Disclaimer: The narratives in these correspondences are shaped by my personal experiences. They are intended as entries in my journal. To ensure confidentiality, all personally identifiable details have been intentionally omitted from these texts. The possibility of anyone I am close to encountering this page is unlikely. If you find a connection with the information herein, rest assured that it is purely unintentional.

One of the purposes of making this information available to many is so that people can see the side that they never hear about. It’s very easy for family to listen to their loved one and accept everything word for word without accounting for any manipulation that they might be intentionally creating to make the other parent look bad. And once dad stands up for his rights and makes a big stink about things mom has then proved her point. “Look, here’s the angry dad acting up again, daddy.”, she yells. “Please have the harassers come and do their work!”, she says as she tugs on daddy’s arm to do something drastic. I’ve seen it time and time again, “I’ll just do a couple of things that he doesn’t like while taking advantage of court orders. When he reacts, his reaction will prove my point”. I have no doubt, based on my past experience with my ex-wife that the story she gives her family and attorney is a lot different from the one I have to tell. She does it intentionally to manipulate her family. For the attorney it doesn’t matter as long as she pays her bill, she will do anything for her and with the money that my ex’s family has, they will do just about anything, as I have seen. I know this because when I’ve tried to circumvent mom in the past by contacting family members, she has gone into a ballistic rage on me.

Here’s a prime example of mom’s manipulation. We’re allotted 14 days for vacation per year which has to occur in the summer. Mom informs me that she is taking our children to a first world nation overseas to see a cricket tournament that runs for an extended period of time. In fact as a good will gesture I agree to allow her to take our children for extra time. I tend to do this graciously and often and I’m always reminded of the fact that no good deed goes unpunished. I’m unsure as to why I’m still generous to mom because she will typically throw it in my face every single time. Unfortunately, something lingers in the back of my mind that she will turn over a new leaf and become a better person and more respectful towards me. But like every situation I get my hopes up high and she always disappoints me 100% of the time. Is this intentional manipulation? Absolutely.

So what happened here? Mom sends me her itinerary last minute. Not only is she taking our children to this first world nation but she is taking our children to a third world nation and two more nations on top of that. Four different countries instead of the one country I was given in the beginning of her request. She was likely preparing for this for months, gathering Visas and making hotel plans for these extra countries. No sense in telling dad about this to see if he had any problems right?. I was never told of these other countries. I agreed to one first world nation and she decides to drop this on me last minute, without notice so any complaint I’d have would be too late. If it were another city or state, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. This third world nation is a Muslim nation. Last I heard Americans were not on the top favorite list there. To be honest, my rights have been striped from mom a long time ago. She does what she wants when she wants and points the finger at me as the culprit.