet (the original black and white is best but the color version is okay too)
Which one is the black and white version? The original Forbidden Planet (1956) was already in color, which is why maybe it’s easy to misremember it in black and white it being so early. There has not been a remake yet, unless you count the Star Trek franchise itself 😄.
I just remember the first time I saw it, it was black and white. Perhaps our TV was on its last leg, who knows.
- Forbidden Planet (
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I was pretty hooked on Babylon 5 from the start, and I can’t say the same for series like Star Trek: TNG! To me the world felt pretty fleshed-out and cohesive really early.
I actually need to pick Babylon 5 back up, I can struggle with watching series consistently, even ones I like.
I might be in the minority but I watched The Day the Earth Stood Still twice in my twenties and thirties and I found it almost impossibly slow. I’m not used to the pacing of old movies, so that might be part of it.
But I also was expecting more of a science fiction movie than a social drama. It has a robot on the cover. Haha!
I watched it the second time to understand what I didn’t see the first time, and realized it’s just not for me. I can’t remember my particular complaints other than the pacing, which might be fine if the kid is used to it.
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You’ve gotten plenty of suggestions, but I’ll launch an oddball one out, just in case.
Does your daughter already consume fanfic based on her favorite movies/television? “Young teen” is the prime age to start getting into fanfic on one’s own. I, and my entire friends’ group, were writing/reading up a storm at that age.
If she does like fanfic, maybe offer her the original book form of Ender’s Game. It has several sequels that never got made into movies. Likewise, if you end up watching the Expanse and like it, it started as a book series, and there’s a few books that didn’t get turned into the show.
There’s a LOT of excellent sci-fi out there that’s written that will never get made into movies or television because A) it’s not suitable for a visual medium because it’s too “thinky” or “in your head” which makes it difficult to film or animate, or B) It’s too new/cutting edge/weird for movie/television studios to risk putting lots of money on.
So if she’s already exploring the written medium as an ancillary way to get more content around existing movies/shows, perhaps offer some books in the genre? Most cutting-edge sci-fi shows up in books 10-20 years before it hits movies/television. So if she likes the sci-fi for the “cutting edge cool idea” aspect of it, there’s usually more to chew on on the lit side of things–both in quality and quantity.
Martha Wells’ Murderbot series is very popular, and although the name suggests otherwise, I wouldn’t flinch at giving it to a 12 year old to read. It’s honestly tamer than Ender’s Game (the book at least), where those kids are flat-out murdering/crippling one another in the book. Murderbot, in contrast, doesn’t really like murdering all that much.