From IMDB:

The wanted criminal Richard Bruno Riddick arrives on a planet called Helion Prime and finds himself up against an invading empire called the Necromongers, an army that plans to convert or kill all humans in the universe.

Anyone remember this movie? I just watched it and while there are boring parts, there is potential for intrigue and interest.

The necromongers also remind me a lot of warhammer. And I can see some parallels.

Your thoughts?

  • Curious Canid
    71 year ago

    I love Pitch Black, but I was a lot less impressed with the two follow-on Riddick movies. Part of that is the inappropriately accurate names (Crematoria, Furia) that feel like they should be in a YA fantasy novel. Part is the lack of three-dimensional characters, lack of character development, and lack of meaningful relationships. For me, Riddick was a fascinating character in Pitch Black because of the complexity of his motivations and his character development. In the later two movies he became a generic, infallible, superhero without any real personality, growth, or meaningful connections to anyone else.

    • @norske
      21 year ago

      Yeah, but the Furians are like SUPER mad about shit though!

    • Frost WolfOP
      31 year ago

      Thanks. I thought the chronicles was the first. I did watch the Riddick (2013) and thought there were only 2. Will watch Pitch Black this weekend.

      • @norske
        11 year ago

        Pitch Black is such a different movie than the 2 that follow. I separate the first from the rest as “stories set in a different universe using the same characters“.

  • Rikudou_Sage
    31 year ago

    I loved that movie! Just last year or so I rewatched all of them. Though I don’t know anything about Warhammer, can’t help with parallels.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    To me, Pitch Black is the only movie in the series. Watched it with family so many times. It’s on our “watch if you have nothing else to watch” list

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I liked the tie-in game, Escape from Butcher Bay, a lot more than this movie. The sequel Assault on Dark Athena was also great.

    Pitch Black and the more recent Riddick didn’t really do anything for me either. I think this property works way better in video games.