Disclaimer: The narratives in these correspondences are shaped by my personal experiences. They are intended as entries in my journal. To ensure confidentiality, all personally identifiable details have been intentionally omitted from these texts. The possibility of anyone I am close to encountering this page is unlikely. If you find a connection with the information herein, rest assured that it is purely unintentional.

I want to delve into the details of the situation concerning my ex-wife’s refusal to financially support our children. As I previously mentioned, my ex-wife comes from a wealthy family and enjoys a substantial six-figure salary, earning around $300,000 USD per year. She lives in an impressive mansion that she built, while my income is significantly lower, and I struggle to make ends meet in a rental apartment.

In the United States, the law is unequivocal regarding child support, stating that all parents have a legal obligation to provide financial support for their children, ensuring they can maintain a standard of living similar to that of the parents. The calculation of child support typically considers pre-tax income, the number of children, and the time each parent spends with them.

Realizing the importance of my ex-wife’s financial contribution to our children’s well-being, I decided to take legal action and filed for child support through the local court, providing relevant information about both our incomes and the time we each spend with the children. However, the process has been complicated by the fact that this court system appears to be biased against men, creating additional challenges for my case.

Despite the legal obligation and our children’s rightful claim for child support, my ex-wife has been avoiding payment, leaving me without any financial assistance for an extended period. In contrast, she has engaged a high-conflict attorney to advocate on her behalf. Consequently, the accumulated amount of child support owed by my ex-wife could reach approximately $100,000. I am concerned that she may have spent more on legal fees and private investigators, potentially for harassment purposes, than the actual child support she owes.

In her efforts to avoid fulfilling her parental obligations, my ex-wife has resorted to harassing me to drop the case, attempting to blackmail me, and intentionally creating conflicts in front of our children to provoke negative reactions from me. Her actions are often subtle and accumulate over time, leading me to suspect that she may be receiving coaching from her attorney or another third party. I am cautious not to react, as I am aware that any response could be used against me in the legal proceedings.

From my perspective, the well-being of our children is of paramount importance. I firmly believe that my ex-wife’s negative behavior is detrimental to them, and I have diligently documented these instances. To protect the children from further harm, I have decided not to engage in responding to her provocations. Instead, I implore my ex-wife to put an end to this harmful behavior for the sake of our children. However, I understand that she is unlikely to comply, and I can only hope that intervention from family members may help in resolving the situation.

Ultimately, my main desire is to achieve a sense of peace and receive the financial support to which our children are entitled under the law. I find it perplexing why this situation has become so contentious and wonder if it is driven by animosity toward me. Nevertheless, I remain committed to advocating for the best interests of our children and securing the financial assistance they rightfully deserve.

Please feel free to comment on our situation.