Currently dabbing on some Cake Crashers persy rosin badder by 710 Labs. The taste packs a punch: earthy and sweet, with a sharp (citrus-y?) flavor.
I fucking hate living in the UK sometimes.
Because today is “107” for you guys? lol
Because we will never have decriminalised/ legalised recreational weed! lol
I figured, I was messing around. Maybe one day!
I know man.
Unfortunately I fear us brits can only ever experience the joy of unfettered recreational use vicariously via posts such as yours. My government is a bunch of cunts.
Enjoy though, looks fantastic x
Buncha cunts. Thank you, I’ll keep posting for ya 🫡
I hear you on that! New Zealand govt also dragging its feet. They wasted money on a stupid referendum which was nothing more than way for them to play it both ways. Then an extremist religious group got vocal and active spouting the usual outdated BS and surprise surprise the govt now gets to say, “Sorry, not our fault you vote against it. We’re just listening to the people”, ignoring that it was incredibly close and non-binding so they could make recreational legal anyway. Would be the first referendum the govt has ignored the results of.
They’ve sat on drug harms studies for decades and successive government just don’t give a fuck, they care more about their political careers.
At least I have my expensive medical flower.
I’ve seen it a few times but never gotten an answer, what does 710 stand for? Is it similar to 420?
710 upside down is OIL! Basically the 420 for dabbing/concentrates
Yup never would guessed that Thank you
I’ve got A5 wagyu from green dot and black tourmaline from Lazer cat, both are next level
Hell yea, enjoy it!
Completely forgot about oil day, I have some gelato waiting for me when I get home
Nothing, I only vape CBD flower lol
Before I saw the magazine name I thought 710 was a bowling reference. (I don’t know if bowling people actually celebrate Hardest Possible Spare Day but it seemed reasonable that they might)
Nothing special because I honestly forgot, but some Blueberry Muffin (purple panty dropper x blueberry) by DeSaus. It’s a hell of a hitter. Head high for a solid hour, very smooth pull with a hell of a kick.
I cracked open some new ones for today. Enjoyed some East Coast Sour Diesel live badder after work and I have some Octane Mintz cold cured rosin for this evening. Cheers!
Got in on some early 710 deals - the best being 2g of Banana Punch #1 Rosin by Decibel for $36, which is what I’m about to dab now
That’s a hell of a deal, cheers
This title sounds like a cop wrote it
Got a half ounce of some Blue Cheese budder I’ll be dipping Into this evening. Cheers bud!
That’s quite a bucket! Cheers!