Please for the love of all that is good! Please give us a (good) Splinter Cell game on modern consoles/pc
Please for the love of all that is good! Please give us a (good) Splinter Cell game on modern consoles/pc
I was thinking of suddenlyrenaissance
Al dente’s inferno
Guessing high water marks or saying the tide comes in quick and be aware at all times
Check for the nearest exit before takeoff, keep in mind the nearest exit may be behind you. Have a happy flight to Limbo
Middle all the way down
I was full expected them to board up the strip and make it so you can’t view anything without a ticket or “lucky” hotel room, but wasn’t expecting them to fleece restaurants and bars and threaten obscuring their views. But can’t say I’m surprised
Totally agree yuki may not be mature enough, but part of why he swears so much, from my understanding, is he learned English at the track, growing up around racers in Europe so tends to swear more then the average English speaker
Someone finally swept up all the DeBris and found Ricciardo hiding in the back
Makes sense, thank you
Crabby people
Never heard of this. What’s the reason behind Asian culture not showing the bottom of your shoes?
Alex Honnold is the best free solo climber in the world, man can climb el cap or half dome in a few hours without a rope, where it takes a normal climber days to get up. But the man literally has an underdeveloped brain, or at least part of it. After doing brain scans found out his amygdala has ZERO activation, so he literally experiences fear differently than a normal person, if at all!
Even crazier, noodles come from China/Asia. So what the fuck did Italians eat before Columbus?!
Totally agree no one want to be designated second best, just look at Webber, bottas, Rossberg, Barrichello! All great but just shells of themselves at the end! Look at how much life bottas seems to have after leaving Merc! Would be sad to see happy and bubbly ricciardo turn into that, but could see him enjoying a few years back near the top before retiring/ contract ending before the next reg change in 26
Like the restriction of view of the subject/yourself as a whole through the doors, but then the subject/yourself also restricting your own vision. Very interesting
I just don’t think anyone can compete with Max in that car, maybe ham or another top driver. They seeming were gonna let Checo fight with max, but then he shit the bed in Qualifying the past 5-6 races so doesn’t have a chance anymore, or are we saying RB has done it on purpose?! But do agree teams don’t want two number 1 drivers, after 2016 for merc, Baku and, way back, Turkey for RB, teams want a solid #1 and a competitive #2
Yup never would guessed that Thank you
They will just use holograms