Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!
Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!
Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.
So, how’s it going?
Taking today off work so I can wander into town and get a covid booster. Three day weekend that just happens to coincide with Bathurst, and a handy excuse to loll around on the sofa? I’ll take it. Each of my 'rona shots have been slightly worse than the previous one so I’ll probably need the extra day but after experiencing a dose of the plague and the joys of antiviral side effects, it’s definitely the better option.
Happy Friday!
It’s been a while since I had a booster, come to think of it.
Everywhere else has increasing numbers and the UK is about to start tracking again. I’m a compromised snowflake so thought I should hurry up and get it sorted.
Plus my 5G signal isn’t what it was so a topup is appreciated 😉
How many top ups have you had? I had one , my 5th Covid shot, about 6 months ago and I understand another is now available.
Yeah, seems everyone over 30 can get a booster now, so long as your last booster or infection was more than 6 months ago.
A lot of people are probably coming up to 6 months since they opened up boosters in April this year.
There are supposedly updated vaccines coming, but usually better not to wait. It sounds like the more we know about Long COVID the worse it is. Will have to book a vaccine in…
This was my 4th. I got thrown off schedule by coming down with the blasted virus right on Xmas last year and then kept catching colds when I was meant to re-up.
Stayed up watching a bit too much cricket last night (and woke up early to watch the end of the match on replay). Was a fantastic match, but I don’t do well with lack of sleep, so feeling the effects today.
Saw that the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater remake is on Steam now and bought it almost immediately.
I thought the moves would all come back to me like riding a bike, but I’m continuously embarrassing myself on the simplest moves - - like riding a skateboard.
I’m sure there’s an art imitating reality joke in here somewhere, but mostly because I saw another old coot on a skateboard the other day and thought I should try some more shin and ankle torture one of these days …
I’m in Fiji collecting soursop seeds and getting immensely frustrated with MPI’s inconsistent messaging about what process I need to follow to get them back safely tomorrow.
I’m following their actual Import Standards document which is being contradicted by the MPI chief officer at Auckland airport.
I can’t imagine that’s a straightforward process, even without inconsistency of messages!
I hope you get a bit of time to enjoy Fiji while you’re there.
Thanks! Yes I took the kids too and did the usual tourist trips with them, they’ve had a great time but they’re now getting quite upset about the thought of going back to school next week.
I introduced them to frozen soursop fruit and they loved it. If you’ve ever tried a cherimoya, it’s like that but with a nice sour note to cut through the sweetness.
I’ve had “custard apples” (which I think are cherimoya?)… sounds great, I love exotic fruit!
That’s it, yeah. Soursop is a close relative.
@[email protected] do we get an update from your meeting with HR?
Yeah, pretty inconclusive for now. They need to look into it, seems like they were taken by surprise as well.
Im inclined to believe them that they didn’t know the sensors were going in. They had zero talking points about privacy concerns and were flustered.
I think it indicates they aren’t planning on monitoring people, but something more like real time monitoring of desk occupancy for monitoring if they have too many or not enough desks. I can’t imagine a scenario where HR would not know about the intent to monitor staff in an organisation big enough to have HR.
However, things can still be privacy invading even if they weren’t intended to be. I think it’s worth fighting against privacy invasion even when (or perhaps especially when) it wasn’t intended. Think of security cameras covering staff desks, intended to provide safety to staff but in reality make staff feel the opposite.