- Forget about a high-speed levitating train that would make long-distance relationships no longer a problem.
- Forget about cheaper and better MRI.
- Forget about near-zero heat loss in energy transfer and usage.
- Forget about nuclear fusion that brings us unlimited clean energy.
- Forget about anything that would take us into the 5th industrial revolution.
Superconductor toys should be a thing. Look at it go! Quantum Locking on a Mobius Loop. I could do this all day! By the time, Hot Wheels would change their brand name to No Wheel.
ps: LK-99 has been a rollercoaster for the past few weeks. It’s very likely just a normal magnetic effect, no superconductivity property found. And that’s okay; it doesn’t fail for nothing. Scientific advancement is a slog, and failing is the norm. Think alchemy — it’s a joke from today’s POV, but it brought us experimental methodologies and spin-off inventions.
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