I’m thinking about hosting some kind of event to help drive participation in the community.

Some ideas we could do:

  • Weekly anime rewatch
    • A classic staple in anime communities, everyone gets together and agrees on a show to watch weekly, and we have a thread discussing it. This is the most likely candidate as of now because of its simplicity and wide audience reach.
  • Beehaw Sings?
    • Probably not this one, but I always have fun with these. I doubt the community is big enough to sustain this currently.
  • Art collaboration of some kind?
    • Also probably not, but if the majority of our userbase just coincidentally happens to be artists this would be fun. Slightly more plausible than Beehaw Sings because there are many mediums of art.

If you are interested in participating in some kind of event, please comment! This is also doubling as a “are people actually interested in this” post.

If you have any ideas for more types of events we could do, please share them! I’ll add the ones I could feasibly run to the list.

  • Pixel@beehaw.org
    2 years ago

    Currently airing threads would be awesome, or a “ones to watch” thread so people can talk about what they’re watching, either from the season or just in general for recommendations. I used /r/anime a ton for finding out what was worth keeping an eye on and I’d love that here