Like most other people here, I originally came here from reddit. Ive been having a blast so far, and I much prefer the forum-style of this. After about a week of using Lemmy I realized there was something intrinsic to reddit that Lemmy doesnt have. And I wont miss it. Too many people on reddit were way too horny. I was really annoying, but Lemmy seems way more chill. Plus its refreshing knowing that the people on here arent all bots.
I won’t miss the adverts.
I’m so tired of being viewed as a revenue source in one way or another. It’s really nice to go open source and not have that any more.
I’ll miss my account, I’ve had it since 2012, but that’s life.
Lol, I kinda agree, which is somewhat related to another thing I won’t miss: The teenagers.
The lockdown + reddit’s new direction of becoming more like fb/insta has drastically increased the number of teenagers on reddit. I hate it. It’s like an eternal summer-reddit.
The discussions get crappy and stale, they don’t follow rediquette, they are insufferably naive but aggressive with their opinions due to twitterification of their online socialisation. and so.fricking.horny. TIFU and Askreddit almost completely became horny fantasy posting, and I blame the teenagers for it.
God I feel like a terminally-online grumpy old man for saying it, but UGH interacting with teens online is like a human rights violation.
Reminding myself that the person posting the worst opinions I’ve seen in my life is likely a 14 year-old with unrestricted access to the internet from birth is the only thing keeping me sane.
Hey redditors, what is the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed sexually?
Those people are just going to move here
Some of the subreddits could be great, but some could also be really mean and unwelcoming. So far it seems much more friendly here, and I hope that’s not just the honeymoon period.
Most people are still horny idk what you mean…
i personally at least haven’t seen any horny comments/posts yet, but i haven’t been here long either. on reddit, there’s comments like that on basically every post.
I already found several porn instances… (ᗒᴗᗕ)
can i ask a genuine question? i don’t look at porn personally, so maybe that’s why i don’t understand already, but why do you want to have nsfw content on lemmy? what’s wrong with using sites dedicated to hosting porn (ie. pornhub)?
Because on Forums its better categorized and some certain things (Hentai for example) are just absolutely garbage to find outside of Forums
The pessimistic Internet user in me knows we are in the honeymoon stage of a wonderful user base.
Yeah, I just encountered my first “average redditor” on here, but it was just one account among many great ones, so it’s still good for now, but the trolls will come.
You’re not wrong; I’ve noticed the same. Less ‘horny’ specifically, and more… reasonable and engaged; vs impulsive and reactive.
I think the accessibility of reddit vs Lemmy plays a feature there. Lemmy requires at least some level of tech literacy to understand well enough to use, and it also isn’t where most of the people are. So the people choosing to use Lemmy fully intend to use it; we’re not casual users.
Because it’s so easy to use, I think Reddit has a lot of young and/or immature people (demographics that overlap, but aren’t the same). So it’s full of impulsive, heavily-opinionated, casual users who aren’t really invested in their communities, that can easily make a new account on a whim, and that create echo chambers with their votes.
It’s not really Reddit’s fault, tbh. It’s an issue of user population, especially when 90% of the users do nothing more than upvote (so generically agreeable things rise) or downvote (anything that challenges them falls). The bigger a user platform gets, the more it homogenises.
Reddit was only unusual in that subreddits let it homogenise on a sub-by-sub basis and create echo chambers; a savvy redditor could still find smaller subs with better discussion (r/patientgamers rather than r/gaming for example). Or subs would get bigger and start becoming hostile or tribal, losing their original mission - and somebody from the old days would make a ‘true’ version (r/childfree vs r/truechildfree).
Lemmy is too small for groupthink to homogenise it (yet?). But particularly large instances could potentially go the same way given enough years. It’s just that Lemmy being federated means that we can make new instances, and defederate from any that we may find unpleasant. I’ve already learned of one portal that isn’t federated to my chosen one.
To add onto your point. One thing that we’ll have to watch out for is that toxic clout culture built up on other websites coming here.
It’s been something I’ve been thinking about in the context of all this. People aren’t coming from the void. They’ll have their own internet lingo and culture that they’ll bring with them to any site they go to. And while the design of a website can mitigate some of the worst parts of a culture, it can’t outright remove it.
Without near constant vigilance (like the ask a historian subreddit) most communities will end up dying off. And even then you’re at the whims of the platform.
I realise my point now is hardly even connected to yours, haha. Apologies.
Oh, there’s still plenty of time for that. I’ve already seen a couple of NSFW Lemmy instances,
That’s disgusting! Tell me exactly where so I know where to avoid! Exactly.
deleted by creator
Annnnnd just like that, I learned that tentacle porn is a thing. Why did I click haha
It’s been a thing literally for centuries, you’re late :P